"baby tailbone" :lol: so cute.

So, I'm not sure what's going on with my scalp. I had dandruff last year, I took care of it with dandruff shampoo. First used it several washes in a row and then went on a 'maintain' schedule of once a month since I prefer gentler shampoo most of the time. At least, I thought I took care of it. I don't have any visible dandruff. Do you have to see dandruff in order to have the fungal infection that typically causes dandruff? I don't see any dandruff, but my head still itches shortly after washing sometimes, and my scalp feels tender. Especially at my temples and at my devil's horns area, like right at the top of my head, off center on either side. I've been thinking of trying minconazole nitrate cream, because I can't really be washing my head with dandruff shampoo every 5 days or whatever, and I saw @PlanetCybertron say that it really stopped the itching for her. Like, maybe i can apply that once in between wash days and that would stop the weird itching and tenderness.

I wonder if my scalp is just dry? I try to never put anything on it because experience earlier in my hair journey says putting stuff on my scalp makes it itch. But maybe I should try again. I'm not sure what to do. I'm thinking, too, of trying to see a dermatologist to just have them look at my scalp and give a professional opinion.
"baby tailbone" :lol: so cute.

So, I'm not sure what's going on with my scalp. I had dandruff last year, I took care of it with dandruff shampoo. First used it several washes in a row and then went on a 'maintain' schedule of once a month since I prefer gentler shampoo most of the time. At least, I thought I took care of it. I don't have any visible dandruff. Do you have to see dandruff in order to have the fungal infection that typically causes dandruff? I don't see any dandruff, but my head still itches shortly after washing sometimes, and my scalp feels tender. Especially at my temples and at my devil's horns area, like right at the top of my head, off center on either side. I've been thinking of trying minconazole nitrate cream, because I can't really be washing my head with dandruff shampoo every 5 days or whatever, and I saw @PlanetCybertron say that it really stopped the itching for her. Like, maybe i can apply that once in between wash days and that would stop the weird itching and tenderness.

I wonder if my scalp is just dry? I try to never put anything on it because experience earlier in my hair journey says putting stuff on my scalp makes it itch. But maybe I should try again. I'm not sure what to do. I'm thinking, too, of trying to see a dermatologist to just have them look at my scalp and give a professional opinion.
That's a good question because I've had the itch without the flakes before too (though I generally get flakes). Lately I've been using cedarwood EO in a DIY infused oil(infused with green tea, moringa, hibiscus, and fenugreek) and it has helped tremendously. I rarely have the itchies anymore. @PlanetCybertron mentioned the EO a little while ago so I gave it a shot.

I've been thinking of trying minconazole nitrate cream, because I can't really be washing my head with dandruff shampoo every 5 days or whatever, and I saw @PlanetCybertron say that it really stopped the itching for her. Like, maybe i can apply that once in between wash days and that would stop the weird itching and tenderness.

I wonder if my scalp is just dry? I try to never put anything on it because experience earlier in my hair journey says putting stuff on my scalp makes it itch. But maybe I should try again. I'm not sure what to do. I'm thinking, too, of trying to see a dermatologist to just have them look at my scalp and give a professional opinion.

If the Miconazole Nitrate doesnt work try adding neem & peppermint oil into your regimen. Ive found that the MN helped with itchy scalp though.
So, in preparation for 30 mins of careful finger detangling in the shower, I grabbed my Tresemme Moisture Rich Conditioner, wide toothed comb (for shed hairs after detangling), 6 clips, and a bottle of cold water (to drink)..... I needed none of it. As the hot water ran down my strands it reactivated the Shea Butter in my hair giving it tons of slip. Finger detangling my hair took 10 mins or less. Only two clips needed and I didn’t use the conditioner. I detangled without using up the hot water!
Way to go Shea Butter! I must say that on wash days I’m pretty heavy handed with my SB and it seems to be working out great.
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Wash and go today 2nd day hair (not stretched). I used camile rose honey leave in with Eden body works almond serum and camile rose curl maker. My hair is extremely soft but a bit tacky (doesn’t bother me). I’ve noticed my hair is kinda mushy when I do this mix so I might try using a stronger gel but I’m loving this combo for the moment. Also I used one of my Anita grant rhassoul marshmallow clay cubes to DC and surprisingly not impressed I used to use it a lot before I cut my hair. So I think I might try out some new clays when I come off my spending ban. I really feel like WnGs will help length retention for me as the lack of styling and tension is less stress.

