God told me to break up with you


Well-Known Member
Christian woman, Becky, dating a deacon.
Deacon has multiple ex wives and multiple kids, no job and is couch surfing with family. They met at church. Becky is in grad school and says relationship won't work. God told her he isn't the one. They never had sex.

He moves in with a new woman, Susan. They attend church together and Becky is there. Becky texts at 1 am. They broke up 4-6 weeks ago and he met Susan 4-5 weeks ago. Yes, Susan already moved him in. Yes, they've had sex. He's asleep but Susan responds saying its disrespectful to text him that late and she is the new woman in his life. They go back and forth for multiple screens......arguing by text over this guy. :perplexed

I guess nobody wants to be alone at Christmas. :perplexed
Becky and Susan need to stay for the afternoon service because they both need Jesus. Meanwhile the deacon is living high on the hog. The old, a piece of man is better than no man. Thank goodness for batteries I tell ya.

ETA: Susan doesn't even trust dude, she is all up in his cellphone.
Sorry, but he's the one they should end a relationship with. He is not living up to the Scriptures and he is just trifling.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Are these situations real or are you getting these from an advice column you read or something because I refuse to believe that people live like this.
This is odd. Why is he even allowed to hold the position that he holds?

I'm not sure there are requirements for deacons. Our childhood minister had an affair and a baby. We stopped attending that church.

Are these situations real or are you getting these from an advice column you read or something because I refuse to believe that people live like this.

Lol. Nope. All real.

naturalmanenyc dang do u know anyone in a healthy relationship :look: :lol:

The deacon is trife. But ummm, why is Becky texting him anyway? She left that situation didn't she? Why even bother messaging him at 1am? What exactly is there for them to speak about?
I'm not sure there are requirements for deacons. Our childhood minister had an affair and a baby. We stopped attending that church. .
There are. Well, there are supposed to be.

1 Timothy 3 talks about what a deacon must be: A husband of one wife, a person that manages his household well, respectable, above reproach, reverent of the scriptures, self controlled, etc.
I'm not sure there are requirements for deacons. Our childhood minister had an affair and a baby. We stopped attending that church.

Now thinking about it, you're very right. We have a governing body that addresses those situations. In fact, before you're even ordained, it is announced in prior services if you know any reason why etc..... please bring it forward :look::lol:.

However, my mother's friend's husband is a church "elder" and has an outside woman and child attending the same church. It's heartbreaking because she is still committed to the marriage. Everyone knew and she was the last to find out. She went and complained to the pastor and the pastor "spoke" to him and that was that. He's still an elder smh.
Unfortunately this stuff does happen often in real life. He should be stripped of his title and sit back in the pews for deliverance.