Growth with Braid-Out method


New Member
I was wondering has anyone worn braid-outs for a long period of time(3-4 months)and achieve alot of growth. I recently did my first braid-out and i LOVE it, I plan on doing this style for the entire summer. Just wanted to know if it is a good protective style and if I will gain length.
Thanks in advance.
Well I haven't but my cousin did. She said that from doing the braid outs she received more growth than she ever thought possible.. Good luck! I wish I could do a decent braid out.
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kreeme said:
I hope I don't sound stupid but...what are "braid outs?"

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When you rinse (or condition or wash) your hair at night, while it's still wet, you braid your hair into 2-6 braids. In the morning, you just take the briads loose, and your hair should be wavy or curly or both. Some people roll the ends, so they don't come out too straight.
Can you tell me how that is suppose to help? isnt that messing with your hair too much. it there another way? ty
Some people may only retouch the style every few days. When I wear them, I don't have enough patience to sit and braid my hair every single night.
I would touch it up every 2 or 3 days. It's all personal preference.
Hi Mona,

During the winter, I wore braid outs for a mth... not for the "style", but to "air dry"....because I wanted to allow my hair to retain as much moisture as possible, to fight the winter elements. (I pulled the "braided out" hair back into a bun). Anyway, yes, I gained length... I can't say how much, because back then I wasn't into measuring. But what's just as important is that I didn't "lose" any length... My ends were super moist &amp; silky... the braid out helped with this TREMENDOUSLY
. Also, my overall hair was very moisturized &amp; healthy.

Currently, I'm on day 2 of a "twist out". Because I had such wonderful success with my winter braid out, I'm now trying to "air dry" (braid out, twist out, ponytails, etc) throughout the rest of spring &amp; entire summer.

God Luck with your braid outs

Can you post some pics of your twist-out, like you did with your braidout? The braidout pics were so helpful to me.
I used this method the entire time that I was transitioning, and I managed to keep 99.5% of my hair. (I did have some problems about a year into transitioning and had to change my technique.) My hair grew like crazy, but at the time, I was not into measuring. I used no heat and finger-combed my hair most of the time. It is a cute and easy style. I did spritz water in it every night and re-braid and put rollars on the bottom. I washed my hair every 3-4 days.
i did braid outs last summer nad my hair grew like weeds!! When I ditch these cornrows I am gonna pick my braid out back up. I do them for my aunt as well and she also got a lot of growth!
Dstdiva, that's no problem. It's funny because my younger cousin has also asked that I post the twist out pics (she lives out of town so we use online pics to encourage one another)I'm due for a wash tonight, but I may just push it off til thursday evening (finals this week). So If I get the chance, I'll have my "twists" pics in my album tonight... they should be dry by Thursday morning... so check back then.

By the way, sweetie, I'm glad the pics were able to help u

God Bless,
Are Bantu knots good for growth also? I've had these for almost a month now but im also taking vitamins so i cant really tell if its the vitamins or the knots that are giving me length.
I don't know KeKe, but I'm gonna start drying in "bantu knots". I don't know how in the world I'm gonna sleep comfortably on them, but I'll see....
Sadly, i cant do braid outs becuase the last time i did it i had lost quite a bit of hair and the last time b4 that i lost chunks of hair. The last time i didnt lost alot but 2 days i suffered more breakage than i have after my hair was gettin on track from having alot of breakage so right now im in2 knots and twist outs. wish i could braid again but..
hwell: oh well
I cant really remember what a braid out it, but im doing the crown and glory method only braiding my natural hair ive done it in the past and i got good hair growth.
Oh you can sleep in them just fine, i do. I did the drying method w/bantu knots but my roots are just too darn nappy for it. hehe. So i do the ponytail method to smooth out my hair some and then i put the knots in later. You guys know what else makes some cute nice curls in the hair? Twisties and then bantu knot the ends of it. Its real cute. Thats what im doing w/my hair right now. I put some Motions Lotion mixed w/some Parnevu stimulating growth hairgrease and put on my fingers then i twist the hair in the way i want and then some on the ends and knot it and then wait a few hours and take them down and its nice.:^D I need to learn how to stop touching my hair though.
Can you tell me how that is suppose to help? isnt that messing with your hair too much. it there another way? ty

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I enjoy rinsing my hair and scalp every night. I think it helps because the water moisturizes my hair, therefore, keeping it more elastic. And braid outs are also helpful because you're just wearing your hair wavy; the style doesn't require heat. I've been doing this for a while and my hair has been growing. I usually do this every night, but after braiding my hair Sunday night, I left it braided all day Monday, and instead of unbraiding it to rinse it Monday night, I just rinsed it with the braids in, and I really liked doing that also. It's really not too much trouble once you get into a routine.

Are u "gathering" your hair then braiding the length or are u braiding in "cornrows"? If you are just braiding the length, this could explain why your braid outs are straight on top &amp; curly on bottom. If u want nice waves throughout your hair, from scalp to ends, then try braiding in "cornrows".

I'm gonna try the "twisties" with the bantu knots on the ends... that should look really cute when I take it down
When I did braid/twist outs, i lost more hair than when i flat ironed once a week! Whenever i air dry, it dries drier! :-D lol
Dstdiva, that's no problem. It's funny because my younger cousin has also asked that I post the twist out pics (she lives out of town so we use online pics to encourage one another)I'm due for a wash tonight, but I may just push it off til thursday evening (finals this week). So If I get the chance, I'll have my "twists" pics in my album tonight... they should be dry by Thursday morning... so check back then.

By the way, sweetie, I'm glad the pics were able to help u

God Bless,

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not to stalk you or anything, peachtree, but did you post your twist-out photos?
Re: Growth with Braid-Out method [Re: Monawalker]

I don't see how doing BO's helps the hair grow. Though it can last 1-2 weeks, it's still a style that causes you to maniuplate the hair every night. One drawback to BOs is that you're exposing your hair endz to the elements, so you've got to be on top of the moisturizing. It's a healthy but demanding style. I wouldn't recommend it on damaged hair. It's more difficult if your hair is prone to excessive dryness (like mine) but manageable.
Re: Growth with Braid-Out method [Re: Monawalker]

Hi dstdva

, girl, you're not stalkin' me, but you're funny....

Sorry, but I couldn't get my "shower wash" in tonight like I desparately need to... my husband is in the process of installing another (much better) shower head with all kindza water settings... well anyway, the dangone thing is broke... so I have to put off my wash until he can return/exchange the shower head.... &amp; I can't wash "over the tub" because my hair literary goes down the drain
... so, dear heart I have to wait until tomorrow (at least)
. Give me a few more days to update the album... I'll send u a PM when it's done
I'm glad there are so many good reviews here for braid outs. I was planning to do something protective for this summer, so the Arizona sun doesn't fry my hair.