Wash and go today 2nd day hair (not stretched). I used camile rose honey leave in with Eden body works almond serum and camile rose curl maker. My hair is extremely soft but a bit tacky (doesn’t bother me). I’ve noticed my hair is kinda mushy when I do this mix so I might try using a stronger gel but I’m loving this combo for the moment. Also I used one of my Anita grant rhassoul marshmallow clay cubes to DC and surprisingly not impressed I used to use it a lot before I cut my hair. So I think I might try out some new clays when I come off my spending ban. I really feel like WnGs will help length retention for me as the lack of styling and tension is less stress.

View attachment 455263

Bomb 2nd day hair!
So, in preparation for 30 mins of careful finger detangling in the shower, I grabbed my Tresemme Moisture Rich Conditioner, wide toothed comb (for shed hairs after detangling), 6 clips, and a bottle of cold water (to drink)..... I needed none of it. As the hot water ran down my strands it reactivated the Shea Butter in my hair giving it tons of slip. Finger detangling my hair took 10 mins or less. Only two clips needed and I didn’t use the conditioner. I detangled without using up the hot water!
Way to go Shea Butter! I must say that on wash days I’m pretty heavy handed with my SB and it seems to be working out great.
I do this all the time and love it. Just did so last night as a matter of fact on an old puff lol. A routine I used to do was wetting my hair every 5 days alternating using a cleanser and just rinsing under the water (i.e., actually washing every 10 days). Reapplied shea afterward each time.
I do this all the time and love it. Just did so last night as a matter of fact on an old puff lol. A routine I used to do was wetting my hair every 5 days alternating using a cleanser and just rinsing under the water (i.e., actually washing every 10 days). Reapplied shea afterward each time.

You reaapply SB even after water washing only? Do you find it harder to wash out when you cleanse?
I'm transitioning from relaxed to natural, about 7 months post. I'll be back for my starting post and picture.
Right now, I refuse to purchase anything hair related until I use up my stash. My product junkie self went out of control in 2019. Today, I oil rinsed my hair with apricot oil, then added APB Spinach Mask. I layered my hair with Sirod Naturals Rice Leave-In and SPB Curl Pudding.

Two weeks ago, I realized that I may wash my hair too often. My hair was unusually dry for the month of January, even after clarifying. So for the month of February, I'm going to try to wash my hair every two weeks instead of once a week. If stretching my wash days out doesn't help, then I know it's the products I'm using and I may need to revamp.

I'm transitioning from being color-treated. Color treatments change my curl pattern, since my hair is so fine. I finally took notice when I looked at a completely virgin shed hair. My natural hair not only has a tighter curl pattern, but it's slightly thicker (still considered fine). So I'm slowly going to cut the color out of my hair. My next trim won't be until April. What are you transitioning from?
"baby tailbone" :lol: so cute.

So, I'm not sure what's going on with my scalp. I had dandruff last year, I took care of it with dandruff shampoo. First used it several washes in a row and then went on a 'maintain' schedule of once a month since I prefer gentler shampoo most of the time. At least, I thought I took care of it. I don't have any visible dandruff. Do you have to see dandruff in order to have the fungal infection that typically causes dandruff? I don't see any dandruff, but my head still itches shortly after washing sometimes, and my scalp feels tender. Especially at my temples and at my devil's horns area, like right at the top of my head, off center on either side. I've been thinking of trying minconazole nitrate cream, because I can't really be washing my head with dandruff shampoo every 5 days or whatever, and I saw @PlanetCybertron say that it really stopped the itching for her. Like, maybe i can apply that once in between wash days and that would stop the weird itching and tenderness.

I wonder if my scalp is just dry? I try to never put anything on it because experience earlier in my hair journey says putting stuff on my scalp makes it itch. But maybe I should try again. I'm not sure what to do. I'm thinking, too, of trying to see a dermatologist to just have them look at my scalp and give a professional opinion.

