Giving of the Tithe - Scripture References

If I unintentionaly insulted you, why didn't you say something to me, since we are sisters in Christ and all? I'm not an unreasonable person...a pm would have been fine and we could have talked about it, instead of bringing up the past in this thread. I said that you insulted me as a pastor by saying did I study the scriptures that I put in the OP...what does that really have to do with another thread? Obviously..we aren't going to get anywhere with this.

Lauren, I do believe in forgiveness as well, and for the sake of someone giving their life to Jesus Christ, I most certainly would not want that to happen because of what I do or say, therefore I do forgive you and I ask that you forgive me as well and please, seriously, accept my apologies if I said or did anything outside of myself to you at any time that would cause you to feel bad.


I'll pm you!
The spoils belonged to Abraham for him to do whatever he wanted to do with them. That's why the King of Sodom told Abraham to keep the goods, maybe as an award for defeating Sodom's enemies. Abraham, in honor to his Lord, didn't want to accept the award. The story continues in the next chapter (Genesis 15): Verse 1: "After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward." And here's where this act of tithing, faith, and worship unto the Lord set Abraham apart from other folk:

Genesis 15:2-6
"2And Abram said, LORD God, what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus?
3And Abram said, Behold, to me thou hast given no seed: and, lo, one born in my house is mine heir.
4And, behold, the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, This shall not be thine heir; but he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine heir.
5And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be. 6And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness.

And Isaac became that seed...from what seemed to be an IMPOSSIBLE situation.... that's what TITHING will do....

Wait, where does it say that this was because Abraham gave to Melchezidek? I read it a few times, but I'm missing it. I agree with you about the spoils.

What I see is that Abraham honored God, and believed God when He made the covenant with Abraham (which God considered him righteous because of that). I don't see where tithing made a difference either way.

Ok... I'm chewing on this a bit so here's what I feel/sense:

The word "law" is a very loaded term. The birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ fulfilled the law, but DID NOT UNDO the PRINCIPLES of which the Mosaic law enforced. For example, Mark 10 talks about divorce outlined in the Old Testament and how Jesus applied it in the New Testament:

(The Message)
1-2 From there he went to the area of Judea across the Jordan. A crowd of people, as was so often the case, went along, and he, as he so often did, taught them. Pharisees came up, intending to give him a hard time. They asked, "Is it legal for a man to divorce his wife?"

3Jesus said, "What did Moses command?"

4They answered, "Moses gave permission to fill out a certificate of dismissal and divorce her."

5-9Jesus said, "Moses wrote this command only as a concession to your hardhearted ways. In the original creation, God made male and female to be together. Because of this, a man leaves father and mother, and in marriage he becomes one flesh with a woman—no longer two individuals, but forming a new unity. Because God created this organic union of the two sexes, no one should desecrate his art by cutting them apart."

10-12When they were back home, the disciples brought it up again. Jesus gave it to them straight: "A man who divorces his wife so he can marry someone else commits adultery against her. And a woman who divorces her husband so she can marry someone else commits adultery."

So Jesus did not UNDO the ACT of divorce or even Moses' law concerning divorce, but gave us the parameters for when divorce is permitted.

I think this is the way the principle and practice of tithing is to be applied to us today. So to answer your question, I practice the biblical PRINCIPLE of tithing.

Which is freewill giving.:yep: You are not tithing as God mandated it, and you agree with that. You are deciding to give 10% based on your understanding of the principle. So we agree. :grin: My concern is for those, including the poor and less fortunate, who are still being taught that they HAVE to tithe to be blessed, when the tithe was GIVEN to the poor during the Old Covenant.

I also agree that Jesus didn't do away with the law, but fulfilled it. He made it so that we don't have to abide by the letter of the law, but rather the spirit of the law.:yep:
I also agree that Jesus didn't do away with the law, but fulfilled it. He made it so that we don't have to abide by the letter of the law, but rather the spirit of the law.:yep:

But using the divorce example (it's a crude choice of example because God HATES divorce, but it demonstrates the point), divorce still exists. Divorce didn't go away. And Christians still have to "abide" by the guidelines of matrimony and divorce, when both the LETTER and SPIRIT. So it is with tithing...or fasting...and so on and so forth.

spirit >>> principle: similar/related concepts....

From Dictionary:

spirit: 11 a: prevailing tone or tendency <spirit of the age> b: general intent or real meaning <spirit of the law>

principle: 1 a: a comprehensive and fundamental law, doctrine, or assumption b (1): a rule or code of conduct (2): habitual devotion to right principles <a man of principle>

I didn't expect to find this link:
Beginning paragraph. There's more at the link:

There is a great confusion in the phrase "letter of the law." Many Christians believe this to mean that we are not under God's Law anymore, and that we are free to disregard God's Law (such as the Ten Commandments), as long as we keep the spirit of the law. However, it is a scriptural truth that if one is truly keeping the spirit of the law, then one will not break the letter of the law. (Clarification: this does not pertain to the temporary, sacrificial laws, such as sacrificing animals for our sins; because these laws passed away. But when it comes to God's law that gives us a knowledge of sin, it does matter, because if one is keeping the spirit of the law, one will not sin against the Lord).

The scriptural phrase “the letter of the law” appears in only three passages. In order to understand what this phase means, let us study these three passages carefully. As will be seen, this phrase refers to the ceremonial laws that waxed old and passed away, not to the written law of God that gives us a knowledge of sin.
Lauren, you have certainly insulted me and my position as a pastor and minister of the gospel by saying this. I studied these scriptures and took alot of time on this and you are going to say this and think its ok for you to do so? Hmmmm....

This is not a battle of scriptures, Lauren. Get your scriptures together if you like.

I have nothing more to say because I just don't....:wallbash:
Nice & Wavy, thanks for posting all of the scriptures. I tithe:yep:
I also agree that Jesus didn't do away with the law, but fulfilled it. He made it so that we don't have to abide by the letter of the law, but rather the spirit of the law.:yep:

Wait, where does it say that this was because Abraham gave to Melchezidek? I read it a few times, but I'm missing it. I agree with you about the spoils.

What I see is that Abraham honored God, and believed God when He made the covenant with Abraham (which God considered him righteous because of that). I don't see where tithing made a difference either way.

