Trimming hair according to phases of the moon

No one said you couldn't ask questions, Neith, it's just the tone you're asking them in.

google the topic. i found an article a while ago that explained the process. according to this, trimming at certain times can give the illusion of thicker hair, and trimming during non-growth spurts can appear to make the hair grow longer. apparently when the moon is in certain places in the sky, that has to do with hair growth. i'm not sure about that... but read the article!!!!!!! and it'll explain.

i meant no sarcasm, smartassness, or anything negative in this post, and i hope you don't take it as such. its just that, based on my perception, instead of saying something along the lines of "that article didn't really answer my question. does anyone know for sure how this works?" you went on to make the above quote, in sort of a *slightly* accusatory manner. you also said that this contradicts what we've learned, and that it is not logical. with you already having made that decision in your mind... would anyone honestly been able to convince you otherwise? seems like you found your answer: to you, it doesn't make sense."

ETA: to sum this all up, folk may have been getting defensive, because there probably is no scientific evidence that this works, or if it works at all. and i think that's what you're looking for. i know i don't have it. but i'll be googling further, to see if i can't find some sort of answer for y'all. i'm very interested about this, too. not so much in the hair growth aspect, but more so because i need a trim anyways.

I am about 90% sure that it doesn't work :lol: but I don't think I know everything. The other 10% is open to new ideas and information... maybe if I did see something more scientific, or even just someone bounce ideas of why it works off of me, I would be more inclined to believe it.

I do find it hard to believe that in this day and age so many people would be doing it if it really was all BS. Is there something to it? I can't say with 100% certainty.

The whole thing took a wrong turn because that same accusatory tone was used towards me... which I took as an insult to my intelligence :lol: Then, well... you know, sometimes I can't shut up. Character flaw, lol.

Even in my first post, I said it may be something to it with the moon and growth, even if it didn't make sense to me that you would have to cut... so I'm not totally rejecting the idea.
I haven't trimmed my hair in a looonnnngg while, BUT, when I do, it will be on a new moon. My mother does this, & yes, she has midback length hair or longer.

I don't know WHY it works, or IF it truly works like that, BUT if I trim, this is when I will do this ---new moon, rebirth, new hair.

In fact, I think I just talked myself into a trim---now let's see, when is the next new moon?:lachen:

This was the Whole purpose of the thread.......

The op and Reyna haven't trimmed in a this is perfect for them.
My thing is......and those who believe in the phases.........
If you're going to trim........why not trim during a certain phase and maybe reap extra benefits?
That's it......that's all.:spinning:

If you don't believe in it....then don't do it. Trim your hair whenever you like.

:kiss: Neith......girl you sound just like my son. :yep:
Trim For Growth
October 28th -Scorpio
February 24th '09 -Pisces
June 22nd '09 -Cancer
October 18th '09 -Pisces

Trim For Thickness
December 12th -Cancer
April 10th '09 -Scorpio
June 8th '09 -Capricorn
November 1st '09- Taurus
