Found my first grey hair on Friday!


Well-Known Member
I was in a changing room at a clothes shop when I looked in a mirror and saw it(you know how you can see everything in them damn mirrors!). I could not believe it, so I pressed the bell to ask for help and the sales assistant came.:lachen: I asked her if it was really a grey hair and she conformed it was.

Q1) What do I do, do I pluck it out or just dye it?
Q2) How old were you when you found your first grey hair?
Don't pluck it. If it's just one hair dying it is not necessary and too harsh. Just blend it with the rest of your hair. When you get more use something gentle like a color rinse to cover it. Maybe, henna and/or indigo.

I wouldn't start hard core dying it unless the amount of gray was significant. That will probably be along time from now.
You can pluck it out if you want. It will probably grow back grey but you won't have to see it for a while.
I was about 6 when we discovered my first grey hair :grin:
I'm 17 now and have a small section of all grey hairs in the middle of my head, plus some blonde and one red one. I'm not fretting about it though.... it's just me:)
I discovered my first gray hair at the age of 10 I'm now about 30% gray all over. I'm now 42.
found my first gray in my early teens. I usually have about 5-6 at any given time. if it's noticeable I pluck it :look:

I'm 27 now, I that helps...
First grey at 38 or 39, I am 40. Not that big of a deal to me. I have been waiting for greys since I was like 25. I want to use Henna to color my hair and my hair is too dark. I still haven't colored with Henna yet(for color coverage that is), since I only have like 4 grey hairs. Just seems like a waste. I am waiting to get more so I can get those henna streaks. I am jealous of the Indian men at my job, they have beautiful hair colored with henna.
I found my first one 5 years ago at 25. It wasn't a shocker 'cause my Mom started greying at 25 and my older brother in his early 20s.
I found my first grey hair Friday.
Im 28.
The strange thing is, I found it growing out of my right eyebrow (vs my scalp).
I plucked it.. waiting to see if another one grows in its place.
Found my first grey hair in my early 20s im 37 now. And they are all in the front of my hair.
Its not a big deal for me, I dont cover them. Tehy get a little tinted when I henna.

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I found my first gray a few weeks ago and I'm 35.I felt the same way as you. I don't want to dye my hair at all because I love my natural hair color. My hair is light brown with natural golden blonde highlights.
I would like to know exactly what is henna and what all the rave about it is.
If I ever use , will that make me loose my natural color?
I'm 32 but I've had grey hair since I was a little kid. I actually like it but it's only a small patch. I used to go off when people would notice it and pluck it out for good luck,smh.

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