Goal achieved - BSL!!!

Great job! Just wondering, where you were describing your regime, how come you don't moisture your hair? Is this a personal choice? Do you DC?
Thanks Pocket_Sized! My hair is black and the relaxer has turned some parts a reddish color. I get more of this in the summer months when I'm outside.

Oh ok. I thought your henna turned it the reddish color. I was about to hurry up and place my order. That was a pretty color, though. Thanks for responding :)

Joined the forum back in 2006 and I've finally achieved my length goal! DH and I touched up my hair this weekend and it's official. See the growth chart pics in my siggy. The second to last pic shows my husband stretching the hair out to show it touching the bra strap. The last pic is the waves left over from my day old roller set - basically this is how it looks unstretched.

Now that my hair is touching my bra strap, I move on to my next goal. I want it to be full on the bottom like it is on top. I have trimmed my ends once since I joined the forum. From now on, I will be embarking on my own "trim it till it's even" challenge. Every time I touch up, I'll trim the ends (keeping it at BSL) and see if that helps to thicken it up on the bottom.

My regimen is very simple. I don't moisturize. I use coconut or jojoba oil whenever my hair is dry. I wash my hair once a week. If I'm busy or tired, I'll stretch it to two weeks. With these weekly washes, I'll shampoo, then leave conditioner on for the length of time it takes me to shower. I do a hard Aphogee protien treatment at 3 weeks and 7 weeks post relaxer. I relax (straight) every eight weeks. That's pretty much it.

I haven't really been spending a lot of time on the forum. I'm rarely on, but I wanted to say thanks to all you ladies. When I first started my hair care journey, I spent HOURS here and all of your wisdom, help, and support have helped me to reach my first goal.


Great job! Just wondering, where you were describing your regime, how come you don't moisture your hair? Is this a personal choice? Do you DC?

I just have never been able to find anything water based (even just using plain water) that I liked. Also, my hair is thin. Misting and sealing it everyday just makes it look so stringy. I just stick to light oils. Coconut and jojoba are my Holy Grails because they don't weigh my hair down.

I used to DC anywhere from 20 mins to 1 hour. This was even before I discoverd LHCF. I've just gotten so lazy. I wash my hair in the shower and jumping in and out several times a night just started to get to me. So now, I wash my hair when I take a shower. After I rinse out the shampoo, I put in the DC (I alternate between AO GPB and AO Honeysuckle Rose) and leave it in for as long as it takes me to soap up my body. Then I rinse and rollerset. I do use the hard aphogee twice during my eight week stretch. That's my only real "DC".

I haven't seen where not DCing every week has damaged my hair. Although who knows. Maybe if I were DCing every week, my hair might be thicker. Or maybe I would have reached my length goal in less time, or my hair might be healthier. I guess I'll have to revisit that again at some point.

Another thing that I discovered midway through the process was that my satin cap that I would tie on my head each night was causing my hairline to thin. I stopped using it and notice that hair is starting to grow again in those areas. I think it was putting too much stress on that delicate area. I don't sleep in a cap anymore.

I'm not saying these things to knock any tried and true hair care routines. We've all been taught to moisturize daily, deep condition like nobody's business, and tie that hair down at night. But it just goes to show again what we always say on this board: what works for one, might not work for someone else. That's the thing I love about this board. You get good info, but it's all about learning your hair and tweaking your regimen for what works for you.
Your hair looks great...what protective style did you use and did you use heat? If so, how often?

I usually wear my hair in a bun to work every day. Then I wash and rollerset it and wear it out for church on Sabbath. I rarely use heat. I probably break out the curling iron five times a year.