Give in or separate?

Because a caution flag should be thrown for any woman considering marriage to a man dealing with this situation. I'm not telling you becuase you're already 619.32 miles down the road... I'm telling the you that you were when you were about to marry into this.

A man who has not resolved the issues of parenting his child by another woman IS NOT MARRIAGE MATERIAL.

Before you married him you knew that he didn't have visitation... and was still battling charges...

And you STILL MARRIED HIM. That speaks volumes towards your views about him and his relationship with his children.

If your husband had acted as a FATHER FIRST, he would have stepped back and dealt with his situation with his son before taking on you and your children.

And you should have known better than to bring ALL of this drama into your life, let alone the lives of your children. They've already been through a crisis that brings adults to their knees... and THEN you decide to make them deal with an emotionally detached step-father and a psychotic step-brother.

And your mothering technique is better than hers????

You can't fix every child in the world. Especially when the parents in the situation refuse to. And extra-especially when you have minor children of your own in the equation.

Willing participant? Are you serious? A minor child is a "willing participant" in the failures of his parents?

V... you are testing my sympathy here. To be a willing participant, you have to have choice.

You had the choice to look at the situation of your guy's life and decide to take it on.
His mother had the choice to use her child as a weapon to hurt his father.
His father had a choice to decide to PARENT HIS CHILDREN over dumping them on the crazy woman he decided to create them with in favor of the new woman with the better lifestyle.

And this boy has enjoyed choice exactly where????

He didn't decide anything in this equation. Didn't decide to have a dad who'd rather go create a life over there with you and your kids. Didn't decide to have his mother take her issues out on him. Didn't decide to swallow pain in order placate the adults like his sister may be doing.

Yes negative attention is better than no attention. Most children play that card. It tends to be their only resource when the adults in their lives are making selfish decisions.

You didn't think it was fair?? Would you let someone treat YOUR children this way?

And BULLSHYT that you aren't excusing "DH's" role in this. You MARRIED HIM knowing his ideas about how to parent....

From your statements alone:
- He is ok with letting someone abuse his child.
- He is not willing to embrace your children in an active parenting role.
- He expects other folks - first his ex-wife and then YOU - to "deal with" the mess he helped create because he prefers to go off and be a hero to strangers.
- So...Strangers are more important than family.

And you looked at him and this situation and decided he was A-#1 Marriage Material. That your children would benefit from his being a part of their lives??

What are you teaching your children about marriage and the decisions that have to be made before speaking vows?

Well here's the thing. She's his mother. Part of his behavior is based on the fact that when he causes you drama and stress... his relationship with his mother runs smoother.

If you agree then act on it. Is your marriage worth more than the well being of this child?

He needs more than you are capable of providing at this point. Your children don't deserve to have to deal with the decisions of the adults who refuse to handle this boy in a healthy manner.

On one hand, its your responsibility to give it to him because you took him on when you took on his father.

On the other hand, it isn't your resposibility to do more than his own parents are willing to.

But I BEG YOU TO STOP STOP STOP!!! listing his mother's failures in comparison to your own supposed accomplishments.

SO WHAT that you have grown men wishing you were their mom?

SO WHAT that your schedule allows you more time with your kids than she enjoys with hers?

Your arrogance is insulting. And telling.

You could poof into the modern version of June Cleaver and you still couldn't compensate for the issues in his relationship with his mother AND FATHER.

The same critiques and faults you lay in his mother's lap can be directed at your husband. He is their father. Why isn't he there when their mom has to work extra hours at the expense of time with THEIR children?

Why doesn't he fight to be with his kids as much as he'd fight to save a stranger?

What's normal? Your kids have lost their father. So have his. The basic differece is that his children's father is still alive but has decided not to be a part of their lives. There's trauma and then there's TRAUMA.

I don't think this is your burden to carry at all. You shouldn't have taken this on and placed this on your children's shoulders.

But that was your choice.

Your H shouldn't have shrugged off his responsibility towards his children, shrugged and "hoped" it would get better. He knew what he was bringing into your life and you knew what you were taking on.

And that was his choice.

It's more tragic actually. And if they can't afford or are unwillingy to pay for someone to do what they refuse to - then I agree that its not on you to pick up the slack.

In terms of who's responsible for what... your children take priorty in your life just as his are supposed to take priority in his.

