For The First Time Ever!

For the first time ever I don't own a heating tool (no flat iron, curlers, hair dryer, anything!)

For the first time ever I LOVE WASHING MY HAIR!!

For the first time ever I realize it's truly not whats on my head, but in it.

For the first time ever I love the look of my face when my hair is pulled back

For the first time ever I can go into an office/ class room/ place of business in a wig, with a braid-out, or with a blow-out, and feel absolutely comfortable, and not anticipate what others think of my hair.

For the first time ever I don't rely on my hair to make me feel pretty.
I love the fact that my hair can go from curly to straight.

That conditioner keeps my hair moist all week long.

My hair grows alot quicker and thicker now then it ever did when I was relaxed.

I realize that natural hair is easy to take care of (although, at times I want to shave my head and/or relax).

I like the fact that I get weave check every time I wear my hair curly....LOL!
For the first time ever

...I am noticing that my hair responds to everything I do to it
... I can truly say that airdrying isn't just "for yt girls"
... I can go a whole month without applying direct heat to my hair
...I'm wetting my hair almost four times a week and surprise! It didn't all fall out like many ppl said it would
...I can tell when I have breakage vs shedding and I know how to mend it
...I subconsciously set time aside in my day for an impromptu DC or cowash

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For the first time ever:

  • I know what my hair needs, wants, and loves. All I had to do was listen to it and be open to pampering it.
  • I don't need a stylist for ANYTHING. The only thing I can't do is cornrow my grass and arch my own brows lol. :look: :lol:
  • I enjoy my hair and the diversity of being natural.
  • I laugh when people wrinkle their noses at my kinks because I know that straightened out, my healthy coily goodness would be below CBL despite shrinking up to my neck and ears. In a year and some change, I'm almost back to my original length was.
  • I inspired two people in my family to go natural because they saw my journey.
For the first time ever when I'm having a bad hair day I reach for water rather than heat.
For the first time ever I can put my hair back in a bun without a million hair pins.
For the first time ever I have accepted that when I take my weave out, wash and flat iron it and put it back in weave bcz I dont like how it looks, I have a weave addiction(yes protective styling blah blah, it was an addiction! Lol)
For the first time ever I can rock natural hairstyles rather than just a bun and I LOVE the versatility of my natural hair - thank you youtube!! :)
For the first time ever I believe that I can grow my hair to APL regardless of how long my hair has been in the past.
...I was actually able to join an APL challenge bc I actually had enough hair at the start of the year to have a real chance at making it by December. (I've only ever been in SL challenges which I would usually fail or maybe make it for a few months, only to have a setback and be back at NL again)
...I've gone several months at a time with no heat, no chemicals, no stylists, and no frequent manipulation
...I'm not stressed about "messing up my style" due to rain, humidity, shower/bath steam, or exercising
...I have a consistent regimen that seems to be working well for the most part
For The First Time Ever...

I can do my wash day routine in about 2 hrs or less.
I have at least 2 products in each area that work for me
I don't feel alone in this journey thanks LHCF & especially Waist Length 2013 ladies
I can flat iron my own hair & it looks like its been flat ironedl
I realize I can overcome setbacks (protein overload / heat damage)
My hair doesn't feels cotton / silk not crackly like straw
I don't leave single strand knots on my hair (when I was relaxed had a long head full :( )
I'm confident enough to make suggestions to people on here.
For The First Time Ever...

This year I've realized that I never have to use heat on my hair for styling, or anything else for the matter.
For the first time ever...

My hair isnt a big frizzy mess when curly
I can walk outside knowing that people are looking at me cause my hair is hot, not ugly
I dont have to flat iron my hair to feel pretty
My hair is soft and moisturized at all times
I know my hair inside and out
For the first time ever......I see my hair as beautiful as opposed to "bad".
For the first time ever.....I can say my hair is long and healthy
For the first time ever.....I can feel my hair fall down my back
For the first time ever.....I an in complete control of my own hair.
For the first time ever.....I feel like I too can have long hair and I'm sure I'll reach my goals of MBL soon!
For the first time ever, I understand my hair and how to care for it in order to keep it healthy.