Flax Seed

I take 2 capsules (2000 mg) of the GNC Natural Brand of Flax Seed Oil. Its been about 2 weeks now.

Im not really certain whether or not my skin has been any oilier than usual..... in the hot/summer time months its so hard to tell, because i tend to just stay oily/greasy in general, no matter what. :lol: But I really like the other health benefits that i've read/heard about, so i'll probably continue to take this, and at least finish off the bottle.

I'll decide in the future whether or not i'll be purchasing a second bottle.
I started taking flaxseed oil when I completely changed my diet about two months ago...I take Udo's Choice Blend oil...it is mostly flaxseed oil..but has sunflower, evening primrose, and maybe two other oils in it...available from Whole Foods or your local health food store..2 tbl a day straight..I used to follow it with a bite of fruit but I am used to the taste now ;)

I was taking it more for long term health benefits...just learning about the hair benefits..I will start to look for those once I read up on it (too lazy to read the thread now :ohwell: )...it may be my imagination but I think my scalp/skin has been less dry since I have been taking it...but who knows :look:
Candy_C said:
yeh it will make your face oilier, but the oil will be pure omega which is better than sebum. it should regulate after a few weeks, i had oily skin too, but no my skin is "glowing" rather than oily
I agree with this flaxseed help with inflammation, inflammation can cause excessive oil production which can lead to acne.
I agree! I have very sensitive skin. I used to have horrible breakouts around my jawline. My skin has been SOOOOO much better since I started taking MSM and Flax seed oil. Clear and very moisturized.
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sinc etaking this i dont even have to moisturize daily, once every 5 days! now it KILLS me to use anything on my ends! i dont bother! (which is crazy 4 me as i used 2 have very VERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRY dry hair) i know with my internal flax i can just roll up my hair in my bonnet and the next day the ends r shiney and moisturized and wavy. excellent stuff!
Is bigger breast a side effect cuz too much is never enough (well unless you're a FF or something like that):lol: I might try it, my hair isn't dry but it can never be too moisturized. How much does everyone take?
I use Rexall organic ground flaxseed in my oatmeal each morning for breakfast.

I also drink the liquid flaxseed oil (Rexall brand).
I take flaxseed capsules as well (any brand I can find cheap). Right now I'm using the Walgreens brand.
MissFallon said:
so will my tata's get bigger? I want to go from a D-->DD. Oh, and I want my hair moisturized

I went from a 36C to a 38DDD. I've been taking flaxseed oil for years. I have have a bottle of Borleans in the refrigerator. I'm now afraid to use it ever since I've been hipped to this "side effect." I've always wondered why my breasts have a life of their own. They wouldn't even reduce with weightloss. I look like a porn star. UH! UH!

I've been off the oil for about a month and today I'm kinda fitting into an old 38DD bra.

Good luck to you. I hate wearing harnesses.
divinefavor said:
How do you all stomach the flaxseed oil? Are you mixing it with anything or taking it straight? I've tried the oil and it's hard for me to get it down. :lol: I've just started taking the actual flaxseed to see if I can stomach it better. I've been putting the seeds on my yogurt and salads.

I take mine with apple juice. I just pour a half cup or less of apple juice and a tablespoon of flax. Then as I'm drinking it I keep mixing it around so that I don't taste the oil. I can't stand the taste and texture of oil. It just grosses me out. Then after awhile, you get very used to it.

And yes I can vouch for the more beautiful skin.
FeelinIt said:
I take mine with apple juice. I just pour a half cup or less of apple juice and a tablespoon of flax. Then as I'm drinking it I keep mixing it around so that I don't taste the oil. I can't stand the taste and texture of oil. It just grosses me out. Then after awhile, you get very used to it.

And yes I can vouch for the more beautiful skin.

How long did it take before you saw results ?
trinigul said:
I went from a 36C to a 38DDD. I've been taking flaxseed oil for years. I have have a bottle of Borleans in the refrigerator. I'm now afraid to use it ever since I've been hipped to this "side effect." I've always wondered why my breasts have a life of their own. They wouldn't even reduce with weightloss. I look like a porn star. UH! UH!

I've been off the oil for about a month and today I'm kinda fitting into an old 38DD bra.

