Flaxseed/borage/fish oil made me lose weight

GOOD NIGHT FOLKS! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Well, I'm all for a smaller belly so I'm hanging in there.

But foolin' with you women, I got all excited and bought the fish, flax seed and borage oil capsules last night. Took my first one this morning...:ohwell: Mind you all I had was a bowl of grits to eat...

I'm with Trudy. None of ya'll told me my stomach was gonna rise up and revolt like some old negro slaves that done had it with Massa and nem! I went not once but TWICE! The second time I thought I had to pee. I didn't know whether I was peeing from the "front", "back" or both! :blush: I've never wished so badly we had showers at work. If so I would have gotten butt nakid rat then and there!

I don't think I'll be doing 2 for a while but if nothing else I'll be my colon is clean as a whistle. Those eruptions were so fierce, I just ate a bag of popcorn, some peanut butter crackers and yogurt for lunch.

Too scurred to eat real food!
Well, I'm all for a smaller belly so I'm hanging in there.

But foolin' with you women, I got all excited and bought the fish, flax seed and borage oil capsules last night. Took my first one this morning...:ohwell: Mind you all I had was a bowl of grits to eat...

I'm with Trudy. None of ya'll told me my stomach was gonna rise up and revolt like some old negro slaves that done had it with Massa and nem! I went not once but TWICE! The second time I thought I had to pee. I didn't know whether I was peeing from the "front", "back" or both! :blush: I've never wished so badly we had showers at work. If so I would have gotten butt nakid rat then and there!

I don't think I'll be doing 2 for a while but if nothing else I'll be my colon is clean as a whistle. Those eruptions were so fierce, I just ate a bag of popcorn, some peanut butter crackers and yogurt for lunch.

Too scurred to eat real food!

You truly did got the loudest laugh out of me, I swear I had tears in my eyes from laughing.:lachen::lachen::lachen:
That was great! I can't stop laughing, and somehow I have the visual of the entire ordeal! Here I am thinking we're on to something, not I don't know if it's worth it. Do I need to take off from work the first week I start? Girl you are too funny!
For some reason I want this, I already take Flaxseed pills. I could use something that makes me lose weight too.
OK yall. I purchased the Rexall Fish, Flax Borage Oil yesterday at Wal-Mart. I took two gelcaps in the am and two yesterday evening. I was also on a road trip to a funeral and I ate all kinds of crap yesterday. I got up this morning and took two. WELL, WELL WELL!! With all that eating on the road I have lost 3 pounds! OMG! I only had diarhea once this morning. Not really bad, just a little. I think yall are on to something. And I can't wait for the shiny hair! Thanks for the heads up!
I'll be picking this up for sure. :yep: Maybe I can drop these 10 lbs I've been trying to lose for the last year.
I haven't had any digestion problems since I've been using these suppliments. Too much flaxseed makes my face VERY oily.:ohwell:
lol ok i just had one of the best laughs in days. good gracious im still giggling. out loud mind you. i just got "what the hell are you laughing at".

aight i'm gonna try them, but i think ill wait till the weekend and i can be stuck in the house, cause im really not trying to be pooping on myself at work. if they're capsules, cant i just open them and take them?

ETA: nevermind, i see the link from araceli
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OK yall. I purchased the Rexall Fish, Flax Borage Oil yesterday at Wal-Mart. I took two gelcaps in the am and two yesterday evening. I was also on a road trip to a funeral and I ate all kinds of crap yesterday. I got up this morning and took two. WELL, WELL WELL!! With all that eating on the road I have lost 3 pounds! OMG! I only had diarhea once this morning. Not really bad, just a little. I think yall are on to something. And I can't wait for the shiny hair! Thanks for the heads up!

I just bought some of these from Wal-Mart today. I also got some CLA to take in combination with it. Wish me luck.
I just purchased mine tonight. I have quite a few pounds to drop and am not worrying about losing the booty cause I dont have much anyway.:grin:
wow! I had no idea this thread would get that long. Anyway ladies I just wanted to let you know that I found the same supplement borage/flax/fish oil at Dollar General store 30 caps for $3 only. you might wanna check there if you are looking to buy more of this supplement. Please keep posting your results.
I use straight flax oil in my morning shake and I do fish oil at night... I am as tight as I want to be too and my skin cleared right up.... I don't know what else it's doing for me but I use it and flax seeds daily.

Oh, yes I forgot I take CLA also...I swear by that stuff! :up:
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What's CLA?

From BodyBuilding.com
(I would add you definately have to be doing cardio and a some weight training for this to be effective for wieght loss. If you are working out and need a weight loss boost, this is it! PM me for recommended doseage and low prices) I'm happy to find it has a host of other health benefits along with weight loss.

<<Conjugated Linoleic Acid is a slightly altered form of linoleic acid (LA), an omega-6 fatty acid important to human health. Omega-6 fatty acids are derived from the foods we eat primarily from meat and dairy products [13]. Therefore, CLA is primarily found in meat and diary products.
Scientific interest in CLA was first stimulated in 1988 when a University of Wisconsin researcher discovered its cancer-fighting properties in a study of rats fed fried hamburger [8]. CLA cannot be produced by the human body, but it can be obtained through foods such as whole milk, butter, beef, and lamb.

