Get The Most out Of Your Vitamins..


New Member
For me, the best time to take my vitamins is in the evening before i go to bed. Reason being, as you may or may not know, your body does all of its work (repairing, growing etc) whilst you sleep. For all the time i've been taking hair vitamins (a year plus) i've never had such quick results as now, i believe its because i've started taking them b4 bedtime (about 4 weeks now)... Biotin ( i take this ) is a water soluable vitamin, and requires water to utilize to its best ability. i've noticed when i drink about half a pint of water before bed, and go to the toilet, that bright yellow urine that biotin gives is not as evident, or during the night i only use the toilet once, as opposed to 3 or 4 times during the day - washing out all my biotin! since taking my vits at night i have experienced that "follicular action - bristling" someone on board was speaking about a while back plus nearly a inch worth of growth in 4 weeks. i really think its not just about the vits you take, its WHEN!

What about you guys?

When do u take ur vits?

If you take yours in the night have you noticed any differences??


p.s - make sure you have eaten something before you take your vitamins!! otherwise u could get stomach irritation! if your like my friends and would never eat b4 bed (cos of the gaining weight theory) take them in the evening with your evening snack!
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I was taking so much stuff at one point, I was taking it throughout the day. I am weeding out my vits now so I think I will give your suggestion a try. Here's why... I've noticed that my complexion looks so much better in the morning if I've had a glass of water right before bed. Maybe vits will work the same way for me.

Thanks for the tip!
jrae said:
I was taking so much stuff at one point, I was taking it throughout the day. I am weeding out my vits now so I think I will give your suggestion a try. Here's why... I've noticed that my complexion looks so much better in the morning if I've had a glass of water right before bed. Maybe vits will work the same way for me.

Thanks for the tip!

I've noticed that too.. my skin is getting really clear and SPOTless i cant believe it, they say biotin causes spots (which it did at one point) takin them at night has totally resolved this. i hope my suggestion helps
hm interesting...
i stopped taking Biotin very early on in my hair journey b/c i would get such bad headaches throughout the day, b/c i took them in the morning... maybe if i took them at night, there would be no time for headaches :confused:

i usually take them when i remember. I havent had any vitamins in the past week but when I do buy another one, and I might include Biotin as well, i will take them at night and see how that goes
well im up for anything, i will definitely try taking my vitamins at night and hope they work more effectively.
Lets see what happens......
I've taken Gold Medal hair vitamins before and the directions say to take at night so I took them at night before bed. I thought I saw good results from them over time. Now, I take my Ultra Hair Thick Shake at night as well. After joining the forum, I started taking all kinds of vitamins and I was taking them in the daytime...needless to say I didn't see any phenomenal results from Biotin, GNC Ultra Nourish Hair, Evening Primrose Oil, or N-Acetyl Cysteine.
This sounds very logical. Thanks for the tip. The part about evening hydration is very interesting.

Thanks, Candy_C. Biotin is water-soluble, which simply means that it will dissolve in water and it is hard to build up toxic levels in the body, unlike fat-soluble vitamins, which are stored in fat. It is easier for those to build up to toxic levels in the body from taking too much. The water is not necessarily washing out the biotin. With water-soluble vitamins, your body will absorb what it needs and the excess will be excreted in water or urine.

Fat-soluble vitamins (excess) will be stored in fat (vitamins A, D, E, and K). High levels of these vitamins can be toxic. B and C vitamins are water-soluble which accounts for the fact that we can take 5,000 mcg of biotin a day and not get sick or get 120% of the RDA of vitamin C from a glass of orange juice.

At night, your body probably has a longer time to absorb the vitamins (which possibly accounts for the good results you've been getting) and since you aren't urinating frequently at night like during the day, the kidneys do not work as hard and the "extra" biotin isn't excreted as readily as during the day.
Good point!

ETA: When people get pimples and headaches from biotin and MSM, it usually means they are not drinking enough water or fluids. I have taken high doses of biotin for years and I haven't had this problem because I HAVE to drink lots of water and fluids for health reasons. It also helps with the vits. I take my vits in the evening, and I do get better results.
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Jewell said:
Thanks, Candy_C. Biotin is water-soluble, which simply means that it will dissolve in water and it is hard to build up toxic levels in the body, unlike fat-soluble vitamins, which are stored in fat. It is easier for those to build up to toxic levels in the body from taking too much. The water is not necessarily washing out the biotin. With water-soluble vitamins, your body will absorb what it needs and the excess will be excreted in water or urine.

Fat-soluble vitamins (excess) will be stored in fat (vitamins A, D, E, and K). High levels of these vitamins can be toxic. B and C vitamins are water-soluble which accounts for the fact that we can take 5,000 mcg of biotin a day and not get sick or get 120% of the RDA of vitamin C from a glass of orange juice.