Good luck to you. I hate wearing harnesses.
so flaxseed too increases boob size. i thought it was only evening primrose oil. im mad at myself. how about cod liver oil, does that increase boob size too. i definitely have enough in that area and i dont want more :look:
FeelinIt said:
I take mine with apple juice. I just pour a half cup or less of apple juice and a tablespoon of flax. Then as I'm drinking it I keep mixing it around so that I don't taste the oil. I can't stand the taste and texture of oil. It just grosses me out. Then after awhile, you get very used to it.

And yes I can vouch for the more beautiful skin.

Thanks girl!!! I'll go to store and buy some juice today. I have a bottle of Borlean's in my frig that's been there since the end of April. I wonder if the flax oil is still some good. :p
toosexy1 said:
so flaxseed too increases boob size. i thought it was only evening primrose oil. im mad at myself. how about cod liver oil, does that increase boob size too. i definitely have enough in that area and i dont want more :look:

SAY IT AIN'T SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I take cod liver oil also.

I feel you! Anybody got any insight on the cod liver oil? (Sorry to hijack the post, but these 2 midgets are HEAVY!)
Some facts about flax

- Research shows low incidence of breast cancer and colon cancer in populations that have high amounts of lignan in their diet. Flax is 100 times richer in lignan than most whole grains.

- Studies show that Omega-3 fatty acids help lower cholesterol and blood triglycerides, and prevent clots in arteries, which may result in strokes, heart attacks and thromboses.

- Helps protect the body against high blood pressure, inflammation, water retention, sticky platelets and lowered immune function.

- Shortens recovery time for fatigued muscles after exertion.

- Increases the body's production of energy and also increases stamina.

- Accelerates the healing of sprains and bruises.

- Eases weight loss in people afflicted with obesity.

- Stimulates brown fat cells and increases the metabolic rate making it easier to burn off fat.

- Improves the absorption of Calcium.

- Strengthens finger and toenails.

- Can improve eyesight and perception of colors.

- Can often improve the function of the liver.

- Can relieve the side effects and stop development of many forms of cancer.

- Can relieve some cases of Asthma.

- Helpful in the treatment of Eczema, Psoriasis, and Dandruff.

- Can relieve the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis. It can relieve the symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus.

- Can alleviate some allergies.

- Helps prevent Atherosclerosis (the accumulation of fatty deposits inside the blood vessels, especially the large and medium-sized arteries, that many people experience during the aging process).

- Lowers high blood pressure in Hypertension sufferers.

- Has been scientifically proven to treat some cases of depression.

- Can improve the mental function of many old age pensioners.

- Can help in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis.

- Has been proven to improve the behavior of Schizophrenics.

- Can relieve some cases of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) in females.
Do Omega-3-6-9 pills contain flaxseed or another omega 3 vitamin? or should i just take straight flaxseed oil?
Flax Facts
Do flaxseed muffins fight breast cancer and prostate cancer? Should we all be eating flaxseeds and using flaxseed oil on our salads? Some people would say yes, and it's true that recent research on the potential health benefits of flax has been promising. But it pays to delve deeper.

The flax plant, an ancient crop, yields the fiber from which linen is woven, as well as seeds and oil. The oil, also called linseed oil, has many industrial uses—it is an important ingredient in paints, varnishes, and linoleum, for example. Flaxseed oil also comes in an edible form, sold mostly at health-food stores. Like olive, canola, and most other plant oils, it is highly unsaturated and heart-healthy. And flaxseeds have yet another very interesting component—lignans—which may have anti-cancer properties.

Plant hormones: cancer protection?

Lignans are a type of fiber, and at the same time a type of phytoestrogen—a chemical similar to the human hormone estrogen. Flaxseeds are the richest source of lignans. When you eat lignans, bacteria in the digestive tract convert them into estrogen-like substances called enterodiol and enterolactone, which are thought to have anti-tumor effects. Lignans and other flaxseed components may also have antioxidant properties—that is, they may reduce the activity of cell-damaging free radicals. (Flaxseed oil lacks lignans, but some processors add them to their oil.)