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a potent anti-oxidant, anti-carcinogen, and anti-catabolite, as well as a powerful immune system enhancer [1]. Some of the common accolades of CLA are assistance in fat burning, building and retention of lean muscle, and is a cancer fighter.
Some of the most known suggested benefits of CLA supplementation include:
  • Increased metabolic rate -- This would obviously be a positive benefit for any type of athlete that is trying to lose weight and improve body composition.
  • Enhanced muscle growth -- Muscle burns fat, which also contributes to increased metabolism, which is useful in weight loss and management.
  • Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides -- Since many people these days have elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels, even with treatment, this benefit can have an impact on any person who has high cholesterol.
  • Lowers insulin resistance -- Lowering insulin resistance has been shown to help prevent adult-onset diabetes and make it easier to control weight.
  • Reduces food-induced allergic reactions -- Since food allergies can be at play when weight loss becomes difficult, this can be of help.
  • Enhances immune system - With the variety of bacteria and poor immune systems in contemporary society, enhancing the immune system's ability to function properly is a positive benefit to all.
CLA supplementation was also shown to improve the lean mass to body fat ratio, decreasing fat deposition, especially on the abdomen, and enhancing muscle growth. CLA achieves this reaction by it reduces body fat by enhancing insulin sensitivity so that fatty acids and glucose can pass through muscle cell membranes and away from fat tissue [2]. This results in an improved muscle to fat ratio.

Compelling evidence also indicates that CLA can promote youthful metabolic function and reduce body fat. The unique mechanism by which this fatty acid protects against disease makes it an important addition to any supplement program.

Contemporary American society is one that is arguably different than previous generations. Contemporary Americans are generally deficient in consumption of CLA, which is mostly due to the changes that have occurred in the practices of feeding cattle. Since CLA comes primarily from meat and dairy products, changes in the feeding habits of cattle would have a great impact on CLA, which have led to a decline in the content of CLA in meat and dairy products.

For optimal CLA production, cows need to graze on grass rather than be artificially fattened in feed lots [19]. Studies and research findings have shown that the meat form grass-fed cows contain up to four times as much CLA as their non-grass-fed counterparts [15]. Today's dairy products have only about one third of the CLA content they used to have before 1960 [15].

As any person walking down the street in America can see, we have an obesity epidemic in this country. Now I am not saying that CLA is America's savior for fighting obesity but American's deficiency in CLA could have an influence. Several animal studies showed that adding CLA to the diet resulted in leaner, more muscular bodies. One 1996 study, for instance, showed as much as 58% lower body fat in CLA-supplemented mice [6].

As mentioned earlier, CLA is a component of red meat that has been shown to prevent cancer. The FDA has also published research attesting to the anti-cancer properties of CLA [12]. CLA is used by body builders to drive glucose into muscle cells to produce anabolic effects. Dieters can use this same sugar burning mechanism to prevent serum glucose from turning into body fat. The new CLA oil is about 50% stronger in the cis-9, trans-11, isomer, which is considered the best by scientists [2].

CLA is also chemically related to linoleic acid, but appears to have opposite effects in certain important areas. For instance, linoleic acid stimulates fat formation, which is commonly known as lipogenesis, in adipose tissue, while research suggests that CLA inhibits fat formation. Another difference lies in tumor formation; linoleic acid tends to promote tumor growth, while research suggests that CLA is a great inhibitor of tumor development.
Finally another difference lies in that linoleic acid makes cholesterol more susceptible to oxidation, while CLA makes cholesterol more stable [7]. Due to the enormous impact that fatty acids have on our physiology, an excess of linoleic acid combined with a deficiency of CLA could have far-reaching effects on health and longevity.
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dang blast it!!!! i just got my package in the mail of my liquid vitamins and the flax/borage/fish, and i forgot to order the CLA.

anywho, im gonna try the flax/borage/fish tonight and see what happens. i had to wait till the weekend in case i get liquid poopies syndrome.
Those of you getting the "plops" should make sure you are getting enough fiber in your diet... I have never ever had that reaction due to taking fish and or flax / CLA - - :look:
I was sold Sprouted Flax Powder a few weeks back to supplement Iron in my diet. Didn;t know about the other benefits. Will start taking it asap. Thanks girls. :grin:
Okay why did I just ifnd this thread today. Well I started taking the Omega 3,6,9 supplements for women health (bought at the health food store) well I was 180 and in 3 months I am 172. I am 5'10 and I loved my weight because I had a nice figure and it took me a long time to gain that weight.

Well my boota started waving in the wind to me:charge:. I found out the combonations in the supplements helps you lose the fat and it also causes you not to have that taste for fatty foods. I kid you not when I would smell a burger or greasy food I did not want it. Now I stopped taking them becasue of the weight loss. I am hoping to pick back up the weight but the good thing is stomach is so slim. :reddancer:
Okay why did I just ifnd this thread today. Well I started taking the Omega 3,6,9 supplements for women health (bought at the health food store) well I was 180 and in 3 months I am 172. I am 5'10 and I loved my weight because I had a nice figure and it took me a long time to gain that weight.

Well my boota started waving in the wind to me:charge:. I found out the combonations in the supplements helps you lose the fat and it also causes you not to have that taste for fatty foods. I kid you not when I would smell a burger or greasy food I did not want it. Now I stopped taking them becasue of the weight loss. I am hoping to pick back up the weight but the good thing is stomach is so slim. :reddancer:

that's why I stopped taking it, literally the 3rd day I lost 2 pounds and I did not do anything different to my diet.