Fotki Stalkers, what are you pet peeves about people's fotkis?

When they visit yours and you go to visit their and it's LOCKED :sad:
At least leave me your PW in my guestbook privately :rolleyes:

^^^I Hate that!!!:nono: I usually don't even bother asking for thiers most of the time.

Other top offenses include:

No NG shots (I wanna see ya real texture)

Wet hair pics only

Blurry/Dark Pics

Sideways Pictures (Rotate button is on the left)

Janky Comparison Shots

No Caption/Descritpions of styles

The same style/shot/angle over and over and over (I get it...It's a puff)

Vague Regimen (No product details ie. I just Shampoo, Condition and Moisturize 3x a week) With WHAT I say???

Im loving this thread. Everything that was mentioned is sooo true.

Recently I contemplated taking off some real jacked up hair pic's, because I was like "who wants to see these" and now I know who :grin:!!! I guess they can be to some benefit, for people looking for inspiration and such...but dang my hair was chewed up something terrible and because of them tore up pic's my fotki will remain on lock...only my "true" hair sista's will understand that mess. I cant have no random person looking at them things!!! :lachen:
Im loving this thread. Everything that was mentioned is sooo true.

Recently I contemplated taking off some real jacked up hair pic's, because I was like "who wants to see these" and now I know who :grin:!!! I guess they can be to some benefit, for people looking for inspiration and such...but dang my hair was chewed up something terrible and because of them tore up pic's my fotki will remain on lock...only my "true" hair sista's will understand that mess. I cant have no random person looking at them things!!! :lachen:
I feel you, my hair was a chewed up mess too... I held onto those chewed up ends for as long as I could too:grin: I'm glad I let them go...:yep:
LOL...This is mine too! I understand the security issue with pics being jacked and all, but I try to limit the face pics I have so they can do what they wanna do with the back of my head :blush::lachen:

Good Thread, Hairapy :yep:

I'm in the process of creating a fotki, and asking myself "what are things I pass on while visiting" so I can make sure those don't exist on my space?

Having 30 folders and each is password protected :wallbash: If you must password protect, just password your main folder - after the first folder I've forgotten your password and really don't want to keep going back and forth entering passwords.

Honestly I feel like if they want my picture, then take it. Really, it's not that serious. If you want my picture, and post (once I have long flowing hair) a fictitious regimen along with it, and that regimen produces negatives results on someone's I going to be held liable for their results? Uh, no.

Most folks who are serious about hair care should be curious enough to validate whatever claims someone makes about care through research.

Therefore, if they want to take the easy way out, and do all sorts of stuff to their hair based on one persons comments...well?

No regimens. Hey, I like pictures just as much as the next gal, but me drooling over your hair aint gon grow mine. I need to know how you got from A - Z.

If your regimen has not changed in 6 years, at least tell us's annoying when folks have their first and only regimen out there and you wonder "are they still using potion #9 conditioner? I thought they discontinued that product in 1996"?
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I agree..this thread is good. :grin:

1. locked fotkis
2. beginning pic and recent pic ...NO in between pics
3. no hair pics.....I just saw this today for the 1st time....I was pissed :wallbash:
Passwords on every single folder, subfolder, album and having different passwords for all of them.

I also like organization, I like for the albums to tell a story.

I would love to see ppl's everyday hair pictures, not just the perfect, fresh from the salon ones, but the I tried to do this today and it was a disaster. Or just everyday run of the mill this is how I style my hair when I'm 12 weeks post with outrageous NG.

Oh and i agree, Honesty, you are gorgeous.:yep: Are you a model?

I like that you said this - this reason alone is why I included several 'busted' bun photos. (yeah, I know...this post is worthless w/o pics :grin:)

...and my caption is - "this is what my bun looks like at 11 weeks. I couldn't really get the top smooth because of all the lumps underneath" :lachen:
I don't know if this was said already but...

When members have a fotki links post in their siggy but all of their albums are empty.

:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:This is so annoying why not just remove the darn link if you have no photos.
I think my pet peeve is lack of information in regards to hair care regimens or pictures showing different things they write about:
Henna treatments
With these I like to see before and after pictures. But I don't complain too much because I'm working on getting my fotki up to par.

Great thread ladies. I will admit that I don't think I have good enough pics from when i started, they are all dark and don't show the true condition of my hair. I feel like I even short-changed myself, but you can clearly see that it was a mess.
I don't know if this was said already but...

When members have a fotki links post in their siggy but all of their albums are empty.

:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:This is so annoying why not just remove the darn link if you have no photos.

You probably need to be logged in and or a friend to view the photos. Just food for thought.

I hate blurry pics, repetitive pics, no pic titles and passwords.
Umm.....iunno if its a pet peeve for me but when its like a GAZIIIIIIIILLION folders, I spend a lot of time in the fotki and I feel like a stalker :lachen:. But at the same time I love to see the "story". :yep::yep: So its all good to me...I love fotkis.

I have a million folders.............................

I hope you will still visit.........:sad:
Good Thread, Hairapy :yep:

I'm in the process of creating a fotki, and asking myself "what are things I pass on while visiting" so I can make sure those don't exist on my space?

Having 30 folders and each is password protected :wallbash: If you must password protect, just password your main folder - after the first folder I've forgotten your password and really don't want to keep going back and forth entering passwords.

Honestly I feel like if they want my picture, then take it. Really, it's not that serious. If you want my picture, and post (once I have long flowing hair) a fictitious regimen along with it, and that regimen produces negatives results on someone's I going to be held liable for their results? Uh, no.

Most folks who are serious about hair care should be curious enough to validate whatever claims someone makes about care through research.

Therefore, if they want to take the easy way out, and do all sorts of stuff to their hair based on one persons comments...well?

No regimens. Hey, I like pictures just as much as the next gal, but me drooling over your hair aint gon grow mine. I need to know how you got from A - Z.

If your regimen has not changed in 6 years, at least tell us's annoying when folks have their first and only regimen out there and you wonder "are they still using potion #9 conditioner? I thought they discontinued that product in 1996"?

I am taking notes here:

I have learned from people like Pokahontas. She has a very nice set up.
I tried to make mine chronicled so that people know where I was - and where I am now.... ( although I have not put anything up for this month.....)

I think you make great great points!
One of my Peeves is STARRED, scratched out Faces and the like. For goodness sake - I am sorry - I just cant hide my face all the time. I think it is a bit wierd. ( just my opinion)
I hate when I'm fotki hopping and I see a georgeous head of hair so I go to their page and it's locked:wallbash:. I get all fired up to see some beautiful hair and then smack in the face:lachen:.
I am taking notes here:

I have learned from people like Pokahontas. She has a very nice set up.
I tried to make mine chronicled so that people know where I was - and where I am now.... ( although I have not put anything up for this month.....)

I think you make great great points!
One of my Peeves is STARRED, scratched out Faces and the like. For goodness sake - I am sorry - I just cant hide my face all the time. I think it is a bit wierd. ( just my opinion)
Gosh Sam, that's such a nice complement considering I'm self-concious about how I document my fotki. I always think it's no good but I try. I've learned a lot of things along the way.
As one who has my fotki locked for now, its because I had some really bad things said about me there, and I got frustrated and locked them all. I haven't opened it since and I might open it at some point in the future.

Just wanted to let you all know, if you have tried to see my fotki.

Now, carry on:grin:
Great thread ladies. I will admit that I don't think I have good enough pics from when i started, they are all dark and don't show the true condition of my hair. I feel like I even short-changed myself, but you can clearly see that it was a mess.
Same here. I had NO CLUE what I was doing when I first started, nor did I have a decent camera. I wish I could go back at times but hey, it is what it is.
Great thread ladies. I will admit that I don't think I have good enough pics from when i started, they are all dark and don't show the true condition of my hair. I feel like I even short-changed myself, but you can clearly see that it was a mess.
Same here. I had NO CLUE what I was doing when I first started, nor did I have a decent camera. I wish I could go back at times but hey, it is what it is.
As one who has my fotki locked for now, its because I had some really bad things said about me there, and I got frustrated and locked them all. I haven't opened it since and I might open it at some point in the future.

Just wanted to let you all know, if you have tried to see my fotki.

Now, carry on:grin:
Wow, that's messed up... I wouldn't let that stop me though. What would make you unlock it in the future?
I dislike:

1. PM a person for a pw
2. Pics on lockdown
3. can't leave a comment

I like:

1. a chronological story and progress reports
2. hair regimen and products used
3. tutorials
Great thread ladies. I will admit that I don't think I have good enough pics from when i started, they are all dark and don't show the true condition of my hair. I feel like I even short-changed myself, but you can clearly see that it was a mess.

Same here. But I think as time goes on, the more experience you have with updating the fotki and better quality camera etc., your fotki will get better.
I'm loving this thread:lachen:!!!

My pet peeves:

  • People who visit me DAILY... i dunno it's just weird
  • People who visit me and their not even on their for hair at all... i.e. creepy biker dudes
  • People who leave anonymous comments
  • People who haven't updated their fotkis in like 32 yrs
  • People who have pics of celeb/model inspiration pics locked... you took them first why can't i take them from you?!
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Awww, thanks Apples!! Also, just because you're a HWF (that term just cracks me up!:grin:) doesn't make your opinion any less than anyone else. It's funny you mention the HairZings, I need to order two more (pink and purple) warm weather is coming and I don't want hair on my neck LOL Thanks:yep:

gotta give Bre~Bre props for coining that phrase!! :lol:


I only have one Hair Zing---this one:

I just saw the pink one. It's cute! I'm planning to order more soon... thanks for mentioning that!! :yep:
I'm loving this thread:lachen:!!!

My pet peeves:
  • People who visit me DAILY... i dunno it's just weird
  • People who visit me and their not even on their for hair at all... i.e. creepy biker dudes
  • People who leave anonymous comments
  • People who haven't updated their fotkis in like 32 yrs
  • People who have pics of celeb/model inspiration pics locked... you took them first why can't i take them from you?!

I may visit someone's fotki a couple times in a day because I forgot which one's I already looked at.

This is why I have it locked. This is the only site I have the fotki link on. I realize lurkers can get it but I'm sure the only way to find the site is if you're interested in hair care so hopefully that prevents random people from looking or people who come across my fotki from someone's fotki that doesn't have a password.

I leave anon comments because I'm too lazy to sign in.
gotta give Bre~Bre props for coining that phrase!! :lol:


I only have one Hair Zing---this one:

I just saw the pink one. It's cute! I'm planning to order more soon... thanks for mentioning that!! :yep:

That's cute I might order one myself. Checked eBay they didn't have any.