Giving dudes the benefit of the doubt

D, that's not fair, you could probably meet men at the morgue :grin:

The rest of us... we have to use meetup and hope for the best lol

See, this is why I think that men are not that visual. If you could see me, I'm overweight (size 16), big boobs, no butt, hair in one braid and no makeup most days. Men still find me attractive. Why, because I think I'm all that. That has to be it.:drunk:

Even my husband, picking the bathroom lock. When I look in the mirror what do I see: Saggy breasts, no butt, big thighs and a little cellulite. What does he see, I not sure but it must be good because he can't seem to get enough after all these years.:lachen:
I don't think you should give him the benefit of the doubt because you don't owe it to him. If he is acting like this now, then what later. I understand he has kids and stuff and that is his priority. So if this was to continue, would you have to get use to this type of treatment? I'm sort of a stickler like Dlewis in the sense that all first impressions mean something. Talking is one thing, but actions are completely different.

Just date around. That's my two sense. I'm sure everything will be fine.
Even my husband, picking the bathroom lock. What does he see, I not sure but it must be good because he can't seem to get enough after all these years.:lachen:
Daaaaaang DLewis! You got that man pickin' the bathroom lock???:spinning:
Goodness gracious girl!!! Your stuff must be kryptonite!:lachen:
See, this is why I think that men are not that visual. If you could see me, I'm overweight (size 16), big boobs, no butt, hair in one braid and no makeup most days. Men still find me attractive. Why, because I think I'm all that. That has to be it.:drunk:

Even my husband, picking the bathroom lock. When I look in the mirror what do I see: Saggy breasts, no butt, big thighs and a little cellulite. What does he see, I not sure but it must be good because he can't seem to get enough after all these years.:lachen:

You are too much for me, girl!!!!

Lawd have mercy!!!!

Daaaaaang DLewis! You got that man pickin' the bathroom lock???:spinning:
Goodness gracious girl!!! Your stuff must be kryptonite!:lachen:

I was thinking about this the other morning.:lachen: I told one member I think he's trying to wear me out so I won't have time for anyone else.
If there is one thing I value, it's my can never get it back.

You hit the nail on the head right there!!! I nip tardiness/being stood up in the bud quick.

The guy must be special if I'm carving out "time" for him...being tardy/standing me up proves me wrong, and means the exit for him.

I don't think you should give him the benefit of the doubt because you don't owe it to him. If he is acting like this now, then what later. I understand he has kids and stuff and that is his priority. So if this was to continue, would you have to get use to this type of treatment? I'm sort of a stickler like Dlewis in the sense that all first impressions mean something. Talking is one thing, but actions are completely different.

Just date around. That's my two sense. I'm sure everything will be fine.

I plan to.:yep:

I'm absolutely not 100% focused on this one dude.
Your too pretty to be stressed or be bothered anyways. Nobody is studing him anyway. He is whatever.
See, this is why I think that men are not that visual. If you could see me, I'm overweight (size 16), big boobs, no butt, hair in one braid and no makeup most days. Men still find me attractive. Why, because I think I'm all that. That has to be it.:drunk:

Even my husband, picking the bathroom lock. When I look in the mirror what do I see: Saggy breasts, no butt, big thighs and a little cellulite. What does he see, I not sure but it must be good because he can't seem to get enough after all these years.:lachen:

:nono::nono::nono:OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!:nono::nono::nono:
Do not let her fool you ladies. She is beautiful.:yep: She's just talking a bunch of junk. She is a very pretty person. Inside and out!
:nono::nono::nono:OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!:nono::nono::nono:
Do not let her fool you ladies. She is beautiful.:yep: She's just talking a bunch of junk. She is a very pretty person. Inside and out!

Maybe it's my inner beauty he's seeing.:lachen:

Mzlady you should move down here. These men would be all over you. Can we say Fresh Meat.:yep:
You're right. But there was a history there and great friendship. I knew what type of man he was.

Talk to ole dude and let it be known what you expect. And see what he does from that point.[/quote]

Alright yall don't throw rocks at me yet but I am gonna side with Steve Harvey:grin: as far he says on telling a man what you don't want in a relationship. Just telling him what you want means that is simply what you are going to get. Of course he will be on his best behavior to please and impress then then his true personality will emerge. I am going to simply tell a guy what I don't want in a relationship with him and see how quick their *** will fail.

Personally I would say NEXTto this guy. If he was really into you he would have made every effort to keep his date with you last friday short of someone being sick/dead. Nothing keeps a man from a woman he really wants. I had this problem with my last ex. This man would make many plans with me and never keep them. I was stood up a lot like my time was not even valuable. Basically he chose his work over me. I put up with that crap for 6 months and was miserable because it was not the relationship I wanted but would quickly forgive.

Enough of that crap. I wouldn't do that over again with anyone. If that means I am alone for an eternity then so be it. I can be upset and miserable alone rather than someone contributing to it.
The benefit of the doubt is what you give on the FIRST occassion. But not calling you, and ultimately standing you up on several occassions is not acceptable IMHO.

If there is one thing I value, it's my can never get it back. Don't tell me you're going to do A, and not do that ****.

