Hair confessions #101

I'm natural and since discovering I was somewhere around BSB I have started unraveling all of my braids in the shower during poo-ing so I can open the curtain and see how full and long my hair hangs. This has lead to more work in the DCing prep stage but I can't help but stare.
I rarely protective style. I wear my hair out just about everyday. If you see me in a protective style its because I'm having a bad hair day. Which is kinda funny since I usually walk around with "bed head."

I followed my Aphogee 2-Step with ORS Replenishing Con...and my hair loved it! But my hair is super fine and craves protein.

I play in my hair...several times an hour...its worse when I have new growth.

I use sulfates and cones. There are very few products that my hair doesn't like.

I rarely co-wash.
  • I do not protective style
  • My favorite products have either petrolatum (Skala) or lanolin (Hollywood Beauty Castor Oil)
  • I cannot/do not stretch beyond 11 weeks
  • I do protein treatments EVERY 2 weeks w/o fail - my hair loves protein
I dont like coworkers trying to reach their grimy hands in my hair saying they haven't seen my hair in over a year!! Yea soooo back up and give my hair 50 ft I know it had a mind of its own!!

I secretly wanna inform some sistas there is hope for their hair like sliding them links ( like here or bhm) in some

I'm hair crazed even though I dont have much up there!!! I spend too much time on site like aamh, rho, bhm, and even some peoples personal blogs and fotki's.......Shame on me, yes I know

When I'm bored at work I play with my nappy nape and temples....sometimes detangling sometimes snipping ssk's or popping them with my hands....Forgive me hair guru....hail guru...
My main DC has mineral oil (Silicon Mix)
I trim once a year
I use cones occasionally
Protein is my Friend
I like sulfate shampoos
1. I comb my hair everyday, twice a day (although I do use the "acceptable" combs)
2. I maybe do a conventional DC once a month. Most of the time I DC with stuff in my fridge without heat.
3. I detangle from root to tip most of the time, and a lot of times I don't comb in sections.
4. I don't use protein reconstructors. I'll either use yogurt or a conditioner that has protein in it (after I relax)
5. I don't like co-washing
6. I don't prepoo
7. I don't wear a scarf or satin bonnet to bed, but I do use a satin pillowcase.

What's this about wrapping every night and oiling rubberbands before using them :look:? Am I supposed to be doing that?
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I wet my edges and seal with EVCO then brush into submission almost every day.

I wear my bun too tight b/c I hate a lumpy bun.

I brush my hair into a bun while it's soaking wet after a co-wash

I DC when I feel like it.

I am too lazy to henna, but my hair could really use it and my grays are showing

I can't wait to flat iron my hair... It's been more than a year.

I'm too chicken to BC

Sometimes I'm a hair type snob....please don't stone me :(

Tis all....

ETA: I have no patience when detangling; two hour detanging session? Are you kidding me? No way! If it takes more than 10 minutes, I quit!
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When i moisturize i don't seal with oil :look:
I wash,DC, and do a protein treatments once every two weeks.
I don't trim at all, dont need to my hair is in braids 24/7 no split ends.
You ladies are too funny! For real, for real, if you can't have fun with your hair it's all way too serious and seriously boring. :spinning:
I don't mind mineral oil and cones. But I'll be dern if I don't go to sleep with good ole granny bonnet on. SO used to laugh, but now he gives it to me when he puts his do rag on. He calls it "silky smooth". "Baby, you want the silky smooth because I'm going to bed." LOL
My shampoo has sulfates.
I have no desire to buy shampoo (or any other hair product) that costs more than $10.00.
I like old school products best.
Half of my hair products have mineral oil in them. My hair loves them.
I comb and/or brush my hair when wet or moisturized almost every day. I want my edges to lay down.
I do an afro puff or a wash and go every day. No PS so far.
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I also brush from root to tip.

And I sometimes don't wear a scarf. Simply out of laziness or I fall asleep and forget. I've cowashed a few times and ended up air drying and then forgetting and falling asleep without combing/moisturizing/oil/anything. It's usually on Fridays or Saturdays where I'll forget these kinds of things.
i comb from root to tip

i dont oil rubberbands << never knew i was supposed to

just starting sealing (like 2 days ago)

i dont oil my scalp

i dont take supplements reg. but i have them

i use skala :)

i dont pay much attn to ingredients esp if ppl are raving about them.

i put protein in my hair weekly

i'm a reformed non ps wearer, glue in weaver :/ (ew.. rip) regime rewriter.
I try very hard to behave... but I DESPARATELY MISS CONES!!! Naturals who use them... they aren't that bad, are they??? Nothing made my hair feel better!!
According to my records, I have not detangled with a comb or brush in over 9 weeks. I don't even own a brush.

I am allergic to most nut oils, including the ever-popular coconut oil.

I have never cared what people think about my hair.

I have never worn buns, twists or comb coils.

I loathe getting my hair done.

I let my hair do its thing.

No tying up at night.

Never, ever DC'ed.

I's plum lazy!
I've tried conditioner washing more than once. I don't like it. It feels like my scalp doesn't get clean.

Wide toothed combs don't work for me. It just means more tangles and knots down the road.

