Going Back: Advice to women on the Hair Boards


Active Member
after being on hair boards for the last 3 years, I've realized that all these products and new techniques really messed up my hair... I've tried soo many products, rollersetting, blah blah blah:spinning:... and imy hair just did not respond well. I'm going back to the old way that worked... Co-washing, bb moisturizer, Hot Six oil, and ponytail. and when I wanted to use heat for a straight style I pre-pooed, pooed, and deep conditioned... i had basic products no dabbling in every brand in "da stow":nono:... nexxus therapee/humectress, mayo, cholestral, hot six oil, bb oil moisturizer, olive oil, suave strawberry, infusium moisture, wide tooth comb, brush ,and a scrunchie. my hair was gorgeous, now... i've tried every perm, every hair color, every heat appliance, and my hair is crappy and stringy:wallbash:... my advice to women starting out is to keep it simple, and keep a regular regimine... just like skin, it like consistency and not to be bothered all the time!!!:yawn:
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I agree my dear. My hair was always great when I was in high school using Cholesterol and Blue Magic for real ;-)
thanks for the words. I agree though-keeping it simple pays off :yep:And your was and still is gorgeous!
I'm definitely grateful for this site and have learned alot. But, I'm currently going back to a more simple routine as well. i mean, its bout to be REAL basic.

I'm going to a new beautician who i like thus far (hopeully she won't do anything stupid or turn on me). she thinks i've been using way too much protein for my hair texture so we are doing mostly deep moisturizing conditioners and steam treatments. she uses mostly keracare and elucence products. doing my hair at home wasn't really working for me.

At home on a daily, i'm just going to make sure to wrap it at night with a silk scarf. and then slap some keracare oil moisturizer (yeah, it has mineral oil in it, but my hair seems to like it) as needed and maybe a little kemi oyl. and thats is.

hopefully it works. its been two years since i been trying to take care of my hair, and i still keep having to start over. 08 needs to be the year i see some progress.
I figured out early on that for me keeping it simple was the only way that I would do this for the long run.

Now I just wash and dc 1x a week because I hate jumping in and out of the shower, and I co wash 2-3x a week as needed. I moisturize and seal as needed and I use products that I know works for me. My hair and sanity thanks me!:yep:
I'll share a different perspective: since "going back" for me is going back on the "creamy crack" (ergo the screen name "RelaxerRehab"), I have to state my appreciation for (most of) the hair boards.... LCHF is the ONLY BOARD I have a paid membership to...I put my money where my hair follicles have benefitted the most....

It didn't take me long to go through the steps of every hair board:

1. initiation
2. cult-like immersion
3. follow the crowd (product junky)
4. anger from following the crowd (costs too much time, money, and risk)
5. figuring out your own hair care method, and finally
6. acceptance

I've learned that less is more.
after being on hair boards for the last 3 years, I've realized that all these products and new techniques really messed up my hair... I've tried soo many products, rollersetting, blah blah blah:spinning:... and imy hair just did not respond well. I'm going back to the old way that worked... Co-washing, bb moisturizer, Hot Six oil, and ponytail. and when I wanted to use heat for a straight style I pre-pooed, pooed, and deep conditioned... i had basic products no dabbling in every brand in "da stow":nono:... nexxus therapee/humectress, mayo, cholestral, hot six oil, bb oil moisturizer, olive oil, suave strawberry, infusium moisture, wide tooth comb, brush ,and a scrunchie. my hair was gorgeous, now... i've tried every perm, every hair color, every heat appliance, and my hair is crappy and stringy:wallbash:... my advice to women starting out is to keep it simple, and keep a regular regimine... just like skin, it like consistency and not to be bothered all the time!!!:yawn:

Bandwagons can be detrimental to some.

I don't jump on many bandwagons. Sometimes, I see people with lots of progress after using one of the band wagon products, but I would still like to see progress pics before the bandwagon product usage. Some people have much faster growth rates than I do, and any of their progress pics would seem like a dream to me. They may want the band wagon product to work so badly, that they misconstrue their progress. I've seen my mom do this, too, when her hair naturally grows fast.

I would like to see before/after pictures of people's hair before they began using the band wagon products. It would only be a conjecture of their average growth rate, but it is still better than nothing. Then they could post before/after pictures after they use the band wagon product. If the product worked, then the growth rate increase would be obvious. I would believe it then! Until then, I will always remain skeptical.

People can post pictures anyway they want. I'm not asking anyone to that for me. :grin:
It's a lot of fun trying products (sometimes not). I was pretty consistent with products and then started my pj tendencies again. I'm close to picking the products that I think work best for my hair and I'm pretty excited about it!

We all need to be reminded to keep it simple - thanks for the post!
I feel the same way. I leant alot and im grateful however all that "mess" doesn't work for me. Im good with once a month washing and conditioning (no co-washes/rinses no nothing in between that) and 6 hair products (2 shampoo, 2 conditioners and 2 leave ins). Other than the odd bits extra that i MAY do from time to time it doesn't get anymore than that...my fro is on the way to being the biggest ever! Im taking the mens appraoch (aka not a thing!) and my hair is in more than tip top condition.
I agree...keeping it simple is very important:grin: What works for you...works for you. When I first joined...I was really confused with all the products. Some growing methods I have tried and it worked for ME, but I'm sticking with products I've been using and have always used.

Read my siggy...it's describes this post perfectly:grin:
yea I have learned so much from this board but i am learning to sta way from bandwagons. Hennas bandwagon messed me up and since then, I have been leery.:look:
I don't think there is anything wrong with trying products that others have suggested, how else will you find what works best for your hair. I just think you should be selective in choosing which products to try or not to try. My reggie is simple, from day one, not alot of products, not willing to try to much of anything, cuz I don't want to mess up my progress. I think my biggest obstacle will be whether or not to relax my hair once I've reached my goal, the whole relaxers scene confuses the heck out of me, I've only have 1 relaxer in my 30sumthin years on this planet.lol