I have to decide many times is too many...then move on from there....whatever happened to 1st impressions....would he be late for work or not call in??....
I think this is good advice because he seems to feel that can renege on his plans with you anytime he pleases. If he wants your relationship to go forward he needs to clean up his act and put some work into it. It only takes a minute to make a phone call if something comes up. And since you like him I hope he does just that. You are too nice to deal with someone who doesn't value your time. Being able to keep one's word is a very important component in a successful relationship. And actions speak louder than any words.

I agree. i found that out with the last guy I dated. He was always canceling dates, never rescheduling. and now I know I really want someone who is a man of their word. Always look at a man's actions. I think you should continue to talk to him and see if it will continue. If he does it again, let him go cuz you are gonna get frustrated. I know I was.
Soooo, we just had dinner. He wanted to make up for last week and redeem himself since (and I quote) "I know I've got 2 strikes already". So I think he realizes he's on thin ice. We'll see if he falls through or makes it across to the other side.

In either case, we had a really good time.:yep:
I saw those pictures you posted a couple of days ago. You are pretty. I don't understand how you consider yourself shy though. You seem to be very outgoing in here.

Aww, thank you!

I do better here than I do in real life, trust me.
***Can a mod please move to relationship forum. I totally didn't realize I post this here*

So, I'm in the process of getting to know this guy right now and we're really clicking. I mean, I spent almost all day yesterday on IM with him and I couldn't not stop laughing. He told me that I'm the most interesting female he's met in a long time and that he likes my realness (I've been very blunt with him about certain things, ie. my preference for guys with no kids-he has 2).

Now we were supposed to go out last Friday, but he cancelled (he had an opportunity to make some extra cash by fixing somebody's computer). We were supposed to have lunch the next day. I spoke to him on the phone Friday night briefly and he was supposed to call me back. He never did. I didn't hear from him again until yesterday. He was supposed to call me last night. He never did.

Now, I'm the type of person who always tries to do what I say I'm gonna do, even if it's something minor like a phone call. And it irritates the hell outta me when people don't give me that consideration in return.

Part of me feels like "okay, maybe I'm overreacting". But part of me is like "is this the sign of someone who is gonna constantly disappoint me"? Because I really was disappointed when we didn't hook up Friday night.

Honestly, I've never really dated before, so I just feel like I don't know how to react to certain things. Like I wanna say something sarcastic about him not calling but I'm like maybe I should act like I don't really care so he doesn't think he's got it like that.


I hate being on the market again.

My nature is to give people chances. Part of my education in life for the last few years is that, I shouldn't. He says things I don't like? Don't date him. I tell him when he does something annoying and he continues to do it - don't date him. So many little things, but I always gave the benefit of the doubt.

I gave the benefit of the doubt to my long time ex - he stiffed me for 2 grand and now has a new child w/someone else.

The next boyfriend, I gave him the benefit of the doubt - he was lying about being divorced.

This last guy, I gave the benefit of the doubt about his weight. He is kind and wants to make me happy, I thought. But all along little signs kept popping up, and I kept giving him "the benefit of the doubt" and now we are not speaking, mainly because he is very insecure (there are other things, too).

My next door neighbor, a year or so ago, began flirting with me and trying to spend time with me. Never asked me on a date proper, so I ignored him. He told me he would take me out on my birthday. I thought that was sweet. he never did.

This year, the same neighbor poured his little soul out in a confession about how much he cared about me and wanted to date me. *insert awwwwww here*. I told him he never asked to even take me out before, and he asked. He said he would like to plan my birthday for me, and even confirmed 5 days before my birthday!! This is after I pointed out what he did last year.

I'm sure you can see what's coming next; I didn't even get a phone call wishing me happy birthday. He bet not SPEAK to me again.

One guy I met at a movie theater, gave me his number and told me he would be sure to call me the next morning, so we could go out for breakfast. I didn't get the call. This time I didn't give the benefit of the doubt. I decided he must be attatched because it was odd that a man be out at that time or night to a movie by himself, and to be soooo interested in me and so serious, he should have called. I thought he was married. Sure enough, when he called sheepishly a week later, he admitted he was. That was nice of him.

So, these are my experiences with giving the benefit of the doubt. I try not to do it anymore. It must start off damn near perfect from the jump, any warning signs or hesitation in my hind brain and i'm out.

To be honest, I was expecting more "you're overreacting, cut the brotha some slack" posts, LOL.

I'm surprised at the "tell him to kick rocks" consensus.

But I do understand where ya'll are coming from and I appreciate everyone trying to look out for me!

Because the bottom line is, he isn't really all that interested in you. If he was, he would be tripping over himself to do right...

You know what, that's not necessarily true. What might be true though, is that this is the best that he can offer...then you must take it or leave it.

I wish I had groups of wise women to consult like here on LHCF and other sites when I was 17. I don't know if I would have followed all the advice, but when 90% of the posters say "door number 1" I probably would have listened.
How well do you know this guy? I know we are in the technology age...but IM is so impersonal. My girlfriend talked to this dude everyday all day, through aim, turned out he was married with kids. He would say he would call and never did and when he did call, he was at his office.

After that, I was feeling insecure and checked my SO's phone and he was doing the same thing with chicks he met on myspace.......just lies, it was actually funny reading some of the conversations. I kept it as a little side note in the back of my mind....I eventually let him have it when he accused me of doing something stupid. You look, you'll find...I learned my lesson, but everything happens for a reason.

Texting and IM is good when you can't talk. He would need to give me some more phone time and a house