I believe that tithe "enhanced", if I can use that term, Abraham's honor unto the Lord when Abraham expressed his worship unto the Lord in Genesis 14:22-23.... that act of worship with the tithe got the Lord God's attention.... because in Genesis 15:1, the verse says " After these things, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a special dream, saying" After what things (plural)? The tithe and the worship.

Which is freewill giving.:yep: You are not tithing as God mandated it, and you agree with that. You are deciding to give 10% based on your understanding of the principle. So we agree. :grin: My concern is for those, including the poor and less fortunate, who are still being taught that they HAVE to tithe to be blessed, when the tithe was GIVEN to the poor during the Old Covenant.

Because, as we have agreed, that the Lord's fulfillment of the law doesn't UNDO the principle/spirit of the law, that leads me to the point that the act and principle of tithing has not been undone. The act and principle of tithing still exists (the purpose and meaning still exists but the method has altered in response to the changing of the cultures), for us to do. I think the term "mandate" is misleading because technically, no New Testament(?) Christian is mandated to do ANYTHING (I suppose, except to LOVE). Every human being, every Christian, has free will. It is our submission and obedience that the Lord wants from us to carry out the principles outlined in the Bible.
I think that's a big point: we are in the dispensation of grace. We are not MANDATED to do anything but to love.
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Tithing is something that I will NEVER regret doing with what belongs to God anyway...for all of the silver and the gold; the cattle on a thousand hills belong to the Lord. He's just gracious enough to allow us to have a share of it; and quite generous He is in His sharing with us.

His grace is upon those who do not give back to the Lord what is His...tithe. For the 'tithe' is the Lord's. Including the 90% that He allows one to keep. Including the 101% (yes, 101%) that He has allowed those who do not tithe keep.

Tithing is a Covenant between the tither and God. And the same promises that God made with Abraham (as a tither), God made to us as well. A Covenant is a sealed promise of the Lord that He will always keep; Grace, is also a promise, but it is unmerited.

I have so many testimonies from being a Tither and a Giver. God made a Covenant with me regarding my children and my children's children and their children for generations to come. And he has never failed me. Over 25 years of Covenant and god has never failed me.

We either trust God or we don't. I'd rather 'trust Him and believer Him.

A Tither with no regrets....I am. Thank you Jesus for all you have done for me. While others laughed, ridiculed, flamed me, you yet prepared a table before me in the very presence of my enemies....and for this I will always thank you with all of my heart. In Jesus's name. Amen and Amen... :heart2:
Tithing is a Spiritual Law, just like the law of reaping and sowing, giving, sin and death, etc. It is not a "requirement" to be blessed but I do believe based on personal experience that when you do it in faith, it's just about guaranteed. Tithing is the only time in the Bible where God allows us to test Him.:yep:

All I know is, when I didn't tithe, I never had enough, I couldn't pay bills, struggled etc. When me and DH began tithing, we've experienced God's faithfulness first hand, where even in a time of financial famine, God provided for us SUPERNATURALLY! Mathematically it doesn't make sense, but He did it.

I don't believe we're required to do it, but I think it's kinda stoopid NOT too! I mean if God says "test me" well my goodness, that's better odds than anything else. Actually many non Christians tithe, and many metaphysicals use Biblical principles of finances and prosperity to become wealthy, the thing that's kinda jacked IMO is we HAVE the truth, so how much moreso should WE be using what God gave us than the world?

ETA: I know my thinking doesn't fit into many people's "traditions" and "religious oxes" but based on what I've read in the Word, neither does God.:grin:
I totally agree with you Kbragg, I have lived on both sides of the fences One of not tithing, telling God that I can't afford to give 10% on my paycheck with all the bills I was dealing with and still coming up short living paycheck to paycheck. One of tithing, gladly bringing 10% of my income and more to church and experincing more than enough in spite of what the checkbook register said. So from personal experience, I choose to be a tither because I have seen and experienced favor and money come my way that was far above my paycheck could contribute. I see tithing as a act of obedience and expression of your love for God. I don't see it as money I am giving but it is finances that will be used to further the kingdom of God, plus I will never be able to outgive God.
I tithe, because I feel God has told me/commanded me to tithe and not only tithe but just be a giver. Give to people in what I can for those who don't have. It' just in me to do that type of good to people.

I am big on feeding the homeless. And it's not like oh go down to a shelter and help out, but as simple as buying a couple protein bars or a large pizza and giving it out to the homeless in the neighborhood or who I see on my travels.

I see giving as a way to contribute to kingdom building.

I've heard Malachi 3:8 all my life, but it never really became real real to me until about 3 or 4 months ago. Like oh yea don't rob God, you rob Him in tithes and offering. Etc..I tithe before this, but it was like WOW! At that moment it became soo powerful when I read a little further.

8 “ Will a man rob God?
Yet you have robbed Me!
But you say,

‘ In what way have we robbed You?’
In tithes and offerings.
9 You are cursed with a curse,
For you have robbed Me,

Even this whole nation.
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
That there may be food in My house,
And try Me now in this,”
Says the LORD of hosts,

“ If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it.
11 “ And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes,
So that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground,
Nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field,”
Says the LORD of hosts;

12 And all nations will call you blessed,
For you will be a delightful land,”
Says the LORD of hosts.

I read this in church one sunday and I just started shouting. The Spirit of the Lord just made me sooo happy in this. Especially the underlining part.

I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes. WOW. Soo many blessings out of returning to God what was/is his all along. Like it just doesn't make sense to bless be for this, but He decided he will and he does. Ok. I receive it. However, there are downsides to this, being cursed. Like doing something so simple could release huge blessings, but not doing something so simple could release a huge curse.

Something else that I had been saying, but is right here in scripture. Bring the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house.

God doesn't need to eat or food in his house. What is he going to do with this tithe? He is going to give it to his children who are in need. Who lack, who need that supernatural intervention. And that's what the church is suppose to be doing. Not keeping it in the church buying new fancy carpet and glass chandeliers when they don't have any type of outreach and giving programs in the church.

OK. That's it.
Tithing is something that I will NEVER regret doing with what belongs to God anyway...for all of the silver and the gold; the cattle on a thousand hills belong to the Lord. He's just gracious enough to allow us to have a share of it; and quite generous He is in His sharing with us.

