Gray Hair?!


New Member
I found a gray hair this morning during my daily hair styling routine. I thought it was just a piece of lint or something until I noticed a bulb at the end of it. I'm only 24! Is that normal?
Premature graying is normal. I discovered a couple gray hairs about 3 months ago and I'm 32. I thought it was a cat hair as I had recently been caring for my neighbors kittens. I told my mom and she just laughed about it. She told me my dad had a few strands when they married (they were in their late 20s).

I cut mine out, BTW.
I hope I don't sound vain or anything but I assumed that it was associated with stress or poor health because I have been very stressed out lately.
I think its normal. I believe I was about that age when I found my first gray hair. I'm 29 now and I have about 6 or 7 of them.

I don't think its anything to worry about.
Please girl! I have a streak in the front, and a couple suckas have appeared in my side burns, I'm 26 and started in my late teens.
Since you're only 24, its not time to worry about a few gray hairs! You've got about 20 more years of hair growing before the grays start to come in.
Its a natural part of the aging process.
I hope I don't sound vain or anything but I assumed that it was associated with stress or poor health because I have been very stressed out lately.

You are right. It is a mineral deficiency. When you replace the missing minerals, your hair will start to regain its pigment. It is actually pretty cool to see. :yep:
girl thats very normal cause when i was in the 5fth grade my classmates whole head was gray geesseee that was the strangest for a 10yrs old