lol...I just got done (I'm a wedding planner)
But out of all the daydreaming, 95% of that kind of daydreaming is about me being a married woman, not the wedding.
I like to daydream about the house, the kids and all their activities, the dog, the family vacations and outings, the sunday dinners, the, THE MAKEUPS, what businesses we will start, how money savvy we will be, having my husband come with me to take my car to the shop for repairs so they don't get over on me...
I even daydream about washing dishes in the kitchen and watching my husband mow the back yard...CORNY I KNOW!
Don't get me wrong, I'm VERY excited about the wedding but I am full out FANATICAL ABOUT THE MARRIAGE...(THE GOOD AND THE BAD OF IT)[/quote]
Me too girl!!! I can't wait! He's going to luv me soooooo much.