His grace is upon those who do not give back to the Lord what is His...tithe. For the 'tithe' is the Lord's. Including the 90% that He allows one to keep. Including the 101% (yes, 101%) that He has allowed those who do not tithe keep.

Tithing is a Covenant between the tither and God. And the same promises that God made with Abraham (as a tither), God made to us as well. A Covenant is a sealed promise of the Lord that He will always keep; Grace, is also a promise, but it is unmerited.

I have so many testimonies from being a Tither and a Giver. God made a Covenant with me regarding my children and my children's children and their children for generations to come. And he has never failed me. Over 25 years of Covenant and god has never failed me.

We either trust God or we don't. I'd rather 'trust Him and believer Him.

A Tither with no regrets....I am. Thank you Jesus for all you have done for me. While others laughed, ridiculed, flamed me, you yet prepared a table before me in the very presence of my enemies....and for this I will always thank you with all of my heart. In Jesus's name. Amen and Amen... :heart2:

Thanks for posting, Shimmie.

I can now see how tithing is really important...I think more now, since this thread, than all the years I have been a tither.

When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord will raise up a standard against him! Praise the Lord!

I will continue to give, above and beyond my tithes and offerings.:yep:

I tithe, because I feel God has told me/commanded me to tithe and not only tithe but just be a giver. Give to people in what I can for those who don't have. It' just in me to do that type of good to people.

I am big on feeding the homeless. And it's not like oh go down to a shelter and help out, but as simple as buying a couple protein bars or a large pizza and giving it out to the homeless in the neighborhood or who I see on my travels.

I see giving as a way to contribute to kingdom building.

I've heard Malachi 3:8 all my life, but it never really became real real to me until about 3 or 4 months ago. Like oh yea don't rob God, you rob Him in tithes and offering. Etc..I tithe before this, but it was like WOW! At that moment it became soo powerful when I read a little further.

8 “ Will a man rob God?
Yet you have robbed Me!
But you say,

‘ In what way have we robbed You?’
In tithes and offerings.
9 You are cursed with a curse,
For you have robbed Me,
Even this whole nation.
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
That there may be food in My house,
And try Me now in this,”
Says the LORD of hosts,

“ If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it.
11 “ And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes,
So that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground,
Nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field,”
Says the LORD of hosts;
12 And all nations will call you blessed,
For you will be a delightful land,”
Says the LORD of hosts.

I read this in church one sunday and I just started shouting. The Spirit of the Lord just made me sooo happy in this. Especially the underlining part.

I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes. WOW. Soo many blessings out of returning to God what was/is his all along. Like it just doesn't make sense to bless be for this, but He decided he will and he does. Ok. I receive it. However, there are downsides to this, being cursed. Like doing something so simple could release huge blessings, but not doing something so simple could release a huge curse.

Something else that I had been saying, but is right here in scripture. Bring the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house.

God doesn't need to eat or food in his house. What is he going to do with this tithe? He is going to give it to his children who are in need. Who lack, who need that supernatural intervention. And that's what the church is suppose to be doing. Not keeping it in the church buying new fancy carpet and glass chandeliers when they don't have any type of outreach and giving programs in the church.

OK. That's it.

You are very special...trustmelove and God is using you mightly with your words. Continue to stand and after you have done all to stand...STAND!

Thank U for this post Nice & Wavy AMEN!:grin:

The is BIBLE means
I- Instructions

I feel that tithing is a big part of expanding God's Kingdom! A person must be careful where they tithe they must tithe into good ground.
I claim Malachi 3:10 every day, and I tell it what has been going on in my life that YES God does not lie and by me tithing and giving to his work and his kingdom, the Lord will continue to Bless me! I love tithing to God's work and being in Convenat Realtionship with God and not only that, the church where I attened when we bring in our first fruits we are sowing into good ground.

Also, not only tithes just does not pay for the bills of the church. In my church it goes into the community to feed the homeless and the needy.
I LOVE the Lord and I will tithe 10% or 15% to advance his kingdom.

last relaxer 12-19-07 Affrim:yep:
next relaxer 3-25-08 :perplexed
Current APL length
I am Claiming BSL by 12-31-08:grin:
Tithing is something that I will NEVER regret doing with what belongs to God anyway...for all of the silver and the gold; the cattle on a thousand hills belong to the Lord. He's just gracious enough to allow us to have a share of it; and quite generous He is in His sharing with us.

His grace is upon those who do not give back to the Lord what is His...tithe. For the 'tithe' is the Lord's. Including the 90% that He allows one to keep. Including the 101% (yes, 101%) that He has allowed those who do not tithe keep.

Tithing is a Covenant between the tither and God. And the same promises that God made with Abraham (as a tither), God made to us as well. A Covenant is a sealed promise of the Lord that He will always keep; Grace, is also a promise, but it is unmerited.

I have so many testimonies from being a Tither and a Giver. God made a Covenant with me regarding my children and my children's children and their children for generations to come. And he has never failed me. Over 25 years of Covenant and god has never failed me.

We either trust God or we don't. I'd rather 'trust Him and believer Him.

A Tither with no regrets....I am. Thank you Jesus for all you have done for me. While others laughed, ridiculed, flamed me, you yet prepared a table before me in the very presence of my enemies....and for this I will always thank you with all of my heart. In Jesus's name. Amen and Amen... :heart2:

I can Attest to this as well
God Is Good
All the Time
and All the Time God is Good!

The is BIBLE means
I- Instructions

I feel that tithing is a big part of expanding God's Kingdom! A person must be careful where they tithe they must tithe into good ground.
I claim Malachi 3:10 every day, and I tell it what has been going on in my life that YES God does not lie and by me tithing and giving to his work and his kingdom, the Lord will continue to Bless me! I love tithing to God's work and being in Convenat Realtionship with God and not only that, the church where I attened when we bring in our first fruits we are sowing into good ground.

Also, not only tithes just does not pay for the bills of the church. In my church it goes into the community to feed the homeless and the needy.
I LOVE the Lord and I will tithe 10% or 15% to advance his kingdom.

last relaxer 12-19-07 Affrim:yep:
next relaxer 3-25-08 :perplexed
Current APL length
I am Claiming BSL by 12-31-08:grin:
If you don't have a problem with tithing...then what's the problem?

