From Rocky Road to Bliss....


Well-Known Member
have any of you been in relationships that started out badly (maybe one or both parties were less serious than the others, or feelings got hurt, or things started out with lies, whatever) but then, given a lot of work, turned into something beautiful and long-lasting??
Nope, that was always my hope in my last relationship, but it never happened. Usually they start out in bliss and shortly after turn into a rocky road lol.
With my DH, things started out good and got better and better. I feel like I love him a little more each day even though it doesnt seem possible to love him any more than I already do.
Nope, that was always my hope in my last relationship, but it never happened. Usually they start out in bliss and shortly after turn into a rocky road lol.
With my DH, things started out good and got better and better. I feel like I love him a little more each day even though it doesnt seem possible to love him any more than I already do.
AWW that was really sweet!
To answer your question op,I don't know.
With me & my SO, things started out great. He was my best friend for 3 years before we got together. Then after about 2 months of us being together, his ex-GF comes back saying she's pregnant...with TWINS and they're HIS. SMH. Chile, I flipped OUT, you hear me? I told him I don't do guys with kids under any circumstances. He respected my decision but still begged me to stay. I told him I didn't know what I wanted to do, because I loved him but I didn't sign up for being step-mother. And the girl was a young little ***** & crazy as cat sh!t to boot. But she ended up getting an abortion after she saw he wasn't leaving me for her & the kids. Needless to say, I stayed. I knew deep down I loved him. He'd been a constant figure in my life that had never messed me over & it's not like he knew she was pregnant when we got together. He found out when I did. But long story short, things are great now. He graduates from college in a month and we've been together 1 year 4 months. I wouldn't change anything that happened, because that situation did nothing but bring us closer. But please believe he had to do some serious "please baby baby please" to get things right with me. My family loves him. My siblings like him. My parents like him. And his family loves me too. But I think it was all worth it.