Grew It Long and BC'd and Growing It Back!

You ladies are AWESOME! Like another poster mentioned, I don't know that I'd be brave enough to cut off all that hair at once. I've never had long hair, so if I ever get it, I think I'd be too afraid I'd never see that kind of length again if I ever cut it all off! :lol:

This is slightly OT, but what kind of reactions did you ladies get from your family and friends when you cut all your hair off. I imagine some of them were shocked at the very least.
You ladies are AWESOME! Like another poster mentioned, I don't know that I'd be brave enough to cut off all that hair at once. I've never had long hair, so if I ever get it, I think I'd be too afraid I'd never see that kind of length again if I ever cut it all off! :lol:

This is slightly OT, but what kind of reactions did you ladies get from your family and friends when you cut all your hair off. I imagine some of them were shocked at the very least.

Lol!! My dad actually cussed when he saw I chopped off my hair....most of y'all know I'm Bipolar...I was pretty much manic when I decided to BC....but OMG he was really mad...and all I could do was ----> :rofl: :lachen:.....:lol:...:thud:..:rofl: His reaction was such a Bernie Mac moment!

My Nana does a horrible job about trying to be nice about things she doesn't like...she was all...I'm jus tryin to get used to ya new look:look:

But I didn't care. I still don't care. I already had in my mind that I wanted to go natural and stop torturing myself with relaxers.

I even had strangers tell me they're mad at me whenever hair comes up. (I talk to everybody:lol:) but hey...i'm glad I did it.

I know what short hair is like. It's okay. But it's boring to me. I miss doing all my fancy buns. Never want a pixie cut. I know what relaxed hair is like. I know what it's like to have really long hair. All to put on the resumé of life:yep:....if it's meant for me to have kids I'll definitely share my knowledge and pics with them.

But yeah if my dads reaction couldve been caught on camera it would be a permanent default gif on this hair board! was just spectacular!
Ladies hang in there! I had APL hair back in 2007 and I cut it to ummm pretty much bald LOL

Here is a photo of me a month after the big chop and my ponytail almost 2 years later (stretched it was close to MBL).

Its kinda funny to see my pig tail LOL
My hair is now waist length


SmilingElephant do you ever miss the length? I didn't care the first few weeks, but after that I was obsessed with checking my length every month with a ruler LOL
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^^seems like the 20 month post marker is the place ta be!:grin:

Yes BostonMaria I miss my length and I stretch my curls everyday to see if they progressed on a daily basis. I'm tryin to stay away from rulers and tape measurers :lol:
SmilingElephant still waiting for u to update your blog!

Hold on a lil tighter there my friend! I'm gonna be getting a laptop soon with my financial aid and hopefully soon I'll be back in bidness:yep:....but I'm also thinking about moving it. I want a blog that is more....user-friendly...blogspot annoys me.'s coming but I'm not sure when as if right now.
I definitely went through a mourning period. Now that I'm finally able to do more with my hair, I don't feel so

I can not WAIT until I am 2 years post!!

And I bc'ed at mbl too. Tired of the two textures.
Call me confused....but I'm currently in the VERY early stages of contemplating transitioning, so this is a REAL question I have for you ladies. Why did you BC it, especially if your hair has never been short, instead of doing a long-term transition?

As I contemplate, I think I would have a 2.5 year transition minimally because I don't like short hair on me, relaxed, natural or otherwise. Just wondering why with over 2 feet of hair you decided to just cut or shave instead of grow the natural texture out before cutting? Your answers are greatly appreciated!

I don't like short hair on me either. But, after six months, the two textures were getting on my last freakin' nerve! So, I chopped--May 28, 2011.
I grew to past apl (2 inches to bsl)which is the longest my hair was in my life. Does that count??:lachen:. It was so long to me. but Im a little past apl now so we will see.
Yeah I really want my hair to grow back....but I know it will so I'm not pressing it too much. I do miss my long hair though. I never had relaxers to "treat me bad" so me and relaxers didn't end our relationship on a bad note. I just wanted something new, and I love my natural hair. I'll just be happy when it's long again.