Getting ready to do the BC...


New Member
I washed my hair yesterday and, while I was doing the post shampoo work required to detangle and take care of it gently, I really, really, really, really wanted to cut it all off; however, my husband really doesn't like short hair.

Buuuuttt....he has been wanting a new car for a while even though he has a car. We agreed that he would wait one year after we got home and our budget is really established back in the US...but he would ask how I felt about it every other day. This past weekend, we looked at the budget again and he's gonna get his car. I am so happy for the hubby.

So, today, I washed my hair again. After washing, I let it air dry and let it look really crazy. When hubby got home, I told him I really miss my natural hair and asked if he would edge me if I cut my hair. He told me no the first eighteen times I asked. :lachen:

I'd like to announce that, after worrying my sweetiepie nearly half to death, I am gong to get to cut my hair tonight. Yaaaayyyy!!!

BC and TWA, here I come.... I don't know how to post pics, but they will be in my Fotki by evening's end if you would like to check it out.

Thanks to all my (currently) natural hair inspirations for reminding me every time I looked at your Fotkis how beautiful my hair can be naturally: Mwedzi, Que, Sareca, Kiya, Aggie, PrettyFaceandB and the list is endless...

Oh goes...the next pic in my fotki will be a lot shorter...

I guess this knocks me out of the C&G challenge...
you and hubby are funny lol. Yall wear each other down like a cold war, that is cute! Glad you get to cut it. ENJOY and post pics!
you and hubby are funny lol. Yall wear each other down like a cold war, that is cute! Glad you get to cut it. ENJOY and post pics!

It's a very waaarrrmmm war. lol

Him: Honey, how do you feel about me getting a car when we get home?
Me: What car?
Him: Hmmm...that car I showed you.
Me: The Passat?
Him: Yeah...what do you think?
Me: Is this the same car you are waiting until 2010 to get?
Him: I think so. *grins*
Me: Well, I thought you wanted to wait until we get used to our new income and budget. I thought you felt the timing was wrong.
Him: Hmmm...Oh yeah.
Me: Do you really want it, Bae?
Him: *sigh* Not really..I can get it later.
Me: You sure?
Him: *Looking dejected* Yeah.
Me: I'm so proud of you, honey. You make such great decisions concerning our finances....

...until finally, after three months of this, he said he DID want the car and I took a deep breath and said...

Me: Well, I think you deserve it, honey. If you have peace with God, we can afford it, and you really, really want it...go for it.

The end.

It was the same way with my hair...except he said I look like Dr. Martin Luther King once I finished. :lachen::lachen: I don't...he just likes long hair. I laughed, break danced in the floor (literally), and made him laugh. The dance looked crazy. My hair looks nice. I want an Esperanza Spalding fro!!!! It'll grow back...healthier and I will retain better now. Pics in the Fotki now....

YAAAAYYYYY!!!!! I grinned the ENTIRE TIME!!

you and hubby are funny lol. Yall wear each other down like a cold war, that is cute! Glad you get to cut it. ENJOY and post pics!

Off topic, but I still am moved by your best friend's song for Obama. It's soooo beautiful. I needed to hear it the first time I did...literally cried my eyes out. It's still a great encouragement. Hubby likes it as well...and so does my sister. :)

Hope you are well!
Hey there...I already cut and it's in my fotki. I can't wait to be able to pull my hair down and length check as it grows down my face/past ear/chin, etc. Your twists are just perfect in your siggy!!!

You and your hair are beautiful! Makes me want to reach for the scissors but I have to work on my hubby some more and wear him down.
I love it mama...
I refuse to consult anyone on mine - they will just wake one day next week and see it. HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA
You and your hair are beautiful! Makes me want to reach for the scissors but I have to work on my hubby some more and wear him down.


Wearing DH down is so much fun...especially after they get something they really want. I didn't know it would work out this way for me, but I am really happy about it...can't believe I am still awake and thinking about this hair of mine...

Wearing DH down is so much fun...especially after they get something they really want. I didn't know it would work out this way for me, but I am really happy about it...can't believe I am still awake and thinking about this hair of mine...

Aw, your going to luv it. If you overcame the pj in you, watch out! It will be back! LOl. Mine has been going crazy as I find my last few staple products to add to my line up but it has been so much fun. If you're really feelin your hair like I was when I first BC'd you will also experience some serious "hand in fro syndrome". LMAO. :yep:
Aw, your going to luv it. If you overcame the pj in you, watch out! It will be back! LOl. Mine has been going crazy as I find my last few staple products to add to my line up but it has been so much fun. If you're really feelin your hair like I was when I first BC'd you will also experience some serious "hand in fro syndrome". LMAO. :yep:

Already doin' it!!! lol Look at how bad a PJ I am: I bought products for natural hair when I was relaxed!!!! Girl, I cut my hair, stepped in the shower to clarify and condition real quick, and slapped on some Cantu Shea butter leave in - which my relaxed hair hated. I know I will be washing more frequently, but I am soooo ready for that.

Know what I love most? The complete lack of shedding and breakage...lurrrve it!! (stole that from you and JustKiya!)

Okaaayyyy.....*Trying to remove hand from head*

Do you use Aloe Vera Gel to make your curls come out a little more? Shea butter? (Here come da pj again...)