FLIPPED SCRIPT: If he is and you aren't.....


Well-Known Member
With Ciara's Like A Boy song/video in mind, I am just thinking hypothetically. I wonder about what if the shoe is on the other foot. As a woman, how would you feel and what would you think if he was a virgin and you were not? That you were the more experienced one and he wasn't. Would you be okay with it? Would you look at it as an opportunity to finally teach some one how to love you? Would you be turned off by it? Would you be glad to have someone no one else has been with? It interests me, because we live in a culture where it is uncommon and it is seemingly expected for a man to just know because of the double standard. But what if he doesn't? Is it so bad? Sound off...
Done it.

I dated a guy last year that was younger than me, and had only been with one girl. Even though he was less experienced, it wasn't an issue for either of us. In fact, he seemed to have some kind of sixth sense about my body...
NO virgins because I'm not remotely interested in teaching or upgrading a man sexually, financially, emotionally, or in any other way. I'm getting myself together on my own time and with my own efforts, so he needs to go get himself together on his own time and come to me a total package. I'm not about to go fumbling in the dark with someone who doesn't know where it goes or what use a tongue is best suited to :)grin:).