Fotki Stalkers, what are you pet peeves about people's fotkis?


SuperDuper Member
What are some things about people's fotki's that you hate? I mean, what makes you want to never visit someone's fotki again (ie. clutter, too many folders, not enough or misleading pics, etc)

What do you feel makes a fotki a good one?

I'm just asking because I am going to take some time this weekend to re-vamp my fotki, but I want it to be an inviting one. TIA:yep:
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i love to see the products but sometimes when everything in on lock, i don't have it in me to click and find out what the password is (lazy i know).
Umm.....iunno if its a pet peeve for me but when its like a GAZIIIIIIIILLION folders, I spend a lot of time in the fotki and I feel like a stalker :lachen:. But at the same time I love to see the "story". :yep::yep: So its all good to me...I love fotkis.
I have had a fotki for like 3 years and have occasioanlly used password but i got tired of having ot give it out all the time! And even now if i visit someones page that is locked up 9 times out of 10 i will not bother to ask for it
I have had a fotki for like 3 years and have occasioanlly used password but i got tired of having ot give it out all the time! And even now if i visit someones page that is locked up 9 times out of 10 i will not bother to ask for it

you are gawgus! I just removed my password also.
I don't know that it's a pet peeve, but I've been to pages where there is no way to leave a comment under the pictures, and they don't have a guestbook.

I try to keep mine organized for easy viewing, and I am definitely a stalker of other folks' pages. :grin:
I hate to see these words : PASSWORD IN PROFILE ... I don't feel like going thru all that, it's a time waster... and my second pet peeve is dark pics or unclear pics... :nono:
I like to see the good, the bad and the ugly.

i know we don't all have good hair days but i like to see how you manage your hair through the bad ones just as much as the good. Even if you're going through alopecia, breakage, some scalp conditions, whatever it is, i like to see what you're going through.

i try to add a few photos of the bad so folks realize that it's not all good all the time and there's are ways to get around/manage/get over the times your hair just isn't cooperating.

not a big deal though since i love looking at pictures anyway, it's just something that's really refreshing and inspirational to see.
LOL...This is mine too! I understand the security issue with pics being jacked and all, but I try to limit the face pics I have so they can do what they wanna do with the back of my head :blush::lachen:

This is the same for me. one initial locked folder is enough. We should only need to enter the PW once.

I also hate tiny dark poor quality cell phone pictures.
  • When pics are 100 years old...can I get some updates please
  • When people want you to PM them for a password...ummm it's not that serious
Here are my pet peeves:
  1. I can't stand having to email or look at someone's profile in order to see their Fotki. :nono:
  2. When you can't leave a comment
  3. When they don't leave their regimen (including what vitamins they take)
  4. When they can see who visited their takes the mystery out of stalking :rolleyes:
By the way great thread :pop:
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Passwords on every single folder, subfolder, album and having different passwords for all of them.

I also like organization, I like for the albums to tell a story.

I would love to see ppl's everyday hair pictures, not just the perfect, fresh from the salon ones, but the I tried to do this today and it was a disaster. Or just everyday run of the mill this is how I style my hair when I'm 12 weeks post with outrageous NG.

Oh and i agree, Honesty, you are gorgeous.:yep: Are you a model?
Take my comments with a grain of salt, being that I am a HWF. :look: (***** Without a Fotki :lachen: )

Anyway...I love reading about people's regimens, and seeing the products that they use---especially if they are my hair type. When it's not listed, I'm a tad disappointed.

Some folks just have pictures of their hair, which is kinda irritating. And it's even more irritating when it's just recent pictures. I like to see pics over a period of time.
For example---I was ear length in 2004--now I'm ankle length in 2008! (I'm being facetious, but you know what I mean)..

