For Catholics: Dating, Courting and Marriage

Well, I see it as the same with any dating site... If marrying a Catholic is that important to you, and you have no problem with online dating, I don't see why not... I'd assume most people on there are marriage minded, and the caliber of men will be responsible on the average... (given it's religion based).. OP are you considering it?
This is just informational and not for myself. I'm looking for input for those desiring to find a suitable, catholic mate, specifically info geared towards Black converts looking for Black mates. Recommendations and whatnot are welcomed. I personally think that singles' retreats are a good place to strike up friendships and possible dates but if you are looking for a Black soul mate, it would depend upon where you live and worship. Might wish to try a bigger parish or one in a minority neighborhood (mass etc.) that might have more Black catholics.


I revised the OP to reflect what I's busy around here lol.
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And for a light-hearted opinion on dating as a black catholic, this blog. I got a good laugh out of the article as well as the responses:
First World Dating Problems of a Single Black Catholic
As we all know, the Bubble Lady fancies herself a matchmaker. A CATHOLIC matchmaker. It's awesome. I love it. I commend her and I've already submitted my dossier, detailing my expectations for the future Mr. "Married to a Black Catholic". I'm perhaps joking...

But this is where my First World Dating Problems arise. I'm a Black Catholic woman. You may not know, but it's getting incredibly more difficult to find good, virtuous Catholic men. I'm not quite sure how it happened, but my generation is more concerned with being infamous, getting laid and somehow coming into a lot of loot without actually doing anything for it. With this being said, let me introduce you to my FWDPs.

1. Black Men aren't Catholic
Read this.* Now you know where I'm coming from even though this really isn't a major issue for me, because I date across the rainbow. My previous boyfriend was Caucasian and I don't have a "racial" preference. I look more at character than complexion. However, for Catholic women that I know, who are interested in Black luck in that department.

2. Catholic dating sites SUCK
I've been there, done that. Can someone explain to me how and why guys go on a Catholic site and admit they don't believe in chastity until marriage, the immorality of contraception, the evil of abortion or even the infallibility of the Pope as a teaching authority? I'll take a few moments and wait for you to come up with a good answer. sigh

3. It's 1952 and I live in Mississippi
The funniest part of being on a Catholic dating site that has guys admitting how not-Catholic they are, is this: Your racial preference. Honestly, with all truthfulness I've never considered why I wouldn't date someone based on their ethnicity. On the Catholic dating sites I've come across, I've always put "ANY" because I don't care. I'm obviously a radical because most of these "Catholic" guys put "White only" or add the occasional "Asian" as an option. They also tend to not answer a single important spiritual or personality question regarding what they look for in a mate. Hey, I'm all for people knowing what they like, but am I wrong to be dumbfounded by the blatant superficial and non-devout Catholic options in cyberspace?

4. I'm an alien
I'm tall, I'm athletic, I like guns and motorcycles, I have two degrees, I enjoy philosophy, theology and history, I don't own a television, and I tend to spend my money on traveling instead of shopping.

I'm not sure how I'll go on living with such epic life shattering problems. (Round of applause for dry wit.)

The way things are looking, I guess I'll have to continue being awesome and traveling the world by myself; like a sail boat built for adventure, there is no shame in going it alone!
I disagree with the blogger that Catholic dating sites suck. They are probably no worse than other dating sites, but the key difference is at least you know if the person is solid or wishy washy about their faith (if they are being honest of course). Also some sites are pricier and tend to have fewer but more serious members.

I also think that if you are determined to marry within the faith, you probably have to be open to dating a Hispanic, White or Asian man because there aren't a lot of black Catholic men. However, what the blogger said about those men picking "white only" is sad. The Church is suppsoed to be universal which means color/race shouldn't matter. Those men seem just like the men on secular dating sites and not the kind of guy I would want anyway.
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There's also this book for single Catholic women:
