Funniest hair related moments!


Well-Known Member
My ds (15) was taking his "cool" pictures to put up on myspace/facebook in the mirror. He happened to be at my mom's afterschool. So he goes up to the computer room to upload the pictures, and SCREAMS GRANDMA!

Come to find out my mom had her phony pony hanging up on the wall of the bathroom (where you usually put your robe or something) and the hair was in all his pictures! :lachen:
We still crack up over that one!!!!!

Tell your stories...
I went some where once with my cousin and she had just made me a home made half wig. SO we're there talking and laughing in this girls house when *PING!!!* my wig took off exposing my not so nice canerows underneath. I jumped out of that chair so fast and caught it before it even touched the ground. Desperately trying to put it bk on but cdnt tell the front from the back. :nono: Im not even embarassed because i found it hilarious.:lachen: My cousin was laughing sooooo hard she was on the floor and everything she couldnt even help me because she was laughing so hard. I looked cute that day too.:rolleyes:
My friend was on the phone to me on her way back from the gym, she kept telling me how fly she was looking cause guys were checking her out as she walked on by, she suddenly shrieked I asked what was wrong, she said her "pony" had apparently been unravelling and she had a trail of hair weft dragging behind her as she swayed down the street:lachen:

Talkn to my brothers, my uncles, cousins, and boyfriend about natural hair! Hilarious! Ima record it one day
My friend was on the phone to me on her way back from the gym, she kept telling me how fly she was looking cause guys were checking her out as she walked on by, she suddenly shrieked I asked what was wrong, she said her "pony" had apparently been unravelling and she had a trail of hair weft dragging behind her as she swayed down the street:lachen:
OMG I would have DIED! :lachen:
I was wearing a wig one evening and was at the local university's soccer field playing with my husband and son. Well all of a sudden the sprinklers come on and as I am trying to run off the field, one of sprinklers catching me right in the head and knocks my wig off. Both my husband and son laughed at me as I ran back to grab my hair. This was when I had just shaved my head and still wasn't truly comfortable sporting it, so I put that wet wig back on (which probably looked worse than my bald head) and we headed back to the car. I have to admit, I although embarrassed, I was dying laughing also.
Alright I had my afro phony pony in but it was a low pony not the high one becasue it was snowing and I wanted to put my hood on so my ears wouldn't get cold. So as I was walking home felt the phony getting looser and looser.

Then until i feel it detach in my hood and the wind is BLOWING HARD and I hold on to dear life to keep my hood on and I couldn't even get to a private place to fix it so I wait until I get to the train station holding on tight. So when I am am about to pull my phony pony out and put it in my bag a bunch of fine looking guys enter the carraige and sit near me. SO I had to wait until I got to my stop and wait at the station stairway until everyone was gone so I could pull it out from my hood and put it in my bag for safe keeping.

The gods were on my side that day.
So I ran into an old flame after not seeing him for about 2 or 3 years and we ended up staying up allll night talking. So finally, as the night went on I fell asleep and I could feel him beginning to run his fingers through my "hair." It woke me up and I looked up at him to see his face twisted all up and confused. I asked what was wrong and he goes, "what happened to your scalp? Were you in a fire?"
I burst out laughing, because he didn't realize that I had on a half-wig and was rubbing on the wig cap.
The next day he tweets: "if you're in your 20s, not a cancer patient and wearing a wig, please stop. It frightens me."