You don’t have to have dandruff to have a fungal infection, but you also don’t have to have a fungal infection to have dandruff. It’s one of those “yes, but also no, but possibly both” things. I’m currently just a Dermatology student, but often times, a lot of scalp issues are caused by contact dermatitis. Which is just your scalp skin reacting to things such as sweat, dirt, dust, products, allergens, hats, combs, brushes, oil production/lacktherof, etc. The list starts to become endless when you think about everything that can come into contact with your hair and scalp.

If you feel the need to see a professional please do. I have the same issues you mentioned, but I've been managing to get and keep my scalp in a much happier state. Essentially what I had/have, is some weird hybrid of dandruff/contact dermatitis. It gets really bad when my scalp tries to compensate by over producing sebum, which masks the typical dandruff signs concerning flaking, but the sebum will catch and hold onto literally anything like salt deposits from sweat, dust, pet dander, pollen (which I’m allergic to as well), etc. So I get contact dermatitis from all these different irritants.

I also get that itchy feeling after showering, but I find it’s not so much things to do with bacteria, allergens, or fungal stuff, and mostly from the physical washing motion, and the friction involved during typical shampooing. As soon as my scalp and hair begin to dry the itching feeling tends to subside. Sometimes my sebum has gone overboard and even a sulphate shampoo can’t seem to cut through it. When that happens I tend to wash back to back for 1-2 days because if I don't manage to break apart that sebum buildup I end up with full blown inflammation.

I do realize that washing with shampoo in general with that type of frequency isn’t realistic for everyone, and often times it also isn’t good for my own strands. Cedar wood helps me quite a bit because I can put it in the shampoo and kind of ward off the drying effect of the shampoo by diluting the formulation to some degree. Cedarwood also is the only thing that’s consistently worked for me for some time now because it’s light enough to not smother my scalp, but it’s potent enough to really calm the overreaction of my scalp when it comes into contact with irritants. It also allows my scalp to chill out with the oiliness.

You could also try the Miconozol Nitrate, but I’d suggest starting with a very diluted mix, and just doing spot treatments to the areas that need it the most. I went overboard and used it straight from the tube all over my head because I just wanted any type of relief and as quickly as possible, but I ended up with Tinnitus (ringing sound in the ears) for a couple of days. It’s not detrimental or anything, just annoying.

But I do have a few washing tips for you that might help.
1. Concentrate the shampoo on the areas that are the most irritated. Sometimes we shampoo our entire head with too much shampoo, so while it is cleansing the irritated areas, it’s also drying out the areas that are otherwise not irritated. I find this holds for both sulfate and SLS free shampoos.
2. Get the roots only. If you can manage to keep the shampoo from going past your ears this helps tremendously. Even better if you can keep the shampoo somewhere between 1-3inches of the scalp. I find that shampooing out of the shower and spritzing with water to activate the suds helps, and then getting in the shower to rinse. It gets difficult to keep the shampoo confined when you’re in the shower under the running water.
3. Coat your hair from the ears down in either oil, butter, or some type of silicone based product so that the shampoo run-off doesn’t completely dry your hair out. Rarely if ever is it necessary for shampoo to be getting on your ends.

Hopefully this ramble was helpful for you. Let me know if there’s anything else you’d want to discuss. And I hope your hair and scalp get better!
@PlanetCybertron thank you for that informative post. I do try some of those suggestions. I also thought about just putting shampoo on outside of the shower for just the reason you said. But didn't because it was faster to just put it on in the shower. :/ dandruff shampoo. My hair was fully coated in oil though before the wash. But just a day after washing it's itching again. I don't think it's too much sebum, not sure how I'd know. Rubbing my scalp, I don't feel any thick oil or anything.

My miconazole comes tomorrow. I'll thin it out with some oil. It's especially the parts right on top of my head, and behind my ears toward the nape.
I knew my hair did not like Auntie Jackie's in control conditioner as I applied it! Tried to make it work by adding oils.

My hair has been dry, hard and itchy ever since. I need to re-wash and deep condition asap!
Hi, Ladies! I'm happy to join and desire serious hair care, growth, and retention as I long-term transition.

Natural, Relaxed, Texlaxed: Transitioning, relaxed to natural. 6 months post. Last relaxer 7/25/19.

Current Length: above APL

Goal Length: MBL

Plan to reach goal length: Super simplicity. Low-tension buns, pin-ups, & faux ponytails/buns while being conscious of placement and tension of combs, pins, and scrunchies.