Wow, I appreciate the insight! I obviously don't agree with most of what you say but certainly appreciate your right to say it. We all want the world to be black and white. As I get older, I realized there are much more shades of gray. You sound sooooo much like Dr. Laura, who, btw, has been married 3 times and doesn't speak to her own mother! Relationship expert? I think not! But I digress.

I think if we all waited for every situation to be perfect none of us would ever get married.

DH is a good dad that had kids with and was married to a psycho *****, imo. That happens. Yes, SS did play into and created much of the drama. I don't know if you have kids but kids can choose to do right or wrong. Juvenile delinquent facilities are full of those that have made the wrong choice. So not all children are innocent. We all have a story to tell and a place to lay blame if we so desired. I believe a lot of the things he has done he knew they were wrong, not just to us, but at school. Maybe you missed the part about his being suspended 17 times. Even a two-year-old can determine right from wrong in certain instances. SS knew he shouldn't look on DH's computer and report back what he found, look at financial statements, stand outside of closed doors eavesdropping, etc. Constantly tear down his Dad, threaten to beat up his sister, etc. cuss the teachers out, pull down a girl's pants, destroy other peoples' property, spraying mace at a dance practice and the list goes on and on etc. etc. etc, We can all make excuses for acting out. the truth is some of us do and some of us don't. There are consequences if you do and consequences if you don't.

Damn straight, I married my husband knowing that he was wrongfully accused of mistreating his son by a vindictive, scorned woman that did not want to see him move on. People do move on - it's not pretty but it is a fact of life and they do have that right. I saw him many a night cry over his kids and the fact that he could only have supervised visits during court proceedings.

Yep, I am June cleaver, Martha Stewart and B Smith all rolled into one and I'm not going to apologize. It's not arrogance and you should certainly not be insulted. That was not my intent. I'm laying out the facts so you can see the total picture, at least as much as I can give you from my limited perspective.

And yes I do think, even if you are a single mom, remember I was one too, you are obligated to make wise choices. Like working during the day while your kids are at school and being home at night with them. No sympathy there. My DH is an awesome firefighter and a hero to many but you know sometimes, it is hardest to save our own.

And lastly, I will not STOP, STOP, STOP outlining the failures of his mom. I have many friends who are in various versions of blended families and they manage to remain civil and put the best interests of the children first. This babe came out of the box crazy and just stayed there. Not my doing but just her way. So it is a part of the problem. And for the record, I have never said one negative about their mom to SS or SD and I certainly cannot say the same for her.

Laginappe, I didn't come on the board looking for sympathy but I really do appreciate you taking the time to share your opinion. You've made some very valid points but are waaaaaaay off base in other areas. You are very insightful and caused me to think, and for that, my friend, I thank you!
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Do you believe your husband would stay if the situation was reversed?

Excellent question!

Yes and no. I think he would allow him to live with us if he had the same issues SS does. I don't think he would agree to care for him on an ongoing basis in my absence, i.e. every third day, b/c I think he would be unwilling to adjust his schedule just like he is in his own son's case.
It wld easy for me to judge......when it's not me....and how does it help...what does this accomplish.....

and that's all the energy I want to put into THAT

I give you..OP enormous credit for responding in a gracious way. Thank you... You have NOTHING to apologize for anything/ the agendas..

Back to the topic
Your marriage is forever..keeping this in mind.... I agree with the poster who said to make a boundary around the beginning AND exit dates on the separate careful of the language you are choosing. Please do not affirm or project...what you do not you really think you are losing your husband?..It's two temporary different houseseholds..& it can be just that without endowing it with more.

Family counseling or least Couple counseling is a must..this where you can discuss workable boundaries and accountabilty..and I mean ongoing make sure you have some kind of individual onging support for you.DH MUST set boundaries too with should be uncondtional love but NOT unconditional boundaries....Remind him was not too long he too was afraid and w/good reason.

Rescue.... the child wanted to be rescued from the mother ...that's legitmate him. You can research boarding schools for troubled children where the primary curricula not only includes
mandatory therapeutic intervention....but fosters rebuilding esteem and
has family days and social mentoring within a structured supportive mainstream your SS

ASK ABOUT SCHOLARSHIPS ...Write to them ..have documentation ready..they are experts in evulating families ruptured involving high-needs kids.