The only frivolous arguments that I have been witnessing is between christians and its a shame. How are people going to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, when they see that there are people who are going to attack each other with their words because they don't agree?

Ok, we don't agree...that's ok. It should not turn into doesn't look good on us as believers.

Thanks for posting!

I don't have a problem, but you seem to have one. Is this the way you disagree with my statement? What is a shame exactly? Disagreeing, on seeing the bible in a light that might be different from what is popular? I am not attacking you, but it seems like you are attacking me, and putting words in my mouth. Yes many people come in agree with tithing, and like I said I don't have a problem with it, I just see it in a different way. It is not my point to be popular or have everyone agree with me. Jesus was never popular, actually he was not liked by many people who claimed they were experts on the word of God. I am not an expert, and it seems for some they just can't accept that they might just be wrong.
Like I said before, I don't tithe the way you are referring, but I give, and give what I am compelled to give, and I do with a humble heart, and gladly. I am blessed, and my storebasket is never empty. How many people give their 10th every week, and are sick, broke etc... Is there tithing not working? Or are they not giving enough? Tithing does not equal blessings, following God's commandments are exactly what allows you to receive blessings. How many times did Jesus say this? How many times have the bible referred to this? I don't need to give my 10% faithfully to have faith in God, maybe some people do, which is why they attribute their blessings to tithing.

Could it just be that God is pleased with you following his commandments? What about Job, David, and etc... who were blessed just because they were pleasing in God's sight. Why were they pleasing to Him? Because they obeyed his commandments Period!!! Not because they tithed, and no where in the Word was a specific person blessed JUST because they tithed.

My point is this, tithe if you want, but please don't make it seem as if you are better than the next person that doesn't, because that idea right there will send you where?
I am sorry if I came off a bit defensive, I really didn't mean to, but I felt attacked. I just disagree, and we can do that. Like I said before I don't have a problem with tithing, just with the idea that you HAVE to tithe, and it makes you better than the next man that does not (especially if that person is a giver), or it's going to make you more blessed.

Further more, why are people letting their kids give 10% of their GIFTS as tithe :sad:. I thought tithe was 10% of EARNINGS! I thought the child got a gift, or a card? How does that become something that can be tithed?
God has always brought back to my memory that We don't have any power to change people. All we can do is plant the seed and let god finish in the spirit what He began in the spirit (Phillipians 1:6) Our responsibility is to just spread the message and let God do the rest.

We can't beat anyone into believing what we believe, by scriptures or words. It is something that has to take place in the spiritual. And it will only occur if that is what God wants to happen. If God wants this message to take root in their lives or if He is fine with the way they are doing things already it wont take root.

And something as serious as tithing isn't something we can beat into people with scriptures. If anyone feels that they have the truth regarding this matter, just state it back it up with scriptures and if God wants someone to receive that message TRUSTME He will make sure it gets to them in HIS timing.

I am not saying Christians can't disagree, but there is a way to go about it.

Let us come together to truly glorify God and magnify how great and mighty He is in all of our lives.
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Did you guys read the scriptures in context? Have you really studied this stuff, or are you just trying to prove your point? I'm not trying to be funny, but you're missing it.

The tithe that Abraham gave wasn't a tithe. For one, he didn't give based on anything he earned. He gave from someone else's property. Second, it was a freewill offering of 10%. Which again proves what we have been saying. If we are not under the law to tithe, then we are free, like Abraham, to give 10, or 5 , or 35%, and God is pleased with it all.

Also, I have said before that I am not saying that you shouldn't tithe. What I am saying is that you aren't under the law to do so. If you want to, if God has spoken to you personally and told you to give 10%, then you are practicing New Testament giving, becuase that is what God has purposed in your heart.

That said, it doesn't make you more blessed or more special than people who do not "tithe". You aren't more blessed for giving 10% than soeone who gives 5 or 25%. You are blessed because God sees fit to bless you. Me and my family are blessed and favored beyond our wildest dreams, and we aren't "tithers" in the true sense of the word.

God is awesome like that. He blesses those He wants to bless. Tithing never had to do with blessing anyway. It had to do with providing an inheritance for those who had nothing. It had nothing to do with faith either.

The Malachi scriptures, again, if you read them in context, refer to God's displeasure with the priests. THEY were not bringing the tithes into the storehouse and doing with them what God commanded. They were robbing God by not providing for His people, the Levites. He told them that if they would obey Him in the law, He would bless them and not curse them. THEM, not us.

Again, if you want to give 10%, you have the freewill to do so. That is one of the reasons Jesus came...that we aren't in bondage to the law anymore, but free. But when you, and preachers, and whoever else try to create some spiritual hierarchy where "tithers" (Who aren't really tithing because if you read the tithe scriptures, it looks nothing like writing out a check every week) are better than givers.

Anyway, I'm going get my scriptures together.

These are my same sentiments as well re: the points you expressed here. Also, Those priests were using the tithe to generate riches for themselves, robbing God and the nation: Malachi 3:8-10
Again, Abrahams "tithe" wasn't a true tithe the way God commanded it. It was a freewill offering. If anything, this supports the point that God has given us the choice to give what is purposed in our hearts. Abraham wasn't commanded to give 10%, but he decided to. Also, he didn't give from his own earnings, he gave from the spoils of war that belonged to the other king (I'll have to go back and reread). The spoils didn't belong to him, but before he returned those spoils to their rightful owner, he decided to give some to Melchizedek. So, not a good example of being under law or covenant to tithe.

There are no more Levite priests. They were the only ones able to legally collect a tithe. So again, if we are being technical, what you are doing isn't tithing, it's freewill giving of 10%.

