GOLD DIGGERS: Hate or Congratulate?

You see an obvious gold digger with a rich older guy ur response is:

  • Hate it. It's downright REPULSIVE!

    Votes: 55 15.7%
  • Congratulate. Get it Girl!

    Votes: 123 35.1%
  • Envy. Dang, I wanna be in her shoes!

    Votes: 36 10.3%
  • Don't care.

    Votes: 136 38.9%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Being a full time college student, I got frustrated with paying student loans, credit cards bills, rent, utilities, insurances, car notes etc. etc. etc. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: so I said to my best friend " Girl, I wish some rich old man would just fall in love with my "youthful charm" :grin: and just get these bills off my hand!"
She was like " Uh huh, thatz the inner gold digger speaking" :lachen:.


I don't think i could actually SEEK out a well-to-do man just for his money , but I certainly won't :mob: all the girls who do :ohwell:. (hope i'm not morally deficient :look:).

Now, it's no secret men HATE gold diggers( prolly cuz of the shame of being used), but how do u feel about them?

I know you perhaps wouldn't mind being "kept", have u ever entertained the thought of making this happen?
I don't like being dependent on others for my well-being. I like the fact that if I want something, I can get it on my own without having to beg or barter for it. And, I dislike anyone that seeks to use and take advantage of others....I think that's really sad.
I feel like men already know when a chick is a gold digger, yet choose to still deal with them for their own personal reasons.

Gold digging females are USUALLY digging for money. Sometimes status but usually money.

Men are gold diggers too...but they're digging for a different kind of gold, usually. The trophy of a younger woman, a pretty woman, a really smart/degree holding woman, a shut up and sit down woman, a sex freak open minded, etc.

It's a give and take relationship... so if people wanna enter into that, more power to them!

And you can be a gold digger without being dependent. You can have your own career, money, education, etc... and still have the 'benefit' of being a gold digger.

IE... you can make 6 figures from your job on your own...and make another 6 figures from gold digging.
I feel like men already know when a chick is a gold digger, yet choose to still deal with them for their own personal reasons.

Gold digging females are USUALLY digging for money. Sometimes status but usually money.

Men are gold diggers too...but they're digging for a different kind of gold, usually. The trophy of a younger woman, a pretty woman, a really smart/degree holding woman, a shut up and sit down woman, a sex freak open minded, etc.

It's a give and take relationship... so if people wanna enter into that, more power to them!

And you can be a gold digger without being dependent. You can have your own career, money, education, etc... and still have the 'benefit' of being a gold digger.

IE... you can make 6 figures from your job on your own...and make another 6 figures from gold digging.

You summed it up quite nicely. I believe that men secretly like gold diggers. Gold diggers appeal to the captain-saveahoe in men.

There is a thin line between gold diggin and "marrying well". I don't think there is anything wrong with either now. I wish that I was more open to it when I was younger. So many opportunities passed up because I considered myself too moral to just be with someone for money. Hmph let me meet somebody now that wants to take care of me. . .
I don't like being dependent on others for my well-being. I like the fact that if I want something, I can get it on my own without having to beg or barter for it. And, I dislike anyone that seeks to use and take advantage of others....I think that's really sad.

Couldn't agree more.
What is the derogatory name given to a man for getting what he wants out of a relationship?:rolleyes:

I don't know, most derogatory terms are usually aimed towards females :sad:. But if he was diggin' for some arse and thatz all he wanted then "dog" is what comes to mind.:rolleyes:
You summed it up quite nicely. I believe that men secretly like gold diggers. Gold diggers appeal to the captain-saveahoe in men.

There is a thin line between gold diggin and "marrying well". I don't think there is anything wrong with either now. I wish that I was more open to it when I was younger. So many opportunities passed up because I considered myself too moral to just be with someone for money. Hmph let me meet somebody now that wants to take care of me. . .


And I agree, there is a THIN line btwn gold diggin and marrying well:yep:

And I agree, there is a THIN line btwn gold diggin and marrying well:yep:

I think it's all the same.

Gold diggers want a man who will provide for them and make their lives easier from a financial aspect. They don't wanna worry about the little things, don't wanna worry about HAVING to work a full time job all the time, they wanna have time to do what they wanna do... have a stable bank account and home situation.

Women who "marry well" want the same thing.

It's just that the social stigma is removed when a ring is applied.

Actually...sometimes even women who "marry well" still get the gold digger label and might actually BE gold diggers.

It is what it is.

OAHQ... the title for men is "MEN". LOL... that's bad enough.

"He is just like that cuz he's a man." "He don't know no better...he's a man." "He's dumb as rocks. He's a man."

:lachen: That must really suck. When your gender is derogatory in itself.
I've been working since i was 14 and am currently holding down a f/t & p/t job and go to school f/ me what you want.....HELLS YEAH!!!!...I would love for a man to come and take the weight off so that I could focus on school.....Everybody's out to get something...whether it be financially, socially or romantically.....society has only put a label on the ones who want it financially, i.e gold digger.....funny thing though all of my white g/f's have absoultely no problem with dealing with a man because of his financial status and the white men that they date have no issue with being wanted by these women due to their status....only black people seem to have these issues....i even had a bi-racial female tell me that the term golddigger could only be used when talking about a blk female b/c it wouldnt sound right if used in regards to a white women....go figure......I've never had the guts to date a man just for his dough, but if things keep going they way they are. I'm changibg careers....GOLD DIGGERS KEEP ON KEEPIN ON!!!!
I agree with you Reslnt:grin:
I go to school full time,work full time and have loans and bills that need to be paid each month. I think theres nothing wrong with getting help from your SO, and I just recently learned this. Im a independent woman, but its ok to have someone help you out every once in a while. My current SO helps me pay my monthly bills, not because I asked him or cant pay them my self. But because he volunteered and wants to do this for me. In return I do help or do special things for him. Im so Thankful that he is finacially able to help me because I have been able to save some money each month or pay more on my student loans.. So I say Gold Diggers do what you gotta do!:yep:

