Hair care phases


Well-Known Member
If you have been on this forum or any other hair forum for a year or more I’m sure you have been through your share of hair care phases. When I think back, I can’t believe some of the things I put myself through all in the name of “healthy” hair. But the transition was well worth the many phases of hair care. :yep:

During my journey I remember when..

I wore a afro phony pony over my baggied ponytail on hard air dried hair slathered with EVOO. Once my hair grew some I got rid of the phony pony and up graded to the sponge donut bun that was wrapped with a black nylon stocking. That bun and stocking was soooooo dag-on greasy!!! :nono:- This was my no manipulation protect at all cause phase. I used no heat (direct or indirect), or relaxers during this phase. This was also the phase where I had oil running down my neck at board meetings, not to mention the grease stains I would leave in the Asian’s lady chair when I got my eye brows done.

I would make my own products. During this phase I clogged every sink and tub in the house with my greasy concoctions.:wallbash: – This was my “Green” phase, why buy it when I can make it? Lawd, I had so many moldy containers (this was before I learned that homemade concoctions need some type of preservative).

Currently I’m in my…

I got this phase!!! :grin:– I’m loving my staple products, regimen and progress (however slow it may seem)

What phases have you been through and where are you now?
I've been through the

~ Phony pony-over-the-oily-baggy phase,

~ Nexxus and smelly alma oil phase,

~ Self relaxing phase,

~ Green juices and carrot juice phase, and

~ Braids and kinky twist crown & glory phase.

~ Now I'm in the ultra-low-manipulation-and-heat-usage via cornrows-under-wig combined with ultra-simple-regimen phase :grin:. Doesn't sound so simple does it :lachen:.

(My simplier regimen, combines things learned from everyone of my previous phases, amazing isn't it :yep:.)
I can't even number all the phases I've been through, largely because I still drift in and out of them, on occasion. I haven't made anything lately, because I did my making stuff session a couple of weeks ago, and I'm still stocked up - though I do need to make some more caramel before I want to use it.
The goofiest phase I went through was the 'high manipulation' phase. Comb or not, that was just dumb.
I'm totally out of the daily cowashing phase, but I've replaced that with the increased DC phase. :lol:

And of course, I'm a RODPJFL!!! :lachen:
Well i've only been here for like two or three weeks but I can say where I came from and where I am now.

Then: Relaxers every six weeks, greasing my scalp with Blue Magic and thinking it was healthy because it had "coconut oil" in it but the first ingredient was petrolatum, shampooing every time I washed, washing once a week, sometimes as seldom as every two weeks, not using a leave-in conditioner or even THINKIN about sealing in moisture with oil. Becoming hopeless about my hair and feeling bad about myself.

NOW: Stretching my relaxers, co-washing twice a week, keeping my ends and crown as moisturized as possible, sealing in moisture with my rollersets so they're soft, using growth aids, being a hardcore PJ cuz i'm looking for my perfect product mix. Being optimistic about my hair growth in the future. :)
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I've been trhough the:
Braid phase
crown & glory phase
bc phase
try everything phase
make ur own phase
cw phase
no-poo phase
cheap poo phase
prepoo phase
oil pulling phase
and my own phase of jack the hair up phase (02/08-04/08 I bleached my hair bleached again 24hrs later, dyed my hair, dyed again 2wks latter, texlaxed, protein overload, hair all over the sink grease scalp don't grease scalp and some more hair protein every 3 days:wallbash: yea I know I am lucky I still got hair:thumbsup: Now I just K.I.S.S n I mean k.i.s.s
I have been through the Ayurvedic only stage (its cool but not for me), trying different products stage (though I was never a PJ), OCT stage (I have given up on topical growth aids and go for the internal now), Pill popping stage (felt like a druggie), and SueMoGro stage (tried it for a day literally, smelled awful, this was the last draw).

Now on the KISS and liqiud dietary supplement stage. Im getting my best results ever and I'm sure I'll be here for a very long time.
Lets see....
The "Lets bun and co-wash twice a day for optimal results" stage-I was co-washing twice every day and spraying my scalp with sulfur 8 and using infusium 23 on the length daily.

-cheaper is better hair care products stage
-the jack other folks regimens stage
I've been through the

~ Phony pony-over-the-oily-baggy phase,

~ Nexxus and smelly alma oil phase,

~ Self relaxing phase,

~ Green juices and carrot juice phase, and

~ Braids and kinky twist crown & glory phase.

~ Now I'm in the ultra-low-manipulation-and-heat-usage via cornrows-under-wig combined with ultra-simple-regimen phase :grin:. Doesn't sound so simple does it :lachen:.

(My simplier regimen, combines things learned from everyone of my previous phases, amazing isn't it :yep:.)

I've been trhough the:
Braid phase
crown & glory phase
bc phase
try everything phase
make ur own phase
cw phase
no-poo phase
cheap poo phase
prepoo phase
oil pulling phase

and my own phase of jack the hair up phase (02/08-04/08 I bleached my hair bleached again 24hrs later, dyed my hair, dyed again 2wks latter, texlaxed, protein overload, hair all over the sink grease scalp don't grease scalp and some more hair protein every 3 days:wallbash: yea I know I am lucky I still got hair:thumbsup: Now I just K.I.S.S n I mean k.i.s.s

Yup, I've done most of those as well...I have fond memories of the ones in bold!!!:look:
This is a cute thread. My phases have been:

Henna & Indigo
Salon/high end stuff (Aveda, Kenra, Ojon)
PJism :spinning:
Stocking up on hair products as though they were a possibilty of a nuclear holocaust :look:

Right now, I'm kinda in a minimalist stage. I'm in a self-editing mode, narrowing down my staples, scrutinizing my products and eliminating non-essentials. Also I've replaced more expensive products with less expensive ones that are just as effective, if not more.
I've been through:

PJism phase
Coconut oil phase
Most expensive products phase
Can't keep my hands out of my head phase

Now I am back to the routine that works best for me.
The worst was the Long Arse Wash Day phase.
I'd pre-poo, then shampoo, then DC under dryer, then rinse out condition, then rollerset, then dry, then blow out roots, then saran wrap, then under dryer again.

I got over that quick because by the time I was done, so was my entire day. I'm still working on the PJ phase :rolleyes: