Get On My LEVEL...Or Not

How do you like your men?

  • Gimme a young one; I'll train him up if neccessary

    Votes: 5 12.5%
  • Gimme one my age or no more than 5yrs older; we'll grow together

    Votes: 26 65.0%
  • Gimme a g r o w n man (6+ yrs older); he can teach me some things

    Votes: 8 20.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 2.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Most of the young single women I know prefer to date men that are in their age bracket, but a few years older. Most middle aged single women I know prefer to date men their age or a few years younger. The older women single women I know prefer to date men significantly younger than they are.

Young women say: I want someone at my maturity level, but he needs to be at the same place I am in life (ex: in college, just starting career)

Middle aged women say: I want grown man I can match wits with who still wants to have fun; no old men who are set in their ways

Older women say: I need someone who can keep up...gimme something warm & kicking (My granny is dating a man 15yrs her junior :giggle: )

So what's your preference?? Do you prefer someone less experienced than you are (younger) so you can teach then some things? Do you prefer someone who's on you level (same age/a little older) so you can grow together? Or do you prefer someone that has surpassed your level so they can teach you some things?

Do you thinks there's a true correlation between age and maturity level?

Feel free to elaborate!!
I do not deal with guys my age i never did and never will
Im 29 and guys are still immature at that age i am not dealing with anyone pass 40
I like to date guys in my age bracket, but a few years older. I enjoy the idea of dating someone who can introduce me to or teach me new things, but dating someone who isn't where I am in life is a serious deterrent for me.
Ideally, I would like someone a few years older than me in physical age that can match my maturity level. When I date younger guys, I tend to take on a mother role, which I do not like! I want an older guy, but he can't be set in his ways or ready to settle down right away.
I always dated guys in my age bracket. Usually a year or two older. I was extremely lucky when I found my DH. He was/is very mature so I snatched him up LOL He's one year old than me and matches my maturity.
I usually like my men a few to many years older. However my current is only a year but he is a great match for me. We are the same place in life plus he is mature and still teaches me things.
I like older men 10-12 years to be exact. Dated men my age NEVER again they needed to mature. Dated men 3-5 years older still needed to mature. For me a men 10-12 years I have met are solid. JMHO
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I have the strongest connections with guys at least 3 years older than me if not more. I haven't completely given up on guys my age but so far they're not cutting it. However I am never dating younger again.
My ma always told me, go 5-7 yrs older when dating guys.

Their maturity is just not up to speed with ours during youth. When you get to your late 30's, 40's, they've finally caught up.
But for now, some of the things I see guys my age do remind me of the things I did a few yrs ago... just :nono:. Too juvenile. I tend to aim for older men, probably always will.
But not too old! I don't need someone of an entirely different generation lol. We couldn't relate well to one another at all.
So what's your preference?? Don't have one

Do you prefer someone less experienced than you are (younger) so you can teach then some things? My two long term relationships have been with younger (about a year each) guys, but they were more experienced in the dating world

Do you prefer someone who's on you level (same age/a little older) so you can grow together? I prefer around the same age

Or do you prefer someone that has surpassed your level so they can teach you some things? Never seriously dated an older guy

Do you thinks there's a true correlation between age and maturity level? I haven't seen the correlation because although both my current boyfriend and ex are younger, they were still more mature than a lot (dare I say most?) of guys 5 years older. They are younger but were in the relationship to pursue a future (eventual marriage). They haven't been immature or commitment-phobes.
i prefer older (6-10 yrs older) but oddly enough, my SO is younger... i got over the older man preference when the last 3 or 4 of them acted more juvenile than teenagers...