I agree. Where it gets sad is when what should be free will, and not under compulsion tying up heavy BURDENS on the people, rather than the people feeling blessed to give, it becomes a Yoke, and Christ says His yoke is kindly and his burden is light. If someone makes $3000 per month, has no responsibilities a month it may not be a burden, but if some person with a family of five takes home a $1000 or less and their bonafide family expenses are $985. it could become a burden to give that 10 per cent every month no matter what. No dentist, no doctor, no holiday for your family, no grad dress, no car repairs etc and pay childcare too. And when other believers make them feel, sinful, like thieves and faithless, and they are pointed out to others, indirectly, cause word does get around, or spiritually rebuked and any thing they suffer is directly related to the "sin of not giving 10 per cent!"
that is also sad. God may very well be pleased, with their mite! The widow did what she could, right and a favorable testimony was given about her in the Scriptures?
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QUOTE=Nice & Wavy;3626775]q Gen 14:19 (Abraham’s give of 10%)
q Gen 28:20-22 (Jacob decision to give 10% to God)
q Exod 35:4-29 (Moses and the people’s gifts to build the tabernacle)
q Lev 27:30 (Tithe of everything is the Lord’s)
q Lev 27:32 (Every tenth animal is the Lord’s)
q Num 18:21 (Tithes support ministers of God)
q Deut 12:5-7 (Tithes, special gifts, freewill offerings)
q Deut 14:22-29 (Set aside a tenth to learn to revere God)
q 2 Chr 31:2-12 (Hezekiah generosity & giving instructions)
q Neh 10:35-37 (Nehemiah’s giving instructions)
q Neh 12:43-47 (Faithful giving to God’s ministers)
q Neh 13:11-13 (Nehemiah’s rebuke & the results)
q Mal 3:7-12 (Holding back tithes & offerings is stealing from God)
q Matt 23:23 (Jesus’ affirmation of tithing)
q Luke 11:42 (Jesus’ affirmation of tithing)
q I Kings 17:8-16 (Elijah and the starving widow)
q Deut 8:18 (God gives people ability to produce wealth)
q Prov 3:9-10 (Honor the Lord with your wealth & firstfruits)
q Exod 36:3-6 (Moses restrains people from bringing offerings)
q Mal 1:6-14 (Malachi’s rebuke for bringing bad offerings)
q Hag 1:4-11 (Haggai’s giving challenge)
q 1 Chr 29:2-9 (David’s generous gift & giving challenge)
q 1 Chr 29:11-17 (Everything we have and gives comes from God)
q Luke 6:38 (Give and God will see others give to you)
q 2 Cor 8:2-21 (Rich generosity in the midst of extreme poverty)
q 2 Cor 9:5-15 (God loves a cheerful giver)
q Deut 28:12-13, 43-45 (Blessings & curses for obedience)
q Ps 50:9-12 (God owns everything)
q Prov 11:24-25 (Generosity is the pathway for more)
q Prov 18:9 (Slackness in giving is the same as destroying things)
q Prov 22:9 (Generous man will be blessed)
q Prov 28:22 (Stingy man is eager to get rich, but gets poverty)
q Prov 28:27 (Give and have enough, withhold and be cursed)
q Matt 6:25-34 (Don’t worry, but seek first the kingdom of God)
q Mark 12:41-44 (Rich people giving and the widow’s mite)
q Deut 16:10 (Give in proportion to the blessings the Lord has given you)
q Deut 16:16 (No man should appear before the Lord empty-handed)
q Deut 16:17 (Each person should give in proportion to the way God has blessed them)
q 1 Cor 16:2 (On the first day of each week, give according to God’s blessing)
q 1 Tim 6:6-11 (Cautions about the materialism and the love of money)
q 1 Tim 6:17-19 (Instructions to be generous and willing to share)
q 1 Sam 30:24 (Those who stay with the supplies share with those on the front lines)
q Matt 6:19-21 (Do not store up for yourselves treasure on earth – heart & treasure linked)
q Heb 6:10 (God is not unfair, He will not forget the help you gave)
q Isa 32:8 (Noble man makes noble plans)
q Acts 2:44-45 (Believers had everything in common)
q Acts 4:34-37 (No needy persons. Sale of lands and houses.)
q Rom 12:13 (Share with God's people who are in need)
q Heb 13:16 (Don’t forget to do good and share with others)
q I Jn 3:17 (Do you see brothers in need – help them)
q Luke 18:22-25 (Rich man turns away from Jesus)
q Gal 6:6 (Support financially those who teach you the Word of God)
q Matt 25:35-40 (Helping the least of the brethren is helping Jesus)
q Acts 20:35 (It is more blessed to given than to receive)
Since there are some who are questioning tithers and because I won't get into this type of discussion over in OT, but in the CF only, then I thought its fitting to begin this over here.

The one thing I'm going to stress is this: For all who choose not to give their tithes for whatever YOUR reason is, doesn't mean that those who do are wrong.

I know that give above and beyond my would be amazed. There are so many others that do as well. I love to give and will continue as long as I have breath in me.

If this was something that the Lord didn't want us to do, why am I so blessed? Why does He continue to pour out His blessings in my life and so many others that I know of? Why? Well, I can say this....there must be something to it, or it would not happen.

Anyhoo....for those who want to understand it more and see what the Word has to say about it, be blessed with it.

