Flax Seed


New Member
Flax seed users
please tell list the brand you use , how long you've been using it , and the effects you have had.

I started to use it 3 days ago, because of all the health benefits i read about it on the net. i just wanted to know how my Hair sistas felt about it and if it was worth it. also let me know if you think it's one of your top supplements.

thanks in advance
i've been using it for about 3 weeks now, and i am totally sold on its benefits. I can't think of the brand at the moment - but i take 2 daily, combined with my other vits and i drink a lot of water.

initally i felt like an oily pig, but that unhealthy oil has been replaced with a natural one, my skin is the most soft&supple its ever been. i can go without lotioning/mosturizing it for days at a time - and still maintain a natural glow (no ash either).

as for my hair&scalp, I'd like to say that my scalp has produced a natural oil as well and my hair is definitely softer.

i wrote about it on another site last week and have convinced several others to try it as well.
i've used flaxseed oil for 3 months and i now i started also use EPO and EPA, they all make my hair softer, shinier and my scalp is producing more oil. IMHO its worth it. its took 3 weeks to see results, i take 6,000mg a day
Sassygoddess said:
Flax seed users
please tell list the brand you use , how long you've been using it , and the effects you have had.

I started to use it 3 days ago, because of all the health benefits i read about it on the net. i just wanted to know how my Hair sistas felt about it and if it was worth it. also let me know if you think it's one of your top supplements.

thanks in advance

Hi Sassygoddess,
I use the Holland & Barrett organic flaxseed. I started using it a few weeks ago to make hair spritzs'. I wanted a substitute for glycerin and saw a recipe on BlackPearls fotki for a flaxseed spritz which is really good for moisture.

I sometimes take the liquid form of flaxseed as a supplement. When I used to take it consistently as well as benefiting my hair, skin and all over well-being (hormones, joints, fertility, etc.), my breasts grew from a 36b to 38c. It's a great supplement for maintaining health.

i've been a flaxseed "pushah" for years.

its excellent, mositurizing aint for me no more, only when i have a bath (the water is unfiltered so that means more drying) but after a shower my body oils itself.

less breakage and scalp is more moisturized. i only have to moisturize once a week cos of flaxseed. i take over 9,000mg per day. (tablespoon @ night)

I have been using taking the liquid flax seed oil (2 tps before bed) for about one month. Even though I don't know exactly what is it doing I love the overall effect. All of my co-worker have noticed that my hair is healthier and shiner and I know it is because of the oil. My stylist has commented that my hair is growing in thicker and getting longer faster.

I think of it as my Omega 3 supplement. I don't feel greasy or notice a difference in my skin though. I am using the Vitamin Shoppe brand and I know I will be forever faithful.

Only other supplement I take is Ultra Hair Pills for women
Wow all you reveiws are great, i also notice that when i take a shower my skin is not dry. usually as soon as i wash my face i have to moisturize cause my skin feel so tight and dr, but know i can't tell last night after my shower i forgot to moisturize and my skin didn't itch like before.

Thanks ladies, Anyone else want to share their experience?
I think I'll try this again. I tried it a few years ago and broke out all across my face, but I want to give it another chance after all these good reviews. I had the same reaction to MSM when I tried it a few years back, but I started taking it again a few weeks ago and I haven't had one pimple (keeping my fingers crossed).
How do you all stomach the flaxseed oil? Are you mixing it with anything or taking it straight? I've tried the oil and it's hard for me to get it down. :lol: I've just started taking the actual flaxseed to see if I can stomach it better. I've been putting the seeds on my yogurt and salads.
divinefavor said:
How do you all stomach the flaxseed oil? Are you mixing it with anything or taking it straight? I've tried the oil and it's hard for me to get it down. :lol: I've just started taking the actual flaxseed to see if I can stomach it better. I've been putting the seeds on my yogurt and salads.

If you are taking the seeds whole you aren't reaping any benefits.
divinefavor said:
How do you all stomach the flaxseed oil? Are you mixing it with anything or taking it straight? I've tried the oil and it's hard for me to get it down. :lol: I've just started taking the actual flaxseed to see if I can stomach it better. I've been putting the seeds on my yogurt and salads.

Hi Ladies,
another way of taking flaxseed is in a multi-seed vitamin combo;

High-Five Seeds

Use equal proportions of the above-mentioned seeds and grind in a coffee-grinder. This mixture usually lasts for about a month if stored in the fridge. You can sprinkle on this on salads and food it has a great nutty taste, but cooking/heat destroys its properties.

After reading about it on the board I decided to start taking it too and so far the only effects Im getting is an oily face but my skin (all over)seems to be looking better. I take Vitamin Shoppes flaxseed oil oh yeah the first couple of days taking it I felt like I was having symptoms of pregnancy :eek: I was nauseated and near vomitting for the entire day and that was only with one pill a day. Im working my way up to two then three which is the serving size per day with these. Ill also post my results when/if I notice more drastic ones.
Aalize said:
If you are taking the seeds whole you aren't reaping any benefits.