Btw HAIRapy---I like your fotki! I bought a Hair Zing after viewing your fotki! Had never heard of them before seeing it in your hair! :) And I love this thing!
Plus, you list websites of items that you've purchased, and I like that! :yep:
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Here are my pet peeves:
  1. I can't stand having to email or look at someone's profile in order to see their Fotki. :nono:
  2. When you can't leave a comment
  3. When they don't leave their regimen (including what vitamins they take)
  4. When they can see who visited their takes the mystery out of stalking :rolleyes:
By the way great thread :pop:
I kinda like that - because it has sent me to pages that I never knew existed. When someone visits my page, but they don't leave a comment, I can at least go see their page, and leave comments on something I like. I've seen so many "new" (new to me) Fotki pages since they guestbook was put into place.
I hate before pics when ya cant tell how bad of shape the hair was once in...
looking at a lot fotkis everyone had perfectly healthy coifs and only came here to share their secrets
Take my comments with a grain of salt, being that I am a HWF. :look: (***** Without a Fotki :lachen: )

Anyway...I love reading about people's regimens, and seeing the products that they use---especially if they are my hair type. When it's not listed, I'm a tad disappointed.

Some folks just have pictures of their hair, which is kinda irritating. And it's even more irritating when it's just recent pictures. I like to see pics over a period of time.
For example---I was ear length in 2004--now I'm ankle length in 2008! (I'm being facetious, but you know what I mean)..

Btw HAIRapy---I like your fotki! I bought a Hair Zing after viewing your fotki! Had never heard of them before seeing it in your hair! :) And I love this thing!
Plus, you list websites of items that you've purchased, and I like that! :yep:
Awww, thanks Apples!! Also, just because you're a HWF (that term just cracks me up!:grin:) doesn't make your opinion any less than anyone else. It's funny you mention the HairZings, I need to order two more (pink and purple) warm weather is coming and I don't want hair on my neck LOL Thanks:yep:
Passwords on every single folder, subfolder, album and having different passwords for all of them.

I also like organization, I like for the albums to tell a story.

I would love to see ppl's everyday hair pictures, not just the perfect, fresh from the salon ones, but the I tried to do this today and it was a disaster. Or just everyday run of the mill this is how I style my hair when I'm 12 weeks post with outrageous NG.

Oh and i agree, Honesty, you are gorgeous.:yep: Are you a model?

I hate before pics when ya cant tell how bad of shape the hair was once in...
looking at a lot fotkis everyone had perfectly healthy coifs and only came here to share their secrets
ITA with you too, I think it's VERY good to show progress from beginning to end. I need to put more plain hair days in there too... *thinking*
I hate before pics when ya cant tell how bad of shape the hair was once in...
looking at a lot fotkis everyone had perfectly healthy coifs and only came here to share their secrets

I purposely took pics of my hair just so you can see how badly damaged it was. I wanted to look at those pics two years from now and see how far i've come and hopefully shows others they can do it too.

the only thing that gets me is when peopel don't leave a reggie and don't enable comments.
I don't know that it's a pet peeve, but I've been to pages where there is no way to leave a comment under the pictures, and they don't have a guestbook.

I try to keep mine organized for easy viewing, and I am definitely a stalker of other folks' pages. :grin:
Hey Cassandra!!!!!!!

Welcome aboard girlie!!! :grin:
*takes pw off her albums!*
:lachen: I must admit, I hate the passwords too. I don't feel like I should have to do homework (finding the pw in profile or emailing to get it) and then going onto the site and putting it in. Also, I feel like I did something wrong if the password is incorrect:grin: The only fotki that I check out with no problem about putting a password in is PinkSkates because she has a very good, inspiring fotki:yep: Not just about hair, but also health consciousness. I also wouldn't mind putting in a password on a fotki that about workouts and losing weight because I can understand that they may not want their body's exposed for all the 'net to see.
:lachen: I must admit, I hate the passwords too. I don't feel like I should have to do homework (finding the pw in profile or emailing to get it) and then going onto the site and putting it in. Also, I feel like I did something wrong if the password is incorrect:grin: The only fotki that I check out with no problem about putting a password in is PinkSkates because she has a very good, inspiring fotki:yep: Not just about hair, but also health consciousness. I also wouldn't mind putting in a password on a fotki that about workouts and losing weight because I can understand that they may not want their body's exposed for all the 'net to see.

I wanna see hers...
When they visit yours and you go to visit their and it's LOCKED :sad:

At least leave me your PW in my guestbook privately :rolleyes: