Fotki Stalkers, what are you pet peeves about people's fotkis?

No albums, albums that dont show hair, people that give out the wrong pw, people that take forever to PM you back, people that have PW for no reason (umm on a product album... WHY?), people that update every 8 years, people that post sucky pics every time, and people who dont answer questions or half answer them (my regimen is I wash my hair and then style it. Pish stop lying! I see a MTG bottle in the background!:ohwell:).
Welp, I'm happy to say that this was a very good thread and most of us have learned (I know I learned a lot) about how to make out fotki's better and more inviting- and we did all that without (okay, okay Allandra, except a few comments:grin:) drama. I am so happy that this thread didn't take a turn for the worst and catch a case of the clank-clanks:woohoo:!:bouncegre:clap:Thanks ladies!:theteam::2cool::clap:
The only thing I dislike is putting a password on the main folder and then one on every other folder. Why? If we knew the password to get into the main one, then we can get into the others and if we didn't know the password for the main one, we couldn't get into the subfolders. Unless there's something about Fotki's structure I don't understand.

But in general, I don't think I have any pet peeves regarding Fotki. It's not like if they are lacking something it harms me in any way or negatively affects my life in any way. It's not like they cut me off and then decided to drive extra slow. They are giving something. That's like me being angry that they only gave me $5 instead of giving me $10. I'm still happy that they gave me something. If I don't want what they have to give, it's no loss to me, so . . .
Yeah, I've seen fotkis with absolutely no pics before... I just view it as they're going to add some soon... I hope:grin:

My fotki used to have no pics because I preferred Flickr. I just signed up for a Fotki account so I could leave comments on people's pages. Eventually I got tired of sending people to Flickr when the hair world is obviously in love with Fotki (which is full of booty-shot ads and click-me-for-spyware-please! buttons), so I finally just started uploading pictures to my fotki.
I'm not really a fotki stalker but I absolutely hate when the folders I do check out are on lock down and I have to spend time trying to find the password or ask for it then wait for it which often I don't anyway because it's too time consuming. What's more I find it a little bit of a setback also when I can actually get into the folders and find that I can't leave a comment because that feature has either been disabled or not enabled in the first place.

Some fotkis don't even have guest books features enabled. I especially hate it when there seem to be like a million plus one folders to go through. I do however love reading through tutorials on hair care, styles, etc. Hmmm, ending with a positive seem very fitting here.
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Put cuzzo and them in a seperate album.

You ain't neva lied. :lachen::lachen:

I agree with all of the mentioned pet peeves. I have a Fotki, but I'm not putting the link back up to that bad boy until I actually have some progress and TRUST. The bad pics will be in there. The are in there already.

The only thing I have to add is I hate are the passwords. Not that you have a password, but you need to have a password that has upper AND lower case letters? Are we trying to log into Fotki or into your online banking account? :lachen:
- when people put up 26 photos of the same photo shoot in 1 album. Yes, its nice to see different angles of ur new rollerset, but 30 of them!!

- when people show their products, but don't name them below, or give a quick sentence of how they like the product.

- when people don't date their albums/progress pics.

- when folks just pile ALL of their progress pics in 1 album. There's like 3 years of progress in 1 photo album that's 4 pages long. And they won't date the pics at that...:wallbash:

I really like the progress pics in one album as long as they are dated. Actually, it also helps me decide whether or not I am going to look at the rest of the album. :look: I mean, there are some ladies who, for whatever reason, CONSTANTLY have set backs (i.e. scissor happy stylist, they just felt like it, gum in hair, horrible relaxer, etc.) and they have no pictures of their hair before the "tragic" set back. I mean, is there really any point of me going through all of the albums if the length/style never changes because something "happened" to it? :nono:
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I'm loving this thread:lachen:!!!

My pet peeves:
  • People who visit me DAILY... i dunno it's just weird
  • People who visit me and their not even on their for hair at all... i.e. creepy biker dudes
  • People who leave anonymous comments
  • People who haven't updated their fotkis in like 32 yrs
  • People who have pics of celeb/model inspiration pics locked... you took them first why can't i take them from you?!

Somebody else mentioned it already but I have done that on accident. I mean, a lot of women have a graphic as their avatar and I don't remember their hair until I see a real photo.
I doubt it. Why wouldn't it ask for a password, instead of indicating that the folder is empty.

She's right. A lot of people do not allow anonymous users to view their pictures and once you log in you can see the photos. Has happened to me while at work several times.
This thread was very helpful. I made some changes to my fotki because of it. My main hair album is locked but the ones inside of it aren't. HTH yall complaining heffas. :lol: Q

YEAH! Love your album, hate having to enter the passswords over and over.
- when people put up 26 photos of the same photo shoot in 1 album. Yes, its nice to see different angles of ur new rollerset, but 30 of them!!