Regimen: Wash, deep condition every 7-10 days. Oil my scalp 1x weekly with coconut oil/tea tree oil/rosemary blend. Truly trying to eat right, vitamins, get more protein, and exercise.

Protective Styles: Buns, pin-ups

Staple Products: Cream of Nature shampoo, Aussie Moist to detangle, cholesterol or Joico Moisture Recovery to deep condition. M&S products - still experimenting since transitioning.

Starting Pic: :click:

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I’m going to be a hair model for a hair cutting class on Sunday! I’m excited, but I’m not sure what I want to ask them to do. I want to grow my hair out, but I want it to look “together” while it’s growing out. I feel like I may have to lose a good amount of length in the back to have my hair look polished in a wash n go.

I like the way my hair looks now when it’s freshly fluffed, but after awhile it starts to look uneven.
This is the one I am wearing right now: Its from Heat free hair. I have the everyday full, I think the picture is must be damp because after a day or wear or dry it looks more like the ultra full.

Same for this one. I did have to flat iron this to better match my "blow out" hair. Which really wasn't blow out I just used gel and a soft brush. And some oil. My curls don't hold so byt the end of the week I have to rebraid or twist or it looks like a blow out.

@PlanetCybertron thank you for that informative post. I do try some of those suggestions. I also thought about just putting shampoo on outside of the shower for just the reason you said. But didn't because it was faster to just put it on in the shower. :/ dandruff shampoo. My hair was fully coated in oil though before the wash. But just a day after washing it's itching again. I don't think it's too much sebum, not sure how I'd know. Rubbing my scalp, I don't feel any thick oil or anything.

My miconazole comes tomorrow. I'll thin it out with some oil. It's especially the parts right on top of my head, and behind my ears toward the nape.
You should check with the dermatologist but you may be using something that is making your scalp worse. Diluted acv every two weeks , and using my own DIY black soap shampoo has helped. I wash my scalp when it tells me to which is every 5 days. You can also try spot treating with aloe Vera juice between washes. Also when I need a deep cleanse I use a true clarifying shampoo ( suave clarifying shampoo) your head shouldn't be itching right aftering washing it . It is either not getting clean or something is irritating your scalp . I don't recommend using that miconazole without speaking to a doctor first .
You should check with the dermatologist but you may be using something that is making your scalp worse. Diluted acv every two weeks , and using my own DIY black soap shampoo has helped. I wash my scalp when it tells me to which is every 5 days. You can also try spot treating with aloe Vera juice between washes. Also when I need a deep cleanse I use a true clarifying shampoo ( suave clarifying shampoo) your head shouldn't be itching right aftering washing it . It is either not getting clean or something is irritating your scalp . I don't recommend using that miconazole without speaking to a doctor first .
hmm, okay, thank you for this post. it has been a while since i used an actual clarifying shampoo. i figured sulfates were enough. but trying a clarifying solution is at least an easy thing to try. going to the dermatologist is such a pain. i got at least 2 other doctor appointments i have to make but am behind on because it's so annoying going to the doctor.

i have tried both aloe vera juice and acv in the past with no noticeable difference. maybe it would be different now because maybe the dandruff shampoo changed something to make those things more likely to have an affect. *sigh* i should go to a doctor, but it even sounds so lame as it comes out of my mouth. like, why did you come to see me today? "my head itches sometimes" :lol:
hmm, okay, thank you for this post. it has been a while since i used an actual clarifying shampoo. i figured sulfates were enough. but trying a clarifying solution is at least an easy thing to try. going to the dermatologist is such a pain. i got at least 2 other doctor appointments i have to make but am behind on because it's so annoying going to the doctor.

i have tried both aloe vera juice and acv in the past with no noticeable difference. maybe it would be different now because maybe the dandruff shampoo changed something to make those things more likely to have an affect. *sigh* i should go to a doctor, but it even sounds so lame as it comes out of my mouth. like, why did you come to see me today? "my head itches sometimes" :lol:
What happens when you don't use the dandruff shampoo? I do acv as a prepoo then shampoo
What happens when you don't use the dandruff shampoo? I do acv as a prepoo then shampoo
Without the dandruff shampoo, the problem is worse. in fact, i thought the dandruff shampoo had solved the problem, but it seems to have come back.