Fotki Stalkers, what are you pet peeves about people's fotkis?

- when people put up 26 photos of the same photo shoot in 1 album. Yes, its nice to see different angles of ur new rollerset, but 30 of them!!

- when people show their products, but don't name them below, or give a quick sentence of how they like the product.

- when people don't date their albums/progress pics.

- when folks just pile ALL of their progress pics in 1 album. There's like 3 years of progress in 1 photo album that's 4 pages long. And they won't date the pics at that...:wallbash:
gotta give Bre~Bre props for coining that phrase!! :lol:


I only have one Hair Zing---this one:

I just saw the pink one. It's cute! I'm planning to order more soon... thanks for mentioning that!! :yep:
I have that one too!! These are my other ones:
I use the mediums more than the larges. I actually did have the pink and purple, but as soon as they came in the mail, I gave them away as last minute Xmas gifts... :ohwell: :grin:

You're welcome =)
My pet peeves are locked albums, pming/signing guest book to get the password, and pictures of the same image over and over again. :ohwell:
oh yeah....

- i also hate when people cover their face with a huge a$$ circle shape that covers up half of the hairstyle they're trying to show. it really doesn't need to be that big!

- when practically all of their comparison shots are wet hair pics. I can understand when ur a natural with shrinkage, but relaxed?!
great thread!!!

I agree with the having every single folder/album locked... i think it is best to leave subfolders unlocked, and only having the main folder locked.

I agree with most of the previous post too!!! (i dont have a problem with going to someones profile to get their PW, but i dont like (and never have) pm-ing or emailing someone for it. Too much work. And by the time they answer you, you probably will have lost interst in looking anymore or you may feel obligated to leave a comment (because you know, that they know, that you were on their fotki)
I remember someone doing a Foki pet peeves thread in the past. I hope this one doesn't get out of control like that other one. Sigh.....
My folder is partialy locked because I need to update it and organize it and will open it when I take new pics (i've cut my hair alot since my last update), but i put that info in there so that people will know and not be mad at me. I just left my dd's folder open for now.
You probably need to be logged in and or a friend to view the photos. Just food for thought.

I hate blurry pics, repetitive pics, no pic titles and passwords.

I doubt it. Why wouldn't it ask for a password, instead of indicating that the folder is empty.
I remember someone doing a Foki pet peeves thread in the past. I hope this one doesn't get out of control like that other one. Sigh.....
I hope it doesn't... this was strictly to show people what makes up a good or better fotki... atleast that's what I'm using the information for... to better my fotki.:yep:
This thread was very helpful. I made some changes to my fotki because of it. My main hair album is locked but the ones inside of it aren't. HTH yall complaining heffas. :lol: Q
This thread was very helpful. I made some changes to my fotki because of it. My main hair album is locked but the ones inside of it aren't. HTH yall complaining heffas. :lol: Q

LOL, It does, believe you me. (answering one complaining new ***** w/o a fotki):lachen::lachen:
FWIW, there are fotkis, such as mine, that APPEAR empty unless you have met the members qualifications... mine are that you have to be a member and that you have to be logged in....if you dont log in, my fotki appears empty... to a lurker, not a member, my fotki appears empty
- when people show their products, but don't name them below, or give a quick sentence of how they like the product.


YES YES YES! And then to make it worse the pic will be a bit blurry or far away and there's no way you can read the labels.:perplexed It's like, they basically just wasted their time putting up the pics cuz unless you HAVE the product already, you're not gonna recognize it.
Mine is when there is 50-11 albums and each one has a different password, this is so frustrating, I really find myself yelling at the screen:perplexed.
gotta give Bre~Bre props for coining that phrase!! :lol:


I only have one Hair Zing---this one:

I just saw the pink one. It's cute! I'm planning to order more soon... thanks for mentioning that!! :yep:
OMG where do you get those!!!

I saw DeeCoily from w/ one and I have been dying to have one ever since.

I am not saying my albums are THA BOMB but I think I did a pretty good job organizing although there are a lot of albums.
I think this thread can be helpful if you look at it as constructive criticism. Because as much as people want to holler "I put the pictures up for ME," you really are doing it to show other people. Because if you weren't, you could have saved the pictures to your computer for your eyes only.