I've been working since i was 14 and am currently holding down a f/t & p/t job and go to school f/ me what you want.....HELLS YEAH!!!!...I would love for a man to come and take the weight off so that I could focus on school.....Everybody's out to get something...whether it be financially, socially or romantically.....society has only put a label on the ones who want it financially, i.e gold digger.....funny thing though all of my white g/f's have absoultely no problem with dealing with a man because of his financial status and the white men that they date have no issue with being wanted by these women due to their status....only black people seem to have these issues....i even had a bi-racial female tell me that the term golddigger could only be used when talking about a blk female b/c it wouldnt sound right if used in regards to a white women....go figure......I've never had the guts to date a man just for his dough, but if things keep going they way they are. I'm changibg careers....GOLD DIGGERS KEEP ON KEEPIN ON!!!!
the term golddigger could only be used when talking about a blk female b/c it wouldnt sound right if used in regards to a white women....
It's easier for black women to get money from foreign men who don't know all the hip hop stereotypes. Less bs to transcend. *shrug*
More truth: I :love: my SO, but I wouldn't be with him if he didn't have anything thing going on in this bank account.

Momma always said 0 + 0 = 0. and I'm at -30000K with loans and some debt.
This thread is too funny! :lachen:

Nothing from nothing leave nothing...Please believe that if my man didnt have it going on, I wouldnt waste my time...:lachen:
I agree with you Reslnt:grin:
I go to school full time,work full time and have loans and bills that need to be paid each month. I think theres nothing wrong with getting help from your SO, and I just recently learned this. Im a independent woman, but its ok to have someone help you out every once in a while. My current SO helps me pay my monthly bills, not because I asked him or cant pay them my self. But because he volunteered and wants to do this for me. In return I do help or do special things for him. Im so Thankful that he is finacially able to help me because I have been able to save some money each month or pay more on my student loans.. So I say Gold Diggers do what you gotta do!:yep:

I wouldnt call that gold digging at all. To me a gold digger is someone who solely goes after someone for money.
I don't like being dependent on others for my well-being. I like the fact that if I want something, I can get it on my own without having to beg or barter for it. And, I dislike anyone that seeks to use and take advantage of others....I think that's really sad.
Yes I know. But I probably wouldnt be with him if he didnt have something going on and couldnt help out with a bill or too. If he wants to talk on the phone all night, then he needs to put something on the phone bill.:yep:
I wouldnt call that gold digging at all. To me a gold digger is someone who solely goes after someone for money.
IMHO, Marrying well and GD'ing can be the same thing but it's not always.

To me GD'ing is using a man for his money without regard for his personal feelings and misleading him to think you have some genuine interest when you do not.

Some women will marry a guy for their money with no real genuine interest other than the relationship she can have with his bank accounts.

If he knows all of this...if she's been stright forward with him and he's aware of the situation and still wants to be with her because she's beautiful or whatever...then that's on him. :ohwell: Both parties get what they want and everyone's honest.

If she's lying and telling him she loves him just so she can get in his wallet (much the way a guy would tell you he loves you just to get in your panties) then that is wrong all the way around.

I personally do not believe that just because someone allows you to mistreat them that you should do so HOWEVER I can't fault a woman who GD's if the man is aware of what she's doing.
Truth be told - a lot of men LIKE to take care of their women entirely - and spoil the heck out of them. Who am I to make him unhappy by taking care of things my dang self?

Shoooooot... If I had the right *ahem* characteristics, I'd be a platinum digger... :yep: I'm only working about a 24k overlay...:ohwell:
I say I don't care. And neither should anyone else.
I was in a real relationship where I was fully taken care of and spoiled, I didn't feel like a 'gold digger' just a spoiled brat. He was around my age though.

I don't consider women who receive gifts/rent money/etc from men in exchange for sex 'gold diggers' i consider them business women. Their business: prostitution :drunk:

No man is with a golddigger unwillingly, he's getting something out of it too. The ones who are mad at the golddiggers are the ones who dont' have any gold! :lachen:

:lachen: I agree. I mean hey if you can get it, I say go ahead. I personally wouldn't deliberately go after men with money for the sole purpose of them taking care of me, but hey if I meet one and he's loaded you better believe I'm taking advantage of ALL the perks! Shoot, usually you don't even have to ask them for anything. They give freely. That's what I'm talking about.
Truth be told - a lot of men LIKE to take care of their women entirely - and spoil the heck out of them. Who am I to make him unhappy by taking care of things my dang self?

Shoooooot... If I had the right *ahem* characteristics, I'd be a platinum digger... :yep: I'm only working about a 24k overlay...:ohwell:

This is soooooo true and there isn't anything wrong with it!:yep:
:lachen: I agree. I mean hey if you can get it, I say go ahead. I personally wouldn't deliberately go after men with money for the sole purpose of them taking care of me, but hey if I meet one and he's loaded you better believe I'm taking advantage of ALL the perks! Shoot, usually you don't even have to ask them for anything. They give freely. That's what I'm talking about.

They do and try to impress you by telling you what they have!:yep: It's like they are asking you to take advantage them.
