For Better Or Worse


Well-Known Member
We sat in the exam room of my husbands oncologists office anxiously waiting for the doctor to arrive. I was nervous and I know Aj was too. I put my hand on top of his and held on tightly. Aj lifted my hand to his lips and kissed it gently.
All week I'd been dreading this meeting but I had positive thoughts in my mind. Everything was going to be alright.
That familiar sound of the door handle being pressed broke the silence in the room. The door opened and the doctor came in followed by his nurse. She positioned herself near the back wall by the computer and the doctor sat on the rolling chair in front of us.
Before he could say anything I could feel the tears well up in my eyes. But none would fall. Not today.
"Well folks. I wish I had better news." The doctors voice was low and shaky. I knew it was coming but I'd convinced myself that this time would be different.
The tension in my body turned into an emotional pain. I wanted to get up and selfishly run out the room but I stayed for him. I wanted to release those tears but I held them in for him.
Aj released my hand for a brief second and then placed his on top on mine this time. As the doctor spoke about what's next he just kept gently rubbing my hand with his thumb.
I wanted to listen to what was being said but I just stared blankly past the doctors face and into that door occasionally hanging my head for a second. "Dear God" I thought to myself. Not again.
If the meaning of my life was to watch all my family die leaving me behind then my life has been fulfilled.
I caught the tail end of the doctor saying something about seeing us next week. He stood up as Aj struggled to do the same. They shook hands, the doctor patted me on the shoulder and left.
Aj sank back down in his chair still holding tightly onto my hand. Our eyes met and he simply said, "I'm tired mama." to which I replied "let's get you home."
The whole car ride home we didnt talk about anything. Aj's sister had driven us and normally shes ask a million questions but even she knew not now.
I knew what he meant. Yes, at that moment he was physically tired. I knew it also meant something deeper than that. Not today. My minds not going there.
We got home and Aj struggled to get out the car. Over the last year he had lost nearly 50 pounds and was a mere shadow of himself. As best we could his sister and I helped him into bed. He had no appetite but I encouraged him to eat something to keep his strength up. He ate a few bites of some soup and crackers and then fell asleep.
I went outside and sat alone on my swing that Aj had built for me shortly after our wedding. I thought back to the hundreds of times he pushed me in that swing and I'd squeal with happiness just as children playing in the park having the time of their lives would. I looked up in the sky then over to the empty space next to me. Aj occupied that space so many times. We shared so many conversations, kisses, jokes just innocent moments of life on that swing.
Dear God I asked again. How am I going to do this. I'm not ready and I dont want to get ready.
For better or for worse couldnt have slapped me in the face any harder.
Id already found out what in sickness and in health had to offer but how do I face till death do us part?
(to be continued)
We sat in the exam room of my husbands oncologists office anxiously waiting for the doctor to arrive. I was nervous and I know Aj was too. I put my hand on top of his and held on tightly. Aj lifted my hand to his lips and kissed it gently.
All week I'd been dreading this meeting but I had positive thoughts in my mind. Everything was going to be alright.
That familiar sound of the door handle being pressed broke the silence in the room. The door opened and the doctor came in followed by his nurse. She positioned herself near the back wall by the computer and the doctor sat on the rolling chair in front of us.
Before he could say anything I could feel the tears well up in my eyes. But none would fall. Not today.
"Well folks. I wish I had better news." The doctors voice was low and shaky. I knew it was coming but I'd convinced myself that this time would be different.
The tension in my body turned into an emotional pain. I wanted to get up and selfishly run out the room but I stayed for him. I wanted to release those tears but I held them in for him.
Aj released my hand for a brief second and then placed his on top on mine this time. As the doctor spoke about what's next he just kept gently rubbing my hand with his thumb.
I wanted to listen to what was being said but I just stared blankly past the doctors face and into that door occasionally hanging my head for a second. "Dear God" I thought to myself. Not again.
If the meaning of my life was to watch all my family die leaving me behind then my life has been fulfilled.
I caught the tail end of the doctor saying something about seeing us next week. He stood up as Aj struggled to do the same. They shook hands, the doctor patted me on the shoulder and left.
Aj sank back down in his chair still holding tightly onto my hand. Our eyes met and he simply said, "I'm tired mama." to which I replied "let's get you home."
The whole car ride home we didnt talk about anything. Aj's sister had driven us and normally shes ask a million questions but even she knew not now.
I knew what he meant. Yes, at that moment he was physically tired. I knew it also meant something deeper than that. Not today. My minds not going there.
We got home and Aj struggled to get out the car. Over the last year he had lost nearly 50 pounds and was a mere shadow of himself. As best we could his sister and I helped him into bed. He had no appetite but I encouraged him to eat something to keep his strength up. He ate a few bites of some soup and crackers and then fell asleep.
I went outside and sat alone on my swing that Aj had built for me shortly after our wedding. I thought back to the hundreds of times he pushed me in that swing and I'd squeal with happiness just as children playing in the park having the time of their lives would. I looked up in the sky then over to the empty space next to me. Aj occupied that space so many times. We shared so many conversations, kisses, jokes just innocent moments of life on that swing.
Dear God I asked again. How am I going to do this. I'm not ready and I dont want to get ready.
For better or for worse couldnt have slapped me in the face any harder.
Id already found out what in sickness and in health had to offer but how do I face till death do us part?
(to be continued)