I need to ask about one scripture and I have some questions that I will post. Hope this is okay with you.
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QUOTE=Nice & Wavy;3626775]q Gen 14:19 (Abraham’s give of 10%)
q Gen 28:20-22 (Jacob decision to give 10% to God)
q Exod 35:4-29 (Moses and the people’s gifts to build the tabernacle)
q Lev 27:30 (Tithe of everything is the Lord’s)
q Lev 27:32 (Every tenth animal is the Lord’s)
q Num 18:21 (Tithes support ministers of God)
q Deut 12:5-7 (Tithes, special gifts, freewill offerings)
q Deut 14:22-29 (Set aside a tenth to learn to revere God)
q 2 Chr 31:2-12 (Hezekiah generosity & giving instructions)
q Neh 10:35-37 (Nehemiah’s giving instructions)
q Neh 12:43-47 (Faithful giving to God’s ministers)
q Neh 13:11-13 (Nehemiah’s rebuke & the results)
q Mal 3:7-12 (Holding back tithes & offerings is stealing from God)
q Matt 23:23 (Jesus’ affirmation of tithing)
q Luke 11:42 (Jesus’ affirmation of tithing)
q I Kings 17:8-16 (Elijah and the starving widow)
q Deut 8:18 (God gives people ability to produce wealth)
q Prov 3:9-10 (Honor the Lord with your wealth & firstfruits)
q Exod 36:3-6 (Moses restrains people from bringing offerings)
q Mal 1:6-14 (Malachi’s rebuke for bringing bad offerings)
q Hag 1:4-11 (Haggai’s giving challenge)
q 1 Chr 29:2-9 (David’s generous gift & giving challenge)
q 1 Chr 29:11-17 (Everything we have and gives comes from God)
q Luke 6:38 (Give and God will see others give to you)
q 2 Cor 8:2-21 (Rich generosity in the midst of extreme poverty)
q 2 Cor 9:5-15 (God loves a cheerful giver)
q Deut 28:12-13, 43-45 (Blessings & curses for obedience)
q Ps 50:9-12 (God owns everything)
q Prov 11:24-25 (Generosity is the pathway for more)
q Prov 18:9 (Slackness in giving is the same as destroying things)
q Prov 22:9 (Generous man will be blessed)
q Prov 28:22 (Stingy man is eager to get rich, but gets poverty)
q Prov 28:27 (Give and have enough, withhold and be cursed)
q Matt 6:25-34 (Don’t worry, but seek first the kingdom of God)
q Mark 12:41-44 (Rich people giving and the widow’s mite)
q Deut 16:10 (Give in proportion to the blessings the Lord has given you)
q Deut 16:16 (No man should appear before the Lord empty-handed)
q Deut 16:17 (Each person should give in proportion to the way God has blessed them)
q 1 Cor 16:2 (On the first day of each week, give according to God’s blessing)
q 1 Tim 6:6-11 (Cautions about the materialism and the love of money)
q 1 Tim 6:17-19 (Instructions to be generous and willing to share)
q 1 Sam 30:24 (Those who stay with the supplies share with those on the front lines)
q Matt 6:19-21 (Do not store up for yourselves treasure on earth – heart & treasure linked)
q Heb 6:10 (God is not unfair, He will not forget the help you gave)
q Isa 32:8 (Noble man makes noble plans)
q Acts 2:44-45 (Believers had everything in common)
q Acts 4:34-37 (No needy persons. Sale of lands and houses.)
q Rom 12:13 (Share with God's people who are in need)
q Heb 13:16 (Don’t forget to do good and share with others)
q I Jn 3:17 (Do you see brothers in need – help them)
q Luke 18:22-25 (Rich man turns away from Jesus)
q Gal 6:6 (Support financially those who teach you the Word of God)
q Matt 25:35-40 (Helping the least of the brethren is helping Jesus)
q Acts 20:35 (It is more blessed to given than to receive)

Since there are some who are questioning tithers and because I won't get into this type of discussion over in OT, but in the CF only, then I thought its fitting to begin this over here.

The one thing I'm going to stress is this: For all who choose not to give their tithes for whatever YOUR reason is, doesn't mean that those who do are wrong.

I know that give above and beyond my would be amazed. There are so many others that do as well. I love to give and will continue as long as I have breath in me.

If this was something that the Lord didn't want us to do, why am I so blessed? Why does He continue to pour out His blessings in my life and so many others that I know of? Why? Well, I can say this....there must be something to it, or it would not happen.

Anyhoo....for those who want to understand it more and see what the Word has to say about it, be blessed with it.

I am curious. I am sorry that you felt insulted by being asked if you had read these Scriptures and you specifically felt insulted because of as you stated: "your position as a pastor".
I would like to ask you a question, trusting you will not be offended, about one of the Scriptures that you posted, specifically, Galatians 6:6 and in brackets beside it you have typed (Support Financially those who teach you the word of God). Now to be fair, I am going to check out different translations, but the one I am reading from is a King James Version which reads: "Let him that is taught in the word COMMUNICATE unto him that teacheth in all good things." So I am wondering where money comes into this Scripture specifically. Another King James version reads: "Let him who is taught with the word share in all good things with him who teaches." If this is talking about money and financial (monetary) support, what are your thoughts on Paul choosing to support himself with his own hands rather than burden believers? I understand some pastors do not take a 10 percent tithe or demand it. But so many make it all about getting money and that is the only form of "sharing" that they are interested in receiving. As a pastor, if I came to you and stated my reasons and questioned the 10 per cent obligatory regulated tithing of church members, as practiced by many pastors, how would you feel toward me? How would this be handled in your church? I am hoping that you will not be offended that I did not pm you. I believe pastors are part of the body of Christ, I do not know you on a personal level so hoping that as one member to another I could ask you this as it is about doctrine, and not personal private matters and you publicly posted these Scripures. I would really appreciate an answer from you from your heart and not from your position, as I am not attacking your position. In good faith I ask You these questions on this powerful doctrinal issue because I understand, hopefully correctly, that you are a pastor, right? Finally, if the gift of Salvation and the Word of God is free, why are we being charged to pay money for someone to preach a Free gospel of good news to us? And if some pastors choose to live beyond their means, why should Christians have to pay salary money to be in God's good graces? Do Pastors ( who often state from the pulpit, " I have a word for you this morning from God" they receive the Word that they preach on Sundays freely from God or did He charge them? If they receive freely, should they not "share" as the Scriptures say "give freely?" The Free invitation given in Isaiah Chapter 55:1 has always blessed me..."to come buy and eat without money without price.." and Revelation 22: 17..."And the Spirit and the Bride say 'Come'... and let him that heareth say 'Come' ...and let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely". That was the love of God that drew me. What are your thoughts about this, because the blatant emphasis on "money" particularly in the "prosperity and seed teachings" and the sense of entitlement to lavish lifestyles by some has always puzzled me and turned me off.
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I don't think anyone is condemning anyone here for not tithing, just sharing our personal testimonies. I don't think it's fair to judge those that do tithe either. Let's not go to extremes in assuming about each other brothers and sisters. Just because a church receives tithes doesn't mean they're using it to consume on their own lusts. I personally have never been to a church like that. Many churches give annual statements to givers showing that their contributions are going into the furthering of the Kingdom of God. Also please do not judge tithers as seeing themselves as righteous for their giving. Many of us give out of a grateful heart, and trust God at His Word. Once again, it's the ONLY thing God ever says to test Him on and all I know is that since I've been tithing, I have not ever had to beg for bread. God supernaturally provided for us, we tithed without and increase of income. And as a result, our income has increased.

