Grew It Long and BC'd and Growing It Back!


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone:wave:

I'm making this thread for those of us that grew our hair long and BC'd to grow it back long but natural.

I know there's a thread for those who had setbacks. But this is a little different bc we cut ours on purpose.

For those of us who know we can grow it back but miss our ponytails and sometimes get discouraged. This thread is for us. :hug3:

I know I can't be the only one!:look:



its been a year but i surely miss my hair sometimes

Doesn't it almost feel like somebody died tho? :grin:

When I BCd that was thee shortest my hair had EVER been! I get what I call "growth anxiety" sometimes bc I'm like....OMG it's so short!!! Will I ever see that length again??

But as the months go hair seems to be really really growing!!! I made a big bunny tail (er...puff ball) on top of my head today!...the more stuff I can do with my hair the more excited I get!:lol:
I don't miss my ponytail yet ('cause it's hell-hot here :lachen:) but when winter comes i'll be crying for my hair :cry2:

This was last year

This was 2 months ago after i bc'd with 20 weeks of NG

Doesn't it almost feel like somebody died tho? :grin:

When I BCd that was thee shortest my hair had EVER been! I get what I call "growth anxiety" sometimes bc I'm like....OMG it's so short!!! Will I ever see that length again??

But as the months go hair seems to be really really growing!!! I made a big bunny tail (er...puff ball) on top of my head today!...the more stuff I can do with my hair the more excited I get!:lol:
LOL at bunny tail. Cute. :lol:
You guys are such an inspiration...Big Chop has a whole new meaning with all the hair that you had!! You'll be back to WL in no time, though!
I don't miss my ponytail yet ('cause it's hell-hot here :lachen:) but when winter comes i'll be crying for my hair :cry2:

This was last year

This was 2 months ago after i bc'd with 20 weeks of

I heard THAT! lol!!!:lol:

It's illegally hot here in Florida!...but I'm gonna be missing my ponytail in the wintertime too...and using my hair to keep my neck and ears had a lot of hair too girl! Wow!
Call me confused....but I'm currently in the VERY early stages of contemplating transitioning, so this is a REAL question I have for you ladies. Why did you BC it, especially if your hair has never been short, instead of doing a long-term transition?

As I contemplate, I think I would have a 2.5 year transition minimally because I don't like short hair on me, relaxed, natural or otherwise. Just wondering why with over 2 feet of hair you decided to just cut or shave instead of grow the natural texture out before cutting? Your answers are greatly appreciated!
Call me confused....but I'm currently in the VERY early stages of contemplating transitioning, so this is a REAL question I have for you ladies. Why did you BC it, especially if your hair has never been short, instead of doing a long-term transition?

As I contemplate, I think I would have a 2.5 year transition minimally because I don't like short hair on me, relaxed, natural or otherwise. Just wondering why with over 2 feet of hair you decided to just cut or shave instead of grow the natural texture out before cutting? Your answers are greatly appreciated!

Honestly...I got tired of the two texture thing. While transitioning I had lots of shedding and I got frustrated with styling because my ends became yucky and limp.

I didn't have detangling issues or anything...but I was done with catering to two different types of hair. For instance I could moisturize my natural hair with a juice like S-Curl but it would make the rest of my hair feel dry. I don't have alot of patience...I like to do everything in one whop. :lol:

I was scared at first to BC. But then I got so anxious about wanting to see what my hair looked like I did a mini chop from WL to APL/BSL and a week later I just got over it and BC'd.

I also wanted to see what I looked like with short hair:). And my sister also brought to my attention that whether or not I continued my transition...that my hair was gonna continue to grow anyway. So that was a "duh" moment for I was like..oh what the is kinda short..just do it. It'll grow back.

And honestly right now my hair seems like it's growing faster than it did when I was relaxed!!! Idk if it's bc of the wash n go's or what but this plant is growing!
Call me confused....but I'm currently in the VERY early stages of contemplating transitioning, so this is a REAL question I have for you ladies. Why did you BC it, especially if your hair has never been short, instead of doing a long-term transition?

As I contemplate, I think I would have a 2.5 year transition minimally because I don't like short hair on me, relaxed, natural or otherwise. Just wondering why with over 2 feet of hair you decided to just cut or shave instead of grow the natural texture out before cutting? Your answers are greatly appreciated!

I BC'd as soon as possible bc my 2 textures were not playing well together...i was having major detangling issues which caused a lot of breakage at the demarcation line. Plus, my hair was damaged from the relaxer, so it was looking weak and scraggly and my NG was looking strong and buff:lachen:...after 30 years of a relaxer i couldn't wait to cut and see my natural hair in all its glory
Yay for this thread! I BC'd yesterday! I had been heat training my transitioned hair (transitioned from texlax to natural). For Easter I had it trimmed and layered. I was almost APL at the time of my trim which took me down to shoulder length. My mom and DS were upset that I cut off all of my length. My dad still doesn't know about my BC (he's going to have a cow whenever he sees me, lol). My brother is the only person who likes my BC although it's growing on my mom and DS.
I never BC'd - I think I basically 'transitioned' without my knowledge about six years ago. But I'm not used to having short hair - I had long hair when it was relaxed and I also had long hair when I had extension braids in etc. So this is an inspiration for me too. I just want long hair already lol =/
Call me confused....but I'm currently in the VERY early stages of contemplating transitioning, so this is a REAL question I have for you ladies. Why did you BC it, especially if your hair has never been short, instead of doing a long-term transition?