I don't think heat is so bad - if you know the right technique.
1. I pull on split ends or hair that looks like it wants to break off
2. I don't moisturize at all, just wash, condition, blow dry, done
3. I don't always sleep with a protective style on my head (scarf, wrap, etc.)
4. Sometimes I leave my hair to look like a bear just attacked me for 2 or 3 days (so I could probably be around the house, showered, teeth brushed, etc. but my hair would make me look like a hobo. :ohwell:)
5. I buy products according to packaging sometimes and the packaging WILL affect how much I like or dislike a product (CON Ultra Moisturizing Shampoo is GREAT but I hate the packaging so it makes me not want to buy the product. :ohwell:)
6. My hair obsession makes my friends think I'm crazy so I'm trying to develop a skin obsession and I have made clothing an obsession too so that makes an OVERALL beauty obsession (so people will think I'm just a girly-girl or something) just to cover up the initial hair obsession. :look:
7. I make lists about things concerning hair (products to buy, haircut ideas, etc.) ... Then again though I do that with everything. :grin:

I can't think of anymore! :drunk: Anyway, I'm not ashamed since I'll probably stay this way for a while. :rolleyes:
I use cones, mineral oil and for the past two nights I went to bed with LOOSE hair and no scarf! I love this thread. It's nice to know I'm not going to go bald if I don't "walk the line".

ETA: I do not want to deal with my completely natural hair. I have to have some stretch so I texlax and it works!
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i do not prepoo..and you cant make me


- I moisturize my hair with plain water.
- I trim once a year...if that...(I plan to repent of this one, though, because I want blunt ends.)
- I comb once a week....sometimes I may go two weeks w/o combing.
- I don't protective style often...maybe 2 weeks of a 13-week period.
- I don't wash my hair in braids or twists.
- During my weekly wash, I rollerset--quickly--with a shower comb, so I KNOW I don't get all the shed hair out. (However, every 13 weeks, after my texlax touchup, I use a fine-toothed comb to get the stragglers.)
- I DC only 4 times a year, right after my texlax touchup.
- ALL of my products are...umm... "low-priced."

Nice to know one can achieve great lengths without DCing their A$$ off which brings up another confession. I DON'T DC! There I said it. I feel so much better now. *sigh*
I brush my hair when it's wet when I'm wearing a wash and go ponytail...:look: I really didn't know that was a bad thing:nono:
1. I pull on split ends or hair that looks like it wants to break off
2. I don't moisturize at all, just wash, condition, blow dry, done
3. I don't always sleep with a protective style on my head (scarf, wrap, etc.)
4. Sometimes I leave my hair to look like a bear just attacked me for 2 or 3 days (so I could probably be around the house, showered, teeth brushed, etc. but my hair would make me look like a hobo. :ohwell:)
5. I buy products according to packaging sometimes and the packaging WILL affect how much I like or dislike a product (CON Ultra Moisturizing Shampoo is GREAT but I hate the packaging so it makes me not want to buy the product. :ohwell:)
6. My hair obsession makes my friends think I'm crazy so I'm trying to develop a skin obsession and I have made clothing an obsession too so that makes an OVERALL beauty obsession (so people will think I'm just a girly-girl or something) just to cover up the initial hair obsession. :look:
7. I make lists about things concerning hair (products to buy, haircut ideas, etc.) ... Then again though I do that with everything. :grin:

I can't think of anymore! :drunk: Anyway, I'm not ashamed since I'll probably stay this way for a while. :rolleyes:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: I try not to let others know that I'm into hair because that's about the ONLY beauty thing that I'm into. Other than that I wear what I like regardless if it looks good or not, and I never wear make-up. I try to make them believe I don't care as much about my hair as I do. Have mercy on them if they ever tried to touch or mess with it :look:.
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:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: I try not to let others know that I'm into hair because that's about the ONLY beauty thing that I'm into. Other than that I wear what I like regardless if it looks good or not, and I never wear make-up. I try to make them believe I don't care as much about my hair as I do. Have mercy on them if they ever tried to touch or mess with it :look:.


Not letting people know about my hair obsession? It's WAY too late for that for me. I'm ALWAYS buying conditioner (even when out with friends) and I carry a wide-tooth comb in my bag. I think I will tone it down when I gain more length, maybe when I reach BSL all the way around? I really should try to be more discrete for now though. :look:
I don't mind people touching my hair since I like to flaunt it when it's all soft and what not but don't DARE try to comb it, even with my comb. When I was 12, I let my Colombian friend comb my hair when it was wet, I had what we'd call now a "setback". I'm scarred. :ohwell:

The clothing obsession for me is serious though, it's a close second to hair. :grin: When I have a good solid $500 extra, I spend like MAD, nothing can hold me back. :giggle:

Make-up is just a no-no, I tried to get into it and it wasn't that great. I don't want to break out and there's something about naturally clear, glowing, skin without make-up that's more refreshing. Plus I've seen my friends with make-up and they don't even look that great with it on or dramatically different. Sometimes I feel like hinting to them about it but that would just start something for no reason. :drunk:

(Ignore me sounding somewhat crazy in this post, I haven't slept all night. :yawn:)
I don't believe in deep I don't do it!!:ohwell:

I don't moisturize everyday:nono:....or at all:spinning:...except after a wash:yep:

I brush my hair every single day...only after wetting it and the brush first:yep:

I use grease:lick:...on my SCALP AND HAIR. SO WHAT?

I use brown gel....frequently...:lachen:

I don't believe in clarifying I guess I don't clarify:rolleyes:

I sleep with a cotton bandana...

I love sulfates, cones, petrolatum, and mineral oil

Dah well, these are my confessions!:perplexed
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I never deep condition.

Very rarely do I use a comb or brush on my hair---like a few times a year.

Conditioner and water are my only moisturizers. I don't moisturize with anything else in between washings.
Sometimes I sleep with my hair down/out...when I have a headache I don't want to put my hair in a bun or braid.

I never deep condition. :blush:

I convince myself that my hair is always moisturized enough anyway. :grin:
I love cones- I really do

Not bothered by Mineral Oil or petroleum

My definition of airdry- is sit under my bonnet dryer for 30 min

Although I love to cowash- I hate the feel on wet hair on my head

I use brown gel a few times a week