If a person chooses not to tithe, well that's their choice and I am fine with that, all I know is, it seems to work for me.:grin:
I don't think anyone is condemning anyone here for not tithing, just sharing our personal testimonies. I don't think it's fair to judge those that do tithe either. Let's not go to extremes in assuming about each other brothers and sisters. Just because a church receives tithes doesn't mean they're using it to consume on their own lusts. I personally have never been to a church like that. Many churches give annual statements to givers showing that their contributions are going into the furthering of the Kingdom of God. Also please do not judge tithers as seeing themselves as righteous for their giving. Many of us give out of a grateful heart, and trust God at His Word. Once again, it's the ONLY thing God ever says to test Him on and all I know is that since I've been tithing, I have not ever had to beg for bread. God supernaturally provided for us, we tithed without and increase of income. And as a result, our income has increased.

If a person chooses not to tithe, well that's their choice and I am fine with that, all I know is, it seems to work for me.:grin:

Good word....

And honestly, I think the argument about the pastor stealing the money and all that jazz kind of sounds like a cop-out to justify not taking a step of FAITH to tithe. I'm certainly not condemning anyone who doesn't tithe. In fact, I'm screaming and shouting and telling you to step out on faith and take the Lord at His word and TITHE!!!! I'm almost begging you all to try it. Not even because the church "needs" the money because you know what? The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY will rapture this planet first before He lets His true churches go down because of lack. The Lord takes care of His bride. Nobody in the body of Christ is INdispensible. The Lord ALWAYS has a remnant to get His job done. There will ALWAYS be someone willing to give (and tithe) willingly and cheerfully, do, and make him/herself available to the Lord. One of my prayers to the Lord is this: "Lord I am weak, I am willing, please show me the way".

And another thing: guess who else is probably against tithing? the devil! How about that? Anything to hinder the saints of the Most High God from advancing the Kingdom of God.... Please, please do not take me to say that non-tithers are associated with the devil. Please don't take it there because that's not what I'm saying at all.

Trust the Lord God Almighty and apply the PRINCIPLE of tithing to your life. You WILL NOT EVER REGRET IT AS LONG AS YOU LIVE ON PLANET EARTH.
I agree. Where it gets sad is when what should be free will, and not under compulsion tying up heavy BURDENS on the people, rather than the people feeling blessed to give, it becomes a Yoke, and Christ says His yoke is kindly and his burden is light. If someone makes $3000 per month, has no responsibilities a month it may not be a burden, but if some person with a family of five takes home a $1000 or less and their bonafide family expenses are $985. it could become a burden to give that 10 per cent every month no matter what. No dentist, no doctor, no holiday for your family, no grad dress, no car repairs etc and pay childcare too. And when other believers make them feel, sinful, like thieves and faithless, and they are pointed out to others, indirectly, cause word does get around, or spiritually rebuked and any thing they suffer is directly related to the "sin of not giving 10 per cent!"
that is also sad. God may very well be pleased, with their mite! The widow did what she could, right and a favorable testimony was given about her in the Scriptures?

The widow isn't recognized because she gave only 2 coins she is recognized because she gave all that she had and by doing so honored God just as much as those who put in money out of their surplus.

Sometimes people give when it "hurts". Giving when it stretches you financially is not a bad thing.
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I don't have a problem, but you seem to have one. Is this the way you disagree with my statement? What is a shame exactly? Disagreeing, on seeing the bible in a light that might be different from what is popular? I am not attacking you, but it seems like you are attacking me, and putting words in my mouth. Yes many people come in agree with tithing, and like I said I don't have a problem with it, I just see it in a different way. It is not my point to be popular or have everyone agree with me. Jesus was never popular, actually he was not liked by many people who claimed they were experts on the word of God. I am not an expert, and it seems for some they just can't accept that they might just be wrong. I'm sorry you feel this way. :nono:

Like I said before, I don't tithe the way you are referring, but I give, and give what I am compelled to give, and I do with a humble heart, and gladly. I am blessed, and my storebasket is never empty. How many people give their 10th every week, and are sick, broke etc... Is there tithing not working? Or are they not giving enough? Tithing does not equal blessings, following God's commandments are exactly what allows you to receive blessings. How many times did Jesus say this? How many times have the bible referred to this? I don't need to give my 10% faithfully to have faith in God, maybe some people do, which is why they attribute their blessings to tithing.

Could it just be that God is pleased with you following his commandments? What about Job, David, and etc... who were blessed just because they were pleasing in God's sight. Why were they pleasing to Him? Because they obeyed his commandments Period!!! Not because they tithed, and no where in the Word was a specific person blessed JUST because they tithed.

My point is this, tithe if you want, but please don't make it seem as if you are better than the next person that doesn't, because that idea right there will send you where?

Thanks for posting.
Good word....

And honestly, I think the argument about the pastor stealing the money and all that jazz kind of sounds like a cop-out to justify not taking a step of FAITH to tithe. I'm certainly not condemning anyone who doesn't tithe. In fact, I'm screaming and shouting and telling you to step out on faith and take the Lord at His word and TITHE!!!! I'm almost begging you all to try it. Not even because the church "needs" the money because you know what? The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY will rapture this planet first before He lets His true churches go down because of lack. The Lord takes care of His bride. Nobody in the body of Christ is INdispensible. The Lord ALWAYS has a remnant to get His job done. There will ALWAYS be someone willing to give (and tithe) willingly and cheerfully, do, and make him/herself available to the Lord. One of my prayers to the Lord is this: "Lord I am weak, I am willing, please show me the way".

And another thing: guess who else is probably against tithing? the devil! How about that? Anything to hinder the saints of the Most High God from advancing the Kingdom of God.... Please, please do not take me to say that non-tithers are associated with the devil. Please don't take it there because that's not what I'm saying at all.

Trust the Lord God Almighty and apply the PRINCIPLE of tithing to your life. You WILL NOT EVER REGRET IT AS LONG AS YOU LIVE ON PLANET EARTH.