At night, your body probably has a longer time to absorb the vitamins (which possibly accounts for the good results you've been getting) and since you aren't urinating frequently at night like during the day, the kidneys do not work as hard and the "extra" biotin isn't excreted as readily as during the day.
Good point!

wow thanks for the info! and the answer to my theory!! ;)
I have problems taking vitamins at night, especially B-vitamins. I get so much energy that I cant sleep. I may try doing the msm at night when I resume taking it tho. Thanks for the info!
I always get that follicular action, i drink my MSM, Biotin, silica at nights. sometimes my fingers are digging into my scalp lol, cause it tickles so much the sides and back of my head are the worst i usually get more growth in those areas.
Enchantmt said:
I have problems taking vitamins at night, especially B-vitamins. I get so much energy that I cant sleep. I may try doing the msm at night when I resume taking it tho. Thanks for the info!

ohh good point bout the b vits
Den , Is the silica you take a pill or powder? What brand do you take? As you can see Im trying to follow your vitamin regime. Hope you dont think Im some kind of hair stalker....:lol:
I have learned-sometimes the hard headed way- that if you give your body everything it needs nutrient wise you can practically heal any thing wrong with it and also make what is right with it even better!
Jewell said:
Thanks, Candy_C. Biotin is water-soluble, which simply means that it will dissolve in water and it is hard to build up toxic levels in the body, unlike fat-soluble vitamins, which are stored in fat. It is easier for those to build up to toxic levels in the body from taking too much. The water is not necessarily washing out the biotin. With water-soluble vitamins, your body will absorb what it needs and the excess will be excreted in water or urine.

Fat-soluble vitamins (excess) will be stored in fat (vitamins A, D, E, and K). High levels of these vitamins can be toxic. B and C vitamins are water-soluble which accounts for the fact that we can take 5,000 mcg of biotin a day and not get sick or get 120% of the RDA of vitamin C from a glass of orange juice.

At night, your body probably has a longer time to absorb the vitamins (which possibly accounts for the good results you've been getting) and since you aren't urinating frequently at night like during the day, the kidneys do not work as hard and the "extra" biotin isn't excreted as readily as during the day.
Good point!

ETA: When people get pimples and headaches from biotin and MSM, it usually means they are not drinking enough water or fluids. I have taken high doses of biotin for years and I haven't had this problem because I HAVE to drink lots of water and fluids for health reasons. It also helps with the vits. I take my vits in the evening, and I do get better results.

Thanks for pointing this out. I was getting headaches as well from Biotin. I would take it at night. During the day at work I would have a headache. I figured that was the reason. And I definitely don't drink enough water like I should. Does anyone have a cure for the frequent urination that drinking water causes? It's hard to drink water throughout the day while you're working. I have heard that once your body gets used to drinking large amounts of water, you'll eventually go back to your regular schedule. Is this true? How long would that take?
Good tips. But that is a good question as far as frequent urination with drinking a lot of water. That's what turn a lot of people off with drinking water even though its good for you. Also off topic but does anybody notice more hair growth when they're continuously exercising?
Candy C thanks for posting this! I never would have thought about taking my Biotin at night to better utilize it. That may be a challenge for me though because I always take all my pills during my first meal of the day, that way I won't forget. I'm real real bad about taking pills!I'll have to come up with a way to not forget to take them before bed. Do you think my prenatals would be better to take before bed too? I am not taking them for hair growth though, just for healthy baby growth!! :lol:
Ladylynn said:
Thanks for pointing this out. I was getting headaches as well from Biotin. I would take it at night. During the day at work I would have a headache. I figured that was the reason. And I definitely don't drink enough water like I should. Does anyone have a cure for the frequent urination that drinking water causes? It's hard to drink water throughout the day while you're working. I have heard that once your body gets used to drinking large amounts of water, you'll eventually go back to your regular schedule. Is this true? How long would that take?

Here's an old conversation I had with a weight watcher friend once:
KP: I don't mind getting in all my water, but I am so sick of peeing all dang day!!
HM: I think that is the secret to the success of Weight Watchers. You don't lose weight because of healthy food choices and portion control and group support. You lose weight running back and forth to the bathroom to pee!!!
KP: rofl!!

I drink about 120oz of water a day, in combination with some soy milk and a diet soda or two. I hit the bathroom about 4-6 times a day and maybe once at night. This has been my life for about a year, girl. If my body was gonna adjust to less I think it would've by now. However, I count myself lucky cause my bf has to go about 3 times for every cup he drinks. I think it's solely dependent on you, the size of your bladder, and how long you feel like holding it. I will say that drinking a lot of water has helped my face clear up, my skin feel softer, and probably keeps my body feeling good. And you'll burn some calories running to the bathroom ;)
ChunHyang said:
Here's an old conversation I had with a weight watcher friend once:
KP: I don't mind getting in all my water, but I am so sick of peeing all dang day!!
HM: I think that is the secret to the success of Weight Watchers. You don't lose weight because of healthy food choices and portion control and group support. You lose weight running back and forth to the bathroom to pee!!!
KP: rofl!!

