Gay/Bi Men and is this a sure sign?


New Member
I don't want to offended anyone and I hope this is worded as conservative as possible...

One of my BFF thinks her man is possibly gay/Bi. He doesn't "act" it and has few guy friends, but his recent interest in going the back route has worried her.

I said tell him what I always say "If you let me do you first with an attachment, you can then do me"--This always works in MY favor as no man wants to be done!!!!

But she did say it to her man and he said "Let me think about it" (!!!!!!!) As he really wants to take the back route with her.

I dunno what to tell her to all of this, but I'm thinking he might be gay/bi...what man would consider you doing him, in order for him to do you??? He is always and I mean ALWAYS up on her, holding hands, PDAing, and thinks she's his world...nothing that would really make me think he's interested in switching teams, but come on now--how do you ever really know?:perplexed
girl, some men are just straight up freaky, and that's all. i don't think his willingness to "think about it" is a sure sign. now if she had said the "let me do you first" and he was like "alright, ima go get some Wetglide", then she might have cause to pause. perhaps he is just into exploring sexually.

in and of itself, it wouldn't be reason to question him...for me. but if that is one of a few "hmm" moments, then i might have more reason to wonder. and although i am no expert, i have dealt with this type of situation before.

at most, he may be bi-curious.

I think it depends on his past experience. I've read that that area can be very pleasurable for men and is where their "G spot" is located. So it's possible he tried it with another girl and already knows he likes it, or that he read up on it and is adventurous.