I couldn't have said this better myself, RelaxerRehab. I, myself believe in the giving of tithes. No, I have not read those scriptures that Nice&Wavy posted but I have experienced the good of giving tithes and the bad of not giving tithes. Here is my testimony:

I had begun going to church probably in late September or so but I did not give my first tithes until the 1st Sunday in November and then that thursday, I went to a networking session at my school. As I was standing near the refreshment table, the lady from the career center came to me and informed me on a position with a local Fortune 300 company. She said I would be a good fit and I should apply. Well I did and I am at the job today which doubled my income. After that I continued to pay my tithes but my paycheck at my last job was not enough to cover my expenses so I was "unable" to pay my tithes so I didn't...Wellllll, I suffered the consequences. My electricity bill was sky high, my checking account was overdrawn and it was literally like I had wholes in my pockets (as the scripture says). So, I know there will be someone who says, that could of happened even if you did pay your tithes but I SERIOUSLY DOUBT IT!!!

"The word of God says it would be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a man to part with his riches."


"The word of God says it would be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a man to part with his riches."

Peace does this apply to tithing, a form of GIVING TO THE LORD?

I think this ranks as one of the most overused, misinterpreted scriptures in the Word.

Look at the scripture: it says it would be "easier", not IMPOSSIBLE.
Mahaliee, here are the answers to your previous questions:

I am curious. I am sorry that you felt insulted by being asked if you had read these Scriptures and you specifically felt insulted because of as you stated: "your position as a pastor". Yes, it was insulting because the person you are referring to, asked if I studied what I wrote...and of course I did. If I said to you in a post..."is that your real hair or did you glue it on." wouldn't you be insulted?

I would like to ask you a question, trusting you will not be offended, about one of the Scriptures that you posted, specifically, Galatians 6:6 and in brackets beside it you have typed (Support Financially those who teach you the word of God). Now to be fair, I am going to check out different translations, but the one I am reading from is a King James Version which reads: "Let him that is taught in the word COMMUNICATE unto him that teacheth in all good things." So I am wondering where money comes into this Scripture specifically. If you read the scripture in Numbers 18:21 it says: " I give to the Levites all the tithes in Israel as their inheritance in return for the work they do while serving at the Tent of Meeting." vs 23 says: "It is the Levites who are to do the work at the Tent of Meeting and bear the responsibility for offenses against it. This is a lasting ordinance for the generations to come."

And in Galatians 6:6 we read: " Anyone who receives instruction in the word must share all good things with his instructor."

What does that tell me? It tells me that the pastors/ministers of the church should be supported financially from the people within the body. The pastor is the one who gives instruction in the word, so the "good things" should be finances, as well as help in various areas of the ministry.
The pastor is also the one who deals with offenses that come about within the church as well....shepherding the flock and tending to them.

When people in the church have problems, the pastor is the one who is there with them to help them as much as they are able. Getting up at 2-3-4am in the morning to go to the hospitals; assisting them when they have death in the family, etc. I thank God for my pastor and many others that I know do these things and more.

Another King James version reads: "Let him who is taught with the word share in all good things with him who teaches." If this is talking about money and financial (monetary) support, what are your thoughts on Paul choosing to support himself with his own hands rather than burden believers? I believe that the Apostle Paul didn't hinder the believers to give to him. His desire to support himself is evident, but he also understood the principle of he too was a giver.

I understand some pastors do not take a 10 percent tithe or demand it. But so many make it all about getting money and that is the only form of "sharing" that they are interested in receiving. As a pastor, if I came to you and stated my reasons and questioned the 10 per cent obligatory regulated tithing of church members, as practiced by many pastors, how would you feel toward me? How would this be handled in your church? As a pastor I understand the principles of giving, that is why I give. Many pastors is not like ALL pastors and shouldn't be linked together this way. If someone demands that people give, I would have a problem with that, but...that is not something I have ever experienced in the last 21 years. There are many people who are not christians and serve other gods, but we don't say that their god is the God of the Bible. We know that there is a difference.

I am hoping that you will not be offended that I did not pm you. I'm not offended in the least.

I believe pastors are part of the body of Christ, I do not know you on a personal level so hoping that as one member to another I could ask you this as it is about doctrine, and not personal private matters and you publicly posted these Scripures. I respect this statement, thank you.

I would really appreciate an answer from you from your heart and not from your position, as I am not attacking your position. Anything I have ever written on this forum is from my heart and because I am a pastor, doesn't mean that I look to people to listen to everything I say. I think its wonderful that there are people who study the word and ask questions if they are not sure, I just ask that they ask with a spirit of love and not to be disrespectful to me in their asking. I don't think that's unreasonable to ask this.

In good faith I ask You these questions on this powerful doctrinal issue because I understand, hopefully correctly, that you are a pastor, right? Finally, if the gift of Salvation and the Word of God is free, why are we being charged to pay money for someone to preach a Free gospel of good news to us? I don't know of anyone who charges admission to get into a church to hear the word. If that is something that you have witnessed, I'm sorry about that. And if some pastors choose to live beyond their means, why should Christians have to pay salary money to be in God's good graces? Sorry, I can't answer that because although I know of pastors that have in abundance, I can't say where they get their money, because I do not know.

Do Pastors ( who often state from the pulpit, " I have a word for you this morning from God" they receive the Word that they preach on Sundays freely from God or did He charge them? If they receive freely, should they not "share" as the Scriptures say "give freely?" The Free invitation given in Isaiah Chapter 55:1 has always blessed me..."to come buy and eat without money without price.." and Revelation 22: 17..."And the Spirit and the Bride say 'Come'... and let him that heareth say 'Come' ...and let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely". That was the love of God that drew me. What are your thoughts about this, because the blatant emphasis on "money" particularly in the "prosperity and seed teachings" and the sense of entitlement to lavish lifestyles by some has always puzzled me and turned me off.[/quote] The Lord desires for us to prosper and be in health, even as our soul prospers. As we study the Word of God, we see that there are many references to helping the people in ministry, even as I have stated in a previous post. Yes, salvation is free...but there is a cost to take care of the ministry and that most certainly includes money.

I can't tell you why some people who are pastors/ministers do the things they do. I can't speak for the ones you know, you can ask them and let them give you an answer as to why. I simply don't know.

What I do know is that we all will have to go before the Lord in that day, and then we will know in part. I am just doing what the Lord has told me to do, and I do it with all of my heart.

Thank you for posting.