Friends or more? Advice needed PLEASE!


Well-Known Member
Last month I hung out with an old college friend. I hadn't seen him in years but sporadically we would give updates on how we were doing via email. One time he invited me to visit up where he was staying at the time but I never really got back to him on that.

Anyway about a month ago, I suggested we catch up and meet for lunch. I thought it was going to be casual but after the meet up I wanted to see him/talk to him more. He sent me an email saying he had a great time but didn't say anything about another meeting. I sent one back mirroring his, then he sent me another one saying when I'm free we should hang out again.

In the past month, I expressed interest in hanging with him but our schedules always conflicted. He called and told me to tell him when i would be free. About a week ago, I called and asked if he wanted to join me for lunch. We hung out and had a good time, BUT at the end of the "date" I made a HUGE mistake and paid for both of our meals. It WASN'T intentional- I just put my card down and the waitress was really fast with picking it up. I could see he was a bit uncomfortable with what had happened but he said next time he would get the tab.

When I get ready to go back to my car, he hugs me, kisses me on my neck and says that if I want, he would pay for ticket out to his area to come see him. I said "maybe over the summer-I dunno yet"

He hasn't called in the week and my friends say I should contact him soon about going out of town to see him since he brought it up and a kiss on the neck means something.

I'm at a lost because I thought if someone was interested, they would call or something, but on the other hand he says he would pay for a ticket to see him out west. I dunno if what he was saying was B.S. either.

Any advice ladies? I wouldn't mind hanging out with him more-we laugh a lot and going out of town would be neat. But I don't want be doing all the work, appearing needy or not be reading this situation for what it is. What should I do? Also, I added him on myspace-should I delete him if it doesn't pan out?
Why don't you just call him and see about the ticket, then you will know if there is more. If he wants to see you he will make sure it happens. Maybe he's just really busy or thinks you don't want to see him after the wishy-washy reply to his question.
You are thinking WAAAAAY too much into this. Just relax and go with the flow. His behavior seems to be more leaning towards friendship which could possibly evolve into something more, but it seems too early to tell at this point. A kiss on the neck is too sexual for my tastes. Make sure he's not looking for a "friends with benefits" relationship with you.
I would just give him a call and see what's up. If he seems unresponsive after you call him, then I'd let it go because you don't want to appear desperate.
You are thinking WAAAAAY too much into this. Just relax and go with the flow. His behavior seems to be more leaning towards friendship which could possibly evolve into something more, but it seems too early to tell at this point. A kiss on the neck is too sexual for my tastes. Make sure he's not looking for a "friends with benefits" relationship with you.

I agree..

I wouldnt call maybe it's my pride but like spellmanlocks said call once and after that leave it up to him. If he's interested, his actions will show it.
I think you sent him mixed signals with the "maybe this summer--I dunno yet" comment. That's why I think he's backed off. Men don't offer to bring you to their spot on their dime if you're just the jumpoff...well, maybe they do, but that's an expensive jumpoff when I'm sure they can find someone local. It appears he may have wanted to explore this connection a bit further, but may not have known how to read your reaction.

I would have said something "Sounds like fun. Call me next week and we can coordinate our calendars."

As for the kiss on the neck thing, that's interesting. It could have been accidental or once again a sign of his interest.
I think you sent him mixed signals with the "maybe this summer--I dunno yet" comment. That's why I think he's backed off. Men don't offer to bring you to their spot on their dime if you're just the jumpoff...well, maybe they do, but that's an expensive jumpoff when I'm sure they can find someone local. It appears he may have wanted to explore this connection a bit further, but may not have known how to read your reaction.

I would have said something "Sounds like fun. Call me next week and we can coordinate our calendars."

As for the kiss on the neck thing, that's interesting. It could have been accidental or once again a sign of his interest.

Wow, he must have really bad aim lol :rolleyes:. Its a sign that he's interested, but not necessarily in a relationship. Just approach him with caution so you can figure out what he's true intentions are.
Last month I hung out with an old college friend. I hadn't seen him in years but sporadically we would give updates on how we were doing via email. One time he invited me to visit up where he was staying at the time but I never really got back to him on that.

Anyway about a month ago, I suggested we catch up and meet for lunch. I thought it was going to be casual but after the meet up I wanted to see him/talk to him more. He sent me an email saying he had a great time but didn't say anything about another meeting. I sent one back mirroring his, then he sent me another one saying when I'm free we should hang out again.

In the past month, I expressed interest in hanging with him but our schedules always conflicted. He called and told me to tell him when i would be free. About a week ago, I called and asked if he wanted to join me for lunch. We hung out and had a good time, BUT at the end of the "date" I made a HUGE mistake and paid for both of our meals. It WASN'T intentional- I just put my card down and the waitress was really fast with picking it up. I could see he was a bit uncomfortable with what had happened but he said next time he would get the tab.

When I get ready to go back to my car, he hugs me, kisses me on my neck and says that if I want, he would pay for ticket out to his area to come see him. I said "maybe over the summer-I dunno yet"

He hasn't called in the week and my friends say I should contact him soon about going out of town to see him since he brought it up and a kiss on the neck means something.

I'm at a lost because I thought if someone was interested, they would call or something, but on the other hand he says he would pay for a ticket to see him out west. I dunno if what he was saying was B.S. either.

Any advice ladies? I wouldn't mind hanging out with him more-we laugh a lot and going out of town would be neat. But I don't want be doing all the work, appearing needy or not be reading this situation for what it is. What should I do? Also, I added him on myspace-should I delete him if it doesn't pan out?

I believe that is your answer right there. If I were you, I would just forget about it and continue with life as I know it. I believe that if indeed he is interested in you, he will get in touch.
Wow, he must have really bad aim lol :rolleyes:. Its a sign that he's interested, but not necessarily in a relationship. Just approach him with caution so you can figure out what he's true intentions are.

If the hug was awkward, it's not impossible. Although I feel she was sending mixed signals, I'm not sure what his inentions are, so I would chill until and unless he can be definitive.
I think you sent him mixed signals with the "maybe this summer--I dunno yet" comment. That's why I think he's backed off. Men don't offer to bring you to their spot on their dime if you're just the jumpoff...well, maybe they do, but that's an expensive jumpoff when I'm sure they can find someone local. It appears he may have wanted to explore this connection a bit further, but may not have known how to read your reaction.

I would have said something "Sounds like fun. Call me next week and we can coordinate our calendars."

As for the kiss on the neck thing, that's interesting. It could have been accidental or once again a sign of his interest.
I say call and shoot the breeze, JUST ONCE and see what happens. if he doens't call after that or is blah, then nix him.