ITA. I absolutely hate the overly goofy and weird expressions--it just looks really cheesy :drunk:. I also find the overly sexy poses and clothing to be :blush:. With that being said, I am not detered from stalking fotki who exhibit the above stated:look:. Thanks to all the ladies that take the time and energy to make and maintain their fotki:grin:
1. Locked fotki's
2. Pictures of weave hair not installed
3. Progress photos without dates (month/yr). Nice to see timeline on progress.
4. Product photos with >3 products in photo. Really prefer 1 photo with detailed description
5. Pictures with hand over face or edited with MSPaint to cover idenitity - I understand why, but some pics remind me of scenes from the movie "The Ring."
6. Folders with no pictures - I know....I know....I'm being a hipocrit here. Will add pics to my empty folder
7. Questions not answered on comments (i.e. where to find buy this product)
8. Unorganized fotki's

Hey, I welcome any criticism to my fotki. Feel free to PM me your recommendations.
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1. Locked fotki's
2. Pictures of weave hair not installed
3. Progress photos with dates (month/yr)
4. Product photos with >3 products in photo. Really prefer 1 photo with detailed description
5. Pictures with hand over face or edited with MSPaint to cover idenitity - I understand why, but some pics remind me of scenes from the movie "The Ring."
6. Folders with no pictures - I know....I know....I'm being a hipocrit here. Will add pics to my empty folder
7. Questions not answered on comments (i.e. where to find buy this product)
8. Unorganized fotki's

Hey, I welcome any criticism to my fotki. Feel free to PM me your recommendations.

Good point. I do the bolded but usually because I use the products together and can't really review them separately. This is a great thread, I'm getting lots of ideas for improvement.
Welp, I'm happy to say that this was a very good thread and most of us have learned (I know I learned a lot) about how to make out fotki's better and more inviting- and we did all that without (okay, okay Allandra, except a few comments:grin:) drama. I am so happy that this thread didn't take a turn for the worst and catch a case of the clank-clanks:woohoo:!:bouncegre:clap:Thanks ladies!:theteam::2cool::clap:

The unnecessary comments were removed to keep the thread alive.
My pet peeve is cute wash n go's or hairstyles and NO description of the products or techniques used. :wallbash:
1. Locked fotki's
2. Pictures of weave hair not installed
3. Progress photos with dates (month/yr)
4. Product photos with >3 products in photo. Really prefer 1 photo with detailed description
5. Pictures with hand over face or edited with MSPaint to cover idenitity - I understand why, but some pics remind me of scenes from the movie "The Ring."
6. Folders with no pictures - I know....I know....I'm being a hipocrit here. Will add pics to my empty folder
7. Questions not answered on comments (i.e. where to find buy this product)
8. Unorganized fotki's

Hey, I welcome any criticism to my fotki. Feel free to PM me your recommendations.

OK ... I don't get this one. Why would progress photos with dates be a pet peeve (just curious)? I like it when people date their photos. I know I do it in my Fotki. I think it helps people to see progression in the context of a "timeline".

1. People I have never seen before on fotki or forums inviting me to their locked fotki without giving me a pwd :nono:
2. Creepy face distortions. I don't mind folks blocking faces, but why make them look horrible and scary-looking? It detracts from the hair, IMO.
3. Pics with no titles, descriptions, dates.
4. Pics that are taken from long distances, are blurry, dark or any other type that doesn't show the hair well.
5. No regimen info included.
i don't think i qualify as a "stalker" :look:. however, one of the things i don't like are the repetitive photos. someone will have literally 8-10 photos of their hair in the same position. i sometimes think, "i got that this is what you hair looked like at picture 1" when i'm onto picture 5 :perplexed. these are usually the people with 60+ photos in a monthly album :ohwell:. i don't look at every single photo. in fact, i've started looking at the thumbnails and opening the photos that interest me. i can click through a 20-30 photo album but 40+...not so much.

another of my pet peeves is someone who has never posted a comment in my fotki and/or i've never been to theirs, leaving a generic "hey, i've just updated!!" comment. it just seems like bad netiquette :scratchch.
This was a great thread. I really need to fix my fotki then :ohwell:

Well, it's good to learn. *off to delete repetivitve pics*

(oh not really, maybe tomorrow lol :rolleyes:)
Could "How to do a fotki" be a topic at the Las Vegas conference? I would like to start a fotki but really am a little clueless.