But let me say this. I am one of those people who does wet hair pictures (sometimes). Sorry (not really), but someone else's preferences about how I should take pics of my hair isn't worth the heat damage. I do wet pics because it's the easiest way to see (approx.) length w/o flat ironing it. Sorry, but yall just ain't worth the amount of heat I would need to get this hair straight. I use heat when *I* get ready. If anyone don't like it they can kindly hit the X button. I really wouldn't care.:look:

With that being said here are my pet peeves lol:

No hair pics. I mean, your baby and lil cuzzin's and 'nem are cute, but if this is your hair album I want to see hair. Put cuzzo and them in a seperate album.

Not answering fotki questions. If you don't like to answer comments, cool. But don't pick and choose who you want to answer to. Be consistent.

No sign of a regimen and/or products.

That's it. I'm not fotki picky by any means.
I think this thread can be helpful if you look at it as constructive criticism. Because as much as people want to holler "I put the pictures up for ME," you really are doing it to show other people. Because if you weren't, you could have saved the pictures to your computer for your eyes only.

But let me say this. I am one of those people who does wet hair pictures (sometimes). Sorry (not really), but someone else's preferences about how I should take pics of my hair isn't worth the heat damage. I do wet pics because it's the easiest way to see (approx.) length w/o flat ironing it. Sorry, but yall just ain't worth the amount of heat I would need to get this hair straight. I use heat when *I* get ready. If anyone don't like it they can kindly hit the X button. I really wouldn't care.:look:

With that being said here are my pet peeves lol:

No hair pics. I mean, your baby and lil cuzzin's and 'nem are cute, but if this is your hair album I want to see hair. Put cuzzo and them in a seperate album.

Not answering fotki questions. If you don't like to answer comments, cool. But don't pick and choose who you want to answer to. Be consistent.

No sign of a regimen and/or products.

That's it. I'm not fotki picky by any means.
I can totally understand your wet hair pics. I think that if you take wet hair pix, just continue to take them. length change will show either way and it's just more clear if you compare a wet to wet or dry to dry hair pic. So I, for one don't mind the wet hair pics as long as they are consistent:yep: I know that a lot of natural ladies need to show hair wet because that's how length is shown.
Ok I am really learning about Fotki. I don't have a regimen other than I go to my hairdressor every week and she does use keri care products and Design essential reg. perm. I wrap my hair everynight. I plan on beginning too wash and condition my own hair soon as I figure out what products to buy:ohwell:
Wow, that's messed up... I wouldn't let that stop me though. What would make you unlock it in the future?

The comments were really, really bad...and it wasn't only about my hair...that's why I locked it.

I'm not sure what would make me unlock it in the future.:look:
I think this thread can be helpful if you look at it as constructive criticism. Because as much as people want to holler "I put the pictures up for ME," you really are doing it to show other people. Because if you weren't, you could have saved the pictures to your computer for your eyes only.

But let me say this. I am one of those people who does wet hair pictures (sometimes). Sorry (not really), but someone else's preferences about how I should take pics of my hair isn't worth the heat damage. I do wet pics because it's the easiest way to see (approx.) length w/o flat ironing it. Sorry, but yall just ain't worth the amount of heat I would need to get this hair straight. I use heat when *I* get ready. If anyone don't like it they can kindly hit the X button. I really wouldn't care.:look:

With that being said here are my pet peeves lol:

No hair pics. I mean, your baby and lil cuzzin's and 'nem are cute, but if this is your hair album I want to see hair. Put cuzzo and them in a seperate album.

Not answering fotki questions. If you don't like to answer comments, cool. But don't pick and choose who you want to answer to. Be consistent.

No sign of a regimen and/or products.

That's it. I'm not fotki picky by any means.

Hi Mizanilocs....welcome back!
The comments were really, really bad...and it wasn't only about my hair...that's why I locked it.

I'm not sure what would make me unlock it in the future.:look:
What would make person say mean things to another person? Then be a coward about it and do it anonymously. They did it as anon didnt they?
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For those whose comments and guestbook are disabled may not know it. Mine were disabled for the longest untill someone told me. I was like "does my hair look that bad? Dang" So, I took it upon myself to tell the person how to do it so comments could be made.
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What would make person say mean things to another person? Then be a coward about it and do it anonymously. The did it as anon didnt they?

You answered your own question. They ain't bold enough to say it out in the open or at least let you know who they are. Q