As I contemplate, I think I would have a 2.5 year transition minimally because I don't like short hair on me, relaxed, natural or otherwise. Just wondering why with over 2 feet of hair you decided to just cut or shave instead of grow the natural texture out before cutting? Your answers are greatly appreciated!

I transitioned for a year. I didn't really have a hard time with the transition. No issues with shedding, dryness, or tangles, I just felt like cutting. I wanted to see how my hair would look short. And I had this thing about always being known as "the girl with the long hair", like thats all people ever saw or cared about. I just wanted it gone. Jokes on me though, cuz then I just became "the girl with the big afro" and then "the girl with the long hair" again, lol.

The funniest thing for me was how other people reacted when I cut my hair. They had a fit! You'd think I killed somebody's grandma, lol.

Anyway just wanted to pop in and encourage you ladies to be patient and know that it does grow back and then some :yep: And try to enjoy every stage. There are styles and techniques that you can do with short hair that you can't once it grows back.

Sent from my HTC Evo
Call me confused....but I'm currently in the VERY early stages of contemplating transitioning, so this is a REAL question I have for you ladies. Why did you BC it, especially if your hair has never been short, instead of doing a long-term transition?

As I contemplate, I think I would have a 2.5 year transition minimally because I don't like short hair on me, relaxed, natural or otherwise. Just wondering why with over 2 feet of hair you decided to just cut or shave instead of grow the natural texture out before cutting? Your answers are greatly appreciated!


LadyP waited until she was WL before she bc'd.I think she cut like 6 inches. Maybe check with her. I'm unsure if she had issues with both textures.
SmilingElephant: How long did u transition before ur BC?

I transitioned for 8 months...even though I originally said I was gonna transition for 3 years...then it turned into 2...then I said 18 months.:lol:

What also encouraged my BC was that I noticed other ladies transitioned for like 6,8, or 10 months and they had a nice heap of hair on their heads! So that helped me not be too scared.
It was unplanned, but I big chopped today. I just got to the point where I wanted completely natural hair. It is neck length in the back and shorter in the front & sides. I cut it while it was wet, which was probably not a good idea. It's a little uneven, so I'll have it evened out by a stylist in a couple of weeks. I will have a stern talk with her beforehand to make sure only a little is cut. I'm happy that I bc'd, but still have mixed feelings about length, since I've always had long hair. I'm sure I'll get used to it.

Sorry that there are no pics. One day, I'll get around to taking some pics & posting them.
Lurking the thread but want to pop in to say you ladies are amazing! I don't know that I'd be brave enough to BC so much hair but am cheering you all on to your goals.
I BC'ed at MBL in January, so I know what you're talking about. It feels kind of strange at times to be without long hair.

Having short, natural hair is so different.
You ladies are so brave! I really wonder if I would have been able to loose all that luscious length!
It's ironic that you should start this thread. I was just looking at a picture from my cruise a few years back and mourning over my long, beautiful hair :sad:.

My hair has grown a lot though in a year :).


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YUP here was my hair before I BCd.




And here it is the night I BCd


Uh let me go back to the OP and read the instructions lol

ETA: Oh so nothing specific huh? Ok well.....I wasn't sad to cut the hair or anything cause I was tired of those relaxed ends. I had transitioned for nearly 18 months. But I am anxious for it to get back to a decent length because I can't stand the length of my braidouts lol I was finally able to get a nice full bun this week. So EXCITING!!! I can't wait to do a length check next February. I'm hoping to be BSL!
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YUP here was my hair before I BCd.




And here it is the night I BCd


Uh let me go back to the OP and read the instructions lol

ETA: Oh so nothing specific huh? Ok well.....I wasn't sad to cut the hair or anything cause I was tired of those relaxed ends. I had transitioned for nearly 18 months. But I am anxious for it to get back to a decent length because I can't stand the length of my braidouts lol I was finally able to get a nice full bun this week. So EXCITING!!! I can't wait to do a length check next February. I'm hoping to be BSL!

Lol at the screamy face:lol: How are you bunning? I consider my puff a bun lol:grin:...a big curly bun.
lol my hair is long enough to bun now. It wasn't before but now it is. I think I'm about 20 months post right now. It's not a fancy bun. I make the ponytail on stretched hair and push the ends up then throw on another ponytail holder. And the fact that it's natural makes it look nice and thick.