hair compliments


New Member
My boss just came up to me and asked me very embarrasingly (for her) is my hair my own (she's danish and I think she's seen a lot of extensions and weave on people), which I told her yes, then proceeded to tell me that my hair look like silk. I mean I don't have much love for the woman but that was a really nice thing to say. I'm blushing typing this. My other work colleague who is black complimented me on my hair today and couldn't believe it looked so healthy and thick and that it was relaxed. Of course I did the whole 20 minute chat about permanent hair colours and the no-lye/lye debate in the office.

I did a self relxer last night so my hair is looking longer than last week and shinier too, I was quite surpised myself as my hair did a total 360 and looks nothing like it did 2 nights ago. But it's nice to recieve nice positive feedback from people outside of the hair board who can compliment one another with ease.

Just thought I'd share. Too many times we seem to have too many negative comments and looks about our hair, so it's a breath of fresh air.

Ladies what nice things have been said about your hair?
Congrats on your silky hair!!! I love unexpected comments like that it makes you feel like all your hard work is paying off!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Hey Londondiva,

Congratulations! I'm glad to hear your hair is looking so good. The most wonderfull compliment I got came from my 10 and 8 year old boys on Saturday. I was typing at the computer and they came up and told me how nice my hair was! I had to stop and turn around to look at them because they are not interested in hair at all! They were playing and stopped to come over and touch my hair. It was the best compliment I ever could have received because it came from the most unlikeliest of sources. I love my little pookies.... /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hey Londondiva. I know you're feeling good! The best compliments come when you least expect it and are even better from people you least expect to get them from!
Congratulations LD /images/graemlins/grin.gif It does brighten your day when someone pays your hair a compliemt!! I think one of the best compliment I had came from a co-worker. She said how she was thinking about getting a new hairstyle and I made the comment that I want a new hairstyle as well. Then she said that she liked my hair because it always looks so healthy. It was so unexpected because she NEVER had said anything about my hair before, good or bad!!
That is a nice feeling.

Everyone is so used to seeing my hair pinned up or in curls. I decided to do a doobie. Unfortunately, I had to meet my family in the emergency room a couple of weeks ago due to dad's illness. It was 2:30 a.m. so I just threw on some sweats and left. When I got to the hosiptal, I realized that I still had my scarf on. I pulled it off and combed my hair down. My mom looked at me and said "now, that's my baby!" My sister( just finished cosmo school) ran her hand through and complimented on the health. My grandmother said that I looked like a kid again. The nurse even complimented me.
It does feel nice. /images/graemlins/blush.gif

Good for you, LondonDiva! See, all of your hard work is paying off. It's nice to get compliments from unexpected places. Maybe your boss isn't so bad after all! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I think the nicest thing I heard about my hair was when a cousin told me at a family gathering that she couldn't stop staring at it because she couldn't believe how great it looked. But this also tells you how trashed it looked before I learned that hair care didn't mean a hot curling iron every day! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
You should feel very proud and pleased with your progress, girl.
I m happy for you Diva. you are reaching your hair goals girl /images/graemlins/smile.gif /images/graemlins/smile.gif

i m starting to hate my hair compliments because i will be cutting my hair soon and the compliments i am getting on my locs are starting to make me not want to cut them. but december 2oth they must go so i can start anew.
A compliment from an unexpected source must be so encouraging, LondonDiva! /images/graemlins/smile.gif Whatever you're doing with your hair is obviously working - keep it up and keep those compliments rolling in!

When are you posting some pics so we can see your gorgeous head of hair? I'm sure your hair is longer than 3 inches past the base of your neck since you relaxed.
I get a lot of compliments on my natural hair, and a few ooglers that want to "just feel it" -- I'd tell them to piss off, but, um, I'm too nice /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Congrats chica - I love a success story..../images/graemlins/grin.gif and it's great when you get recognition for all of your hard work.

Keep growing that hair girl! /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Madison Good Luck with your fresh new hair start in December.

I cut my shoulder length locs of in November 2000 down to about an inch or two and have no regrets about it.
Thanks for the compliments ladies. I actually got 3 not 2 hair compliments yesterday which made me feel even better when I remembered on my journey home yesterday. When your hair looks and feels good it gives you the incentive to keep up with the vitamin regimen, healthy eating and exercise.

I so want to get some pictures up but I will need to get my hands on a decent digital camera cause the one I have now is so rubbish and fuzzy looking when the pics come out. Plus it seems I can only take pictures in the daylight. UGH!!!

Don't worry it's one of the things on my list and I'll be posting as soon as I can.