Stay committed to your husband..and family UNIT and make he is doing also this ...actively.... .Keep separate households if that is what is to be( ....a last resort?..) but make sure family as a unit is whole or committed to operating as whole...
and really THIS is where professional support is going to be one of your biggest resources..they can also give social support this boy......
Brainstorm... other options you can live with...the most ridiculous that you can your mind to even more ideas ..even if it feels there are none..I guess this is what you are doing here ..and you are brave ...
STEPFAMILIES in CRISIS ... Are there any forums that specifically address this? are certainly not in the minority..... bet there's more wisdom out there
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Wow, I appreciate the insight! I obviously don't agree with most of what you say but certainly appreciate your right to say it. We all want the world to be black and white. As I get older, I realized there are much more shades of gray. You sound sooooo much like Dr. Laura, who, btw, has been married 3 times and doesn't speak to her own mother! Relationship expert? I think not! But I digress.

I think if we all waited for every situation to be perfect none of us would ever get married.

DH is a good dad that had kids with and was married to a psycho *****, imo. That happens. Yes, SS did play into and created much of the drama. I don't know if you have kids but kids can choose to do right or wrong. Juvenile delinquent facilities are full of those that have make the wrong choice. So not all children are innocent. We all have a story to tell and a place to lay blame if we so desired. I believe a lot of the things he has done he knew they were wrong, not just to us, but at school. Maybe you missed the part about his being suspended 17 times. Even a two-year-old can determine right from wrong in certain instances. SS knew he shouldn't look on DH computer and report back what he found, look at financial statements, stand outside of closed doors eavesdropping, etc. Constantly tear down his Dad, threaten to beat up his sister, etc. Cuss the teachers out, pull down a girls pants, destroying other peoples property, spraying mace at a dance practice and the list goes on and on etc. etc. etc, We can all make excuses for acting out. the truth is some of us do and some of us don't. There are consequences if you do and consequences if you don't.

Damn straight, I married my husband knowing that he as wrongfully accused of mistreating his son by a vindictive, scorned woman that did not want to see him move on. People do move on - it's not pretty but it is a fact of life and they do have that right. I saw him many a night cry over his kids and the fact that he could only have supervised visits during court proceedings.

Yep, I am June cleaver, Martha Stewart and B Smith all rolled into one and I'm not going to apologize. It's not arrogance and you should certainly not be insulted. That was not my intent. I'm laying out the facts so you can see the total picture, at least as much as I can give you from my limit perspective.

And yes I do think, even if you are a single mom, remember I was one too, you are obligated to make wise choices. Like working during the day while your kids are at school and being home at night with them. No sympathy there. My DH is an awesome firefighter and a hero to many but you know sometimes it is hardest to save our own.

And lastly, I will not STOP, STOP, STOP outlining the failures of his mom. I have many friends who are in various versions of blended families and they manage to remain civil and put the best interests of the children first. This babe came out of the box crazy and just stayed there. Not my doing but just her way. So it is a part of the problem. And for the record, I have never said one negative about their mom to SS or SD and I certainly cannot say the same for her.

Laginappe, I didn't come on the board looking for sympathy but I really do appreciate you taking the time to share your opinion. You've made some very valid points but are waaaaaaay off base in other areas. You are very insightful and caused me to think and for that, my friend, I thank you!

Vallyeval... I'm telling you how you come across. Even if you never speak these words directly to his son you are still being dismissive of what he's going through. Everything in your house is wonderful. Your H is a supposed victim of his ex-wife and his son with her is doing backflips at the thought of causing you and his father more pain.

You point a lot of fingers at his mother, and not so much at his father. But it took the two of them together to create this situation.

Kids make bad choices when their parents fail them. This boy has been failed by his parents.

I understand what you're going through. Its not a situation I'd wish on anyone. But I sympathize with this boy. He didn't choose this, but he's the one dealing with the fallout. And on top of it all, he's dealing with a step mother who partly blames him for the drama caused by his parents. What child could carry that weight?

I believe this boy is a threat to your well being. I wouldn't have him in my home with any children. But I also believe that your H needs to do more in regards of parenting his son. The excuse making is useless. He needs help before he ends up in jail or worse.
THis is a child, not a monster and he is still young enough to be helped.

I really hope so.

Do not be angry with the child the fault lies with his Mother AND Father (your husband).

That poor child. I'm really feeling for him now. At the end of the day he is just a scared child that doesn't know how to deal with his feelings and anger.

Does he have any hobbies, play sports? Is he doing anything that is constructive and can focus his energy? Get him into some programs, mentoring, music, sports, volunteering, something that will make him feel good about himself. I imagine his self esteem is on the ground. You can't feel good about yourself when you're out trying to destroy yourself and others.