Good thing about being a part of a couple, for better or worse, is when one person is tired the other one can lend some strength. Even when things don’t seem hopeful, you have try your best to find some good in each day.
@Jmartjrmd this is a really great way to express what you're feeling. I empathize with what you are going through. My prayers are with you and your husband and your family. ((HUGS))
Thank you and thank you all.
Writing has always been an outlet.
If theres a thing called rock bottom I'm digging right past it. The stress I'm under...
I've literally lost clumps of my hair. Today I finally just cut it off.
Somehow I feel like I've failed Aj. I've tried really hard, really hard to be a good person, friend and wife. Nothings working.
I feel hurt, anger, responsible, defeated
The little energy I have left is gone.
I cant sleep. I've spent hours calling, researching, racking my brain on how I'll get us through this. Then I'll stop and think if Aj doesnt have it in him then my tole has to be to help him let go.
I wont sugar coat this, this is as raw and real as it gets. The fight I have in me is gone. I feel like if its Gods will for Aj to go then I'll take him there but then there's nothing left for me to do. I give up.
Thank you and thank you all.
Writing has always been an outlet.
If theres a thing called rock bottom I'm digging right past it. The stress I'm under...
I've literally lost clumps of my hair. Today I finally just cut it off.
Somehow I feel like I've failed Aj. I've tried really hard, really hard to be a good person, friend and wife. Nothings working.
I feel hurt, anger, responsible, defeated
The little energy I have left is gone.
I cant sleep. I've spent hours calling, researching, racking my brain on how I'll get us through this. Then I'll stop and think if Aj doesnt have it in him then my tole has to be to help him let go.
I wont sugar coat this, this is as raw and real as it gets. The fight I have in me is gone. I feel like if its Gods will for Aj to go then I'll take him there but then there's nothing left for me to do. I give up.
I could see why you would feel all those haven’t failed AJ’ve been by his side through it all. That’s all anyone would ask for and more than some get. Sometimes difficulties are such that you have to take one day (or one hour) at a time. Not focusing on holding on or letting go, but letting the moment guide you.
Sometimes the road ahead looks dark and lonely. You don't have to have it all figured out yet. You don't have to worry about tomorrow today. Sometimes it's just enough to get through the day, through the hour, through the minute.

You haven't failed your husband- he can still feel your love and support even when you are sitting there doing nothing but being with him.

And as you hold your husband up. I hope that there is someone or some people holding you up. You don't have to go through this journey alone. Don't be afraid to show your emotions- all the hurt, bewilderment, anger (yes, there will be anger-don't be afraid to show it),etc. Don't feel that you have to be the one to keep it together for everyone- you need to take care of you.
We went to our third opinion appointment this morning. The consensus is that Aj needs a bone marrow transplant and that time is not our friend right now.
We are putting together the best plan possible. Estimated cost is $877,000.
We are working on the insurance appeal in which our initial preapproval was denied.
We put our house up for sale so hoping its sold quick.
Aj has been extremely tired..his blood counts are low right now but hes mentally doing better today. At least today he is willing to try.
I'll update as I can.
Sometimes the road ahead looks dark and lonely. You don't have to have it all figured out yet. You don't have to worry about tomorrow today. Sometimes it's just enough to get through the day, through the hour, through the minute.

You haven't failed your husband- he can still feel your love and support even when you are sitting there doing nothing but being with him.

And as you hold your husband up. I hope that there is someone or some people holding you up. You don't have to go through this journey alone. Don't be afraid to show your emotions- all the hurt, bewilderment, anger (yes, there will be anger-don't be afraid to show it),etc. Don't feel that you have to be the one to keep it together for everyone- you need to take care of you.
Love this...thank you.
I could see why you would feel all those haven’t failed AJ’ve been by his side through it all. That’s all anyone would ask for and more than some get. Sometimes difficulties are such that you have to take one day (or one hour) at a time. Not focusing on holding on or letting go, but letting the moment guide you.
Thank you..trying the one hour approach today.
I saw the thread in OP, but hadn't really been in there. I'm so sorry to hear about your challenges OP.

Praying for the best outcome all around. :bighug: