Girl don't do it!

No wonder my hair was always so short!

I went ages between washings. Months. Gross, huh. Plus I used the curling iron DAILY on those filthy ends. I never wore a scarf. Did a relaxer over a jherri curl. Ugh.

Thank goodness for the miracle of hair. No matter what abuse you pile on it, it grows back (for most of us, anyway) and we can always start over.

Thank GOD for LHCF!!!
My don'ts are
-don't use gold n hot curler, flat irons, etc
-don't go to stylist with chewed up hair or constant weave(or wig)
-a stylist that rakes through your hair wet or dry
-Flat iron/ curl dirty hair
-go to a stylist who talks too much to pay attention to what he/she is doing
-Continue to go to a stylist that insists lye and no lye are the same( yes, I have been to one that has), she/he may not be qualified to do your hair
I love this thread. I read the whole entire thing!

Braid / Twist Don't: After getting braids and twists do NOT let them clip off the frizzy's sticking out of the braids It only causes uneven and sometimes split ends. And in the worst case.

They can slip and cut into the braid or twist by mistake...Yes, cutting your real hair within the braid.

Salon Don't: Don't pay people who jacked your hair up! Or better yet, Say something to them & leave the moment you realize that they are jacking your hair up.

Bad habit of mine... I still have a gold n hot 1/2 inch curling iron that I use sometimes to do spirals. And I still love the results. I've gotten better at doing wpirals with my ceramic flat iron though.
Treasure2k6 said:
Man I have soo many I could post to this thread! But the one on the top of my list would have to be the lesson I learned from constantly wearing a phony pony.

Stay away from Phony Ponies that require you to (A) put your hair in pony tail (tightly), (B) wrap a hair weave track around your real pony tail in circles....and then (C) stick BOBBY PINS around it to secure the phony pony in place!! OMG...makes no sense huh?? TELL ME ABOUT IT!

After doing this for so many years, I did not notice that I was created a problem. My hair broke, popped, was weak limp and mushy underneath the phony pony. Til this day, that spot is still trying to recover and catch up with the rest of my hair.

That styles that look good, arent always good for you or your hair. My motto...

OMG!!!!! I am soooo with you on this. The top center of my scalp has a permanent dent from the "middle school to college" ponies. I used to wrap the HE** out that track. You would think I would have figured it out from the headaches to the sores from the bobby pins, but NOOO! WTH was I thinking? Mmm, I know.....I thought I was cute. Well, I have since learned cute is not a near bald spot in the center of your head. GIRL, DON'T DO IT!!!
Cleve_gryl said:
Oh dang!! How could I have forgotten the Gold n' Hot flat iron?!? I used to see the smoke coming off my hair and would think, yeah that's it!!...if it aint smokin it aint straightening :eek:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: I'm sorry, but that cracked me up! ROFL!!:lachen: :ill:
Cleve_gryl said:
GIRRRL, don't use Dark n Lovely or any other drugstore box o' color on your relaxed, natural or weave for that matter!! I was BSL and decided to go 'honey blonde' with my little kit of color...I ended up looking more like Ronald McDonald and had to cut my tresses to a bob :mad: DON'T DO IT GIRL!

ummmm, that would be me :ohwell:
Here's one that I had to learn the hard way.....

Don't EVER let a stylist touch your hair if her own is looking a hot mess!!! If she can't take care for her own hair, what makes you think she will take care of yours???

Please ladies, learn from my mistake;)
Sorry for bumping this old thread...

But DON't allow someone to cornrow your hair so tight that the entire braid begins to separate from your scalp. Yes, I'm serious.:ohwell:

Also, Don't curl your hair with the heat so high that your hair manages to sound like a bowl of rice krispies yet smell like a burnt sesame seed bagel.
CO-SIGNING TO THE 10TH POWER!!! Highlights (professionally done mind you) were the beginning of the end for my hair. I will never do that crap again. 2 years later, I have about 2/3 " of highlighted ends left and it burns me up to know that all the hair lost through slow breakage + my healthier natural colored hair would have easily added up to BSL by now. Damn them highlights!!!

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I HEAR YOU!!!!!
dont let the stylist base your scalp with listerine prior to a relaxer cuz she says it's a age old remedy:look: ...Girl, don't do it!:nono:
Ok alot of ya'll posts had me cracking up over here LOL!!!! Alot of them I've been there/done that!! Indeed!!! And learned the hard way to not do that again too LOL. But one thing I didn't see mentioned here, there's gotta be others who have went thru the same thing:

When ya know you going to get a perm/relaxer soon, and you get that dang urge to freakin scratchhhhhh!!!! You KNOW you gonna get them chemical burns in that particular spot, if you scratch there, this goes for even if you use a pre-treatment like on your edges or hair beforehand!!
After the perm/relaxer phase is over, it's on to drying the hair, in some cases under a dryer, and if you zero in with the dryer on one of them spots, OMGAWDDDDDDD, you may as well just leave your head alone!!! IT FREAKIN BURNS!!!!
Time to style that hair of yours huh? Need some hairspray?? Hmmm, no? Well how bout some good ole SPRITZ then?? YEEEEEEEEE OUCHIEEEEEEE!!!! That chit BURNS LOL!!!!

Yup I've been there!!! And never again after that first tryst!!!
I am guilty of many of the posts here :ohwell:

My top no-no's:

1) Never braid and weave and relax your hair back to back ie relax wait a week weave. take out weave. relax immediately. wait a week. braid.
BAD. VERY BAD. My hair is really weak as a result and a lot of breakage. Especially around the ages. My hair grew alot but I could not retain the length.

2) Not moisturizig hair while weaved or braided.

3) Waiting a long time between washes
i just made a mistake this AM and now my hair looks like crap

i did my usual last night before going to bed. when i was going through my hair i realized it felt drier than normal since i wore it out. this am i take my hair down and decide to put some more HHB on the ends to help with the dryness

common sense would have told me not to do that since my hair was moisturized and looked nice with boucy springy waves

but since i put some more in (like the size of a quater) it ended up being too much and now my hair looks heavy and greasy on the ends. :nono:
Do not, DO NOT allow a stylist to continue to work on your hair with a heat appliance while he/she is on the phone!!!


I love this thread. I read the whole entire thing!

Braid / Twist Don't: After getting braids and twists do NOT let them clip off the frizzy's sticking out of the braids It only causes uneven and sometimes split ends. And in the worst case.

They can slip and cut into the braid or twist by mistake...Yes, cutting your real hair within the braid.

Salon Don't: Don't pay people who jacked your hair up! Or better yet, Say something to them & leave the moment you realize that they are jacking your hair up.

Bad habit of mine... I still have a gold n hot 1/2 inch curling iron that I use sometimes to do spirals. And I still love the results. I've gotten better at doing wpirals with my ceramic flat iron though.

To add to that, do not allow them to take a LIGHTER, yes a lighter and flick it on and ride the braid up and down to burn off the fly aways, has this happen to anyone before?
To add to that, do not allow them to take a LIGHTER, yes a lighter and flick it on and ride the braid up and down to burn off the fly aways, has this happen to anyone before?
* shamefully raises hand * :sad: I was 9 and didnt know any better. I was looking at the lady like "wtf is she about to do with that lighter?" Next thing I know all I smelled was burned plastic. I didnt go back for braids for over 10 years after that and then only with human hair cuz I know they wouldnt burn that....even though in the end it did even more damage to my hair ( f'ed up edges)

IMO I say "girl dont do it" to braids ( if its not your own hair)