I don't know where you live but I'm sure there are some programs that can benefit him. Don't give up on him. I know you tried and are ready to give up. I hope you can continue to try and have some kind of bond and reach out to him. He needs everyone he can to help lift him up.
It wld easy for me to judge......when it's not me....and how does it help...what does this accomplish.....

and that's all the energy I want to put into THAT

I give you..OP enormous credit for responding in a gracious way. Thank you... You have NOTHING to apologize for anything/ the agendas..

Back to the topic
Your marriage is forever..keeping this in mind.... I agree with the poster who said to make a boundary around the beginning AND exit dates on the separate careful of the language you are choosing. Please do not affirm or project...what you do not you really think you are losing your husband?..It's two temporary different houseseholds..& it can be just that without endowing it with more.

Family counseling or least Couple counseling is a must..this where you can discuss workable boundaries and accountabilty..and I mean ongoing make sure you have some kind of individual onging support for you.DH MUST set boundaries too with should be uncondtional love but NOT unconditional boundaries....Remind him was not too long he too was afraid and w/good reason.

Rescue.... the child wanted to be rescued from the mother ...that's legitmate him. You can research boarding schools for troubled children where the primary curricula not only includes
mandatory therapeutic intervention....but fosters rebuilding esteem and
has family days and social mentoring within a structured supportive mainstream your SS

ASK ABOUT SCHOLARSHIPS ...Write to them ..have documentation ready..they are experts in evulating families ruptured involving high-needs kids.

Stay committed to your husband..and family UNIT and make he is doing also this ...actively.... .Keep separate households if that is what is to be( ....a last resort?..) but make sure family as a unit is whole or committed to operating as whole...
and really THIS is where professional support is going to be one of your biggest resources..they can also give social support this boy......
Brainstorm... other options you can live with...the most ridiculous that you can your mind to even more ideas ..even if it feels there are none..I guess this is what you are doing here ..and you are brave ...
STEPFAMILIES in CRISIS ... Are there any forums that specifically address this? are certainly not in the minority..... bet there's more wisdom out there

Bless you, Kayte, for your comments and suggestions! You have brought me hope like you will never know! There are several positive, proactive steps in your posts that I can work on today!

You are absolutely right about saying "I'm losing my husband". I did feel convicted this morning about saying that and said I would only speak positive thoughts about my marriage. I do believe in the power of the tongue and having what you say. But I honestly believed that there was no hope yesterday, but you know, the Word says, Joy comes in the morning. Sometimes things become clearer after a good night's sleep! My marriage will survive and thrive and SS will succeed.

Counseling is a good idea and we have thought about it. I really like the idea of ongoing counseling instead of just while we were in crisis mode.

I know I can do some research on programs, scholarships and special opportunities to help SS. I like this idea because it something that I can do without enlisting the help or cooperation of anyone else.

DH went out to dinner last night and had a really good evening :yep:. I told him this morning that I loved him and we would be in this together no matter what. So moving forward that's what we will do. Stay close to each other and stay close to God!

It's funny you mentioned thinking outside of the box - I told DH I might have visitation from both SS and him on the weekends and that might work too if we have to set up two households. We will have to be creative no matter what the outcome is!
That poor child. I'm really feeling for him now. At the end of the day he is just a scared child that doesn't know how to deal with his feelings and anger.

Does he have any hobbies, play sports? Is he doing anything that is constructive and can focus his energy? Get him into some programs, mentoring, music, sports, volunteering, something that will make him feel good about himself. I imagine his self esteem is on the ground. You can't feel good about yourself when you're out trying to destroy yourself and others.

I don't know where you live but I'm sure there are some programs that can benefit him. Don't give up on him. I know you tried and are ready to give up. I hope you can continue to try and have some kind of bond and reach out to him. He needs everyone he can to help lift him up.

When I started this thread, I was at my wit's end but you ladies have encouraged me and I thank you from the bottom of my heart! I am going to check into some programs for this summer and offer them for consideration.
Wow, I don't advocate separation. Why not let the SS move in and see how things go. If things don't work out, you would have separated anyway... My suggestion is to sit with an attorney and get custody from the mother. If you can draft some document saying that the husband can raise the boy as he see fit, that would be nice. I'm not sure if that is doable but it wouldn't hurt to ask.

100% agreed... because otherwise she'll be looking for a way to F**K you and your family up unless your husband is 100% protected by legal documents.

Another thing is, she (ex) might attempt to seduce hubby. I'm not saying he will fall for it... but it's possible.