For the First Time in Three Years...


Well-Known Member
....really it has been three and a half years. I am wearing my hair down. It had broken off so badly with my relaxer that I couldn't wear it down during the last time I had a relaxer or during my transition or really until now because it was so damaged and broken off. I flat-ironed last night, first pix (I know it looks uneven and raggedy) and then put some hemp seed oil on it and braided it and put a scarf on and went to bed. The second pix is what is looks like this morning. It it kind of see-through because my crown hair was about an inch long 13 months ago and, although it has grown tremendously, it hasn't caught up to the back of my head and it will not until I get it trimmed. My co-worker just came in and gave me a compliment. I am feeling a bit self-conscious...Okay...a second co-worker just came in (the department water cooler is in my office) and just ooohed and ahhhed...I am still feeling self-conscious though and it may go back up in the bun... The thing is that wearing my hair down was the norm for me from 14 to 43, now it feels like what is normal is the bun...Go figure!


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Your hair is so pretty! I understand about the bun, when I wear my hair down I feel weird. It's becoming my security blanket lol.
This is why I love you guys...There is absolutely no one else I can say this to and have them understand....
I think it looks beautiful down. I would say do whatever is best for both you and your hair. If you're going to use a lot of heat to maintain a down style then put it up. Or if wearing it up causes too much manipulation, which leads to breakage, leave it down. I think it's a process of elimination. You can probably alternate between the two. Just know that you have the option of wearing it either way and your hair will look beautiful. Congrats!
Congratulations! Your hair is very pretty! That's a great story. I love to hear wonderful breakthrough testimonies like this on the board. And don't be self conscious! You have some beautiful hair and you should be proud of it! Stand tall girl, stand tall!:kiss:
You guys are sweet...lots Christmas parties today, so...I am enjoying myself and getting used to how my hair feels on my neck and shoulders. It tickles. It's just been soooo long. The thing is that I didn't want to wear a bun in the beginning at all because I was used to wearing my hair down and being "cute." However, I finally forced myself to do the bun and, over the years (mostly the last 18 months -- after I discovered LHCF) my hair got healthier and my bun started getting bigger and my hair started feeling and looking silky and shiny and I became one with the bun (smile) and I know it is silly, but wearing my hair down just felt strange like I was wearing Sunday shoes (some of you all remember Sunday shoes, don't you?) to school...Silly, I know...Anyway, I am fine with it now...I am just glad that after flat-ironing, I didn't have to use the curling iron -- and to think during one stretch of my life, I used the curling iron daily for seven straight years... Thanks for indulging me...
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adw425 said:
This is why I love you guys...There is absolutely no one else I can say this to and have them understand....

I love your hair down--very pretty! :yep::up:

The awkwardness is probably because it's not what you are used to. I felt a little self-conscious when I wore my first bun about three years ago. I did get compliments from people on my bun and that really helped me get used to it.