I drink about 120oz of water a day, in combination with some soy milk and a diet soda or two. I hit the bathroom about 4-6 times a day and maybe once at night. This has been my life for about a year, girl. If my body was gonna adjust to less I think it would've by now. However, I count myself lucky cause my bf has to go about 3 times for every cup he drinks. I think it's solely dependent on you, the size of your bladder, and how long you feel like holding it. I will say that drinking a lot of water has helped my face clear up, my skin feel softer, and probably keeps my body feeling good. And you'll burn some calories running to the bathroom ;)

That's cute, saddens me some, but cute. Oh well, I guess I don't have a choice. I know it's good for me. My co-workers just gonna have to look at me funny. :scratchch

Here's something interesting I found while searching the net. Maybe it's best to just sip, sip, instead of jug. Whatcha think.

When I revisited the “water cure” many years later, it was with some trepidation. What I was told, and what I found to be true (with great relief) is that, first of all, common sense will tell you that you don't drink three quarts of water all at once and get in your daily quota of water in one shot. Second, during the first week, your urination frequency will increase as the body and bladder adjust to what appears (at first) to be a temporary increase in fluid intake.
But then two things happen. One is that, when you cut out or cut down on the alternative beverages, the body is no longer wasting fluid processing the caffeine and other toxins. The second, and primary event is that the bladder and the body's flushing and replenishing system adjust to the regular intake, such that urination is less frequent and less urgent. Indeed, the affect of rehydrating the body increases the health of all systems, including the water management system, such that problems with bladder control, incontinence, “small bladder,” “shy bladder,” and so forth, become things of the past.
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Brinasia said:
Den , Is the silica you take a pill or powder? What brand do you take? As you can see Im trying to follow your vitamin regime. Hope you dont think Im some kind of hair stalker....:lol:
I don't mind at all, if you need any more info, just ask. I take the tablet form, called Kordels Silica 500, i purchased mine from
So do you take all your vitamins at once before you go to bed? the direction for my multi said to take twice a day...
Excellent Post Candy C!

I totally noticed faster growth when taking my vits jst before bed consistently, than that of taking them throughout the day!
Now I'm definitely going to make a point of taing vits only at night.
Summa B
Ladylynn said:
Thanks for pointing this out. I was getting headaches as well from Biotin. I would take it at night. During the day at work I would have a headache. I figured that was the reason. And I definitely don't drink enough water like I should. Does anyone have a cure for the frequent urination that drinking water causes? It's hard to drink water throughout the day while you're working. I have heard that once your body gets used to drinking large amounts of water, you'll eventually go back to your regular schedule. Is this true? How long would that take?

You're welcomed. :) I drink a lot of water...not excessive or anything, and I seem to have a normal urination schedule (like I'm not running to the restroom every 15-20 minutes or anything). I drink a lot of water at work too, and I'm a bank teller. I don't got to the restroom a whole lot during the day at work. I definitely think the body will become accustomed to it...I'm not sure how long that would take, though!
I just swallow them all b4 bed. b50 and biotin together then my multi vitamin and drink about 2 cups of water straight.

i use my flaxseed oil in the morning...

Hmmmmm. i also heard taking vitamins with coffee helps them digest better but i hate coffee and i dont think its appropriate to be honest. it was oin a health show over in the UK. i'm gona research this and get back 2 ya!
really glad to have found this thread :) I start taking my multivit(GNC), biotin & hair vit next Sunday. thanks ladies for this thread b/c I never would have thought about taking them before bed.
Candy_C said:
I just swallow them all b4 bed. b50 and biotin together then my multi vitamin and drink about 2 cups of water straight.

i use my flaxseed oil in the morning...

Hmmmmm. i also heard taking vitamins with coffee helps them digest better but i hate coffee and i dont think its appropriate to be honest. it was oin a health show over in the UK. i'm gona research this and get back 2 ya!

How I wish this were true!!! Sometimes I take all my vits with water and save the biggest one to take with something else, but water is really the best to take them all with. I take my vits as soon as I wake up with 1.5L and I know that taking them with lots of water makes a difference.

I may try taking them at night, actually I have no choice today, I was running late and didn't have time to take them. :lol:
I take my vitamins (GNC Women's Ultra Mega) in the morning with my breakfast. My vitamins are time released so my body is constantly receiving some of the nutrients.
hey, i'm posting just to say, if you haven't got a multi vitamin in your vitmain regime, i think its wise to get one. i put it off for ages thinking that what i had was good, but since i've added a timed release multi, my overall health feels so balanced and i feel so alive and energetic. i really think it has been the cause of my growth spurt (1 inch in 4 weeks) i'm kinda scared (ina good way) i wonder if anyone has maintained 1 inch a month for a year? i bet it isn't consistently possible..or is it? i'm still takin them at night so that could be the reason, i'm so excited i feel i've found the hair secret. i take a multi, flaxseed OIL (9,300mg - a tablespoon) 10mg of biotin and a B50 complex per day.

the comparison is in my fotki - Feb section if you wanna take a peek.