I don't think the ones I have are whole...they are grounded (at least that's what it looks like). I got it from Puritan's Pride and it comes in airtight bag that has to be kept in the fridge.
Aalize said:
If you are taking the seeds whole you aren't reaping any benefits.

I don't think the ones I have are whole...they are grounded (at least that's what it looks like). I got it from Puritan's Pride and it comes in airtight bag that has to be kept in the fridge.
divinefavor said:
How do you all stomach the flaxseed oil? Are you mixing it with anything or taking it straight? I've tried the oil and it's hard for me to get it down. :lol: I've just started taking the actual flaxseed to see if I can stomach it better. I've been putting the seeds on my yogurt and salads.

i drink it STRAIGHT i'm used to it now.

i must say, one of my vits are giving me a wonderful appetite recently (i'm on the thin side - and my metabolism is alien) so i'm very pleased..i think its the multi and the b50
divinefavor said:
How do you all stomach the flaxseed oil? Are you mixing it with anything or taking it straight? I've tried the oil and it's hard for me to get it down. :lol: I've just started taking the actual flaxseed to see if I can stomach it better. I've been putting the seeds on my yogurt and salads.

I take the capsules, i would dare try the oil. i don't think it will get pass my tongue:lol:
I've been taking it since mid-April (1 tbsp daily w/ food) and its made my skin very supple and smooth. I stopped for a fewdays recently and immediately noticed the difference.

I can't really see any benefit from the hair aspect.
I've taken it for nearly 2 yrs. I take a tablespoon of ground seeds from Bob's Red Mill. It makes my scalp oily a few hrs. after taking it.
Queenie said:
I've taken it for nearly 2 yrs. I take a tablespoon of ground seeds from Bob's Red Mill. It makes my scalp oily a few hrs. after taking it.

yep definately. the best time for me to take is in the night, then during the day i get moisture thru my skin and scalp....especially now its warmer.
I already have oily skin (my face...ugh:( ) especially in the warmer months. Do you think it would be a good idea for me to take the flaxseed oil? Would it make my skin extra oily? :confused:
JazzyDez said:
I already have oily skin (my face...ugh:( ) especially in the warmer months. Do you think it would be a good idea for me to take the flaxseed oil? Would it make my skin extra oily? :confused:

yeh it will make your face oilier, but the oil will be pure omega which is better than sebum. it should regulate after a few weeks, i had oily skin too, but no my skin is "glowing" rather than oily
I only take 1000 mg per day in a capsule. But I started taking 3000 mg as of today so I can see some more progress as far as my skin goes.
Candy_C said:
yeh it will make your face oilier, but the oil will be pure omega which is better than sebum. it should regulate after a few weeks, i had oily skin too, but no my skin is "glowing" rather than oily

Thanks. I might have to wait a minute on this one :lol: . Or maybe wait until after summer to try it out.
JazzyDez said:
I already have oily skin (my face...ugh:( ) especially in the warmer months. Do you think it would be a good idea for me to take the flaxseed oil? Would it make my skin extra oily? :confused:

My skin is the same way too but after a few days my skin seems to be better. Havent had any major breakouts and my skin is the worst. Bad genes.
sky_blu said:
My skin is the same way too but after a few days my skin seems to be better. Havent had any major breakouts and my skin is the worst. Bad genes.

Yeah me too. I used to have acne in my teenage years. Although my skin has cleared up since then it still will be a little oily throughout the day if i dont powder. So it sounds like the flaxseed oil may make your skin extra oily at first but in the end it actually improves it. It wouldnt hurt for the extra oil on my scalp too since I never put anything on it anyways.
I bought some Golden Flax Seed and a coffee grinder to grind the seeds.

I read beforehand the oil itself is lacking a very important ingredient that is found in the seed - Lignan.

Flax oil contains only about 2% of the lignans found in flax seed.

Lignans are highly valuable phytonutrients, and are very good for health.

The seed cake material rather than the oil contains most of them (about 98%). Lignans have anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial properties. They also show anti-cholesterol, anti-cancer, anti-diabetes, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-lupus benefits.

Flax seed contains phytoestrogens and lignans which are essential plant estrogens. Phytoestrogens are different than estrogens because phytoestrogens do not stimulate the growth of cancerous cells and they help prevent breast cancer. Phytoestrogens also relieve some of the minor symptoms such as hot flashes, anxiety and irritability.

You will get maximum benefits from a seed that is ground before eating. Whole seeds that are not chewed will tend to pass through the body with less nutritional benefit. Here are some of the health benefits of the seed containing lignan:

Prostate health
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