Recently small studies of cancer patients who consumed flaxseeds have produced some encouraging results. In one study men with prostate cancer who ate an ounce of ground flaxseeds (almost three tablespoons) a day as part of a very-low-fat diet were able to slow the progress of their cancers between the time they were diagnosed and the time of surgery. A similar study of women awaiting surgery for breast cancer found that those who ate a flaxseed muffin daily (with about four tablespoons of ground flaxseeds per muffin) had a slower tumor growth rate. Studies of animals, too, suggest some anti-cancer benefit from flaxseed. But it's always difficult to know whether it's the lignans that help, or some other element in the flaxseeds. And not all studies have yielded positive results.

It is still too early to say that flax can prevent or cure cancer and to recommended it for that purpose. It's important to remember that plant estrogens, like human hormones, are not always benign. At high doses—and no one knows how much is too much—lignans might turn into cancer promoters. Indeed, some animal studies have found that high doses of plant estrogens can cause cancer cells to proliferate. We have no idea where that line—between enough and too much—might be drawn. All we can do is wait for further developments.

The heart-healthy side of flax

Besides lignans, flaxseeds and their oil are also the best food sources of an essential fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid. "Essential" means we must consume it, because our bodies cannot manufacture it. Essential fatty acids are important for cell membranes, blood pressure regulation, and other functions. Alpha-linolenic acid is an omega-3, similar to some of the fatty acids in fish oil. Like aspirin, omega-3s may reduce blood clotting, thus lessening the chance of a fatal heart attack. Flaxseeds and their oil may also lower total blood cholesterol, as well as LDL ("bad") cholesterol. But that should come as no big surprise, since any highly unsaturated oil will do that, particularly if substituted for saturated fats. The fiber in flaxseeds may also help against cholesterol, since it is soluble (similar to that in oats).

Several population studies have linked a high intake of alpha-linolenic acid with a reduced risk of heart disease and/or death from heart disease. And a French study, as we reported in 1999, found that a diet relatively rich in alpha-linolenic acid greatly reduced the risk of second heart attacks. (The alpha-linolenic acid in that study did not come from flaxseeds, but from canola-oil margarine.) Besides flaxseeds and canola oil, alpha-linolenic acid is also found in soybean oil and walnuts.

Good food, no magic bullet

All plant foods, including flax, have good things to offer. Garlic, onions, tomatoes, broccoli, legumes, and whole grains all have a range of beneficial chemicals. If you want to add flaxseeds to your diet, that's a good idea. But if cheeseburgers are your main source of calories, adding flaxseeds won't help much.

Flaxseeds have a pleasant, nutty flavor and taste good sprinkled on salads, cooked vegetables, or cereals. The oil is quite tasty, too, though expensive. Here are some flax tips:
• Grind the seeds or else chew them very well—whole seeds simply pass through the body. Grinding the seeds just before using them best preserves flavor and nutrition, but pre-ground seeds are more convenient. Keep them refrigerated. There are no nutritional differences between brown and yellow seeds.

• Combine flaxseed flour with wheat flour for breads, quickbreads, and pancakes.

• Ready-made flaxseed breads, muffins, cereals, and breakfast bars can be found in many stores.

• The oil spoils quickly; it comes in dark bottles to extend its shelf life. Keep it refrigerated, and pay attention to the expiration date. "Cold-pressed" flaxseed oil is more expensive but no better than other kinds.

• Flaxseed oil cannot be used for frying or sautéing.

• Pregnant or lactating women should not eat lots of flax.

• A few people may have allergic reactions to flaxseeds.

• Pass up flaxseed supplements—eat the foods instead.

Sassygoddess said:
Flax seed users
please tell list the brand you use , how long you've been using it , and the effects you have had.

I started to use it 3 days ago, because of all the health benefits i read about it on the net. i just wanted to know how my Hair sistas felt about it and if it was worth it. also let me know if you think it's one of your top supplements.

thanks in advance

I've been taking Essential Omega-3/Flaxseed for at least 7 years and it has peppermint/spearmint oil in so that you can't taste the fish oil at all. I purchase mine through HSN a product of Andrew Lessman. Yes it is the one of my top 3 supplements that I take alonq with CoQ10 and my multi-vitamin.
etapassilem said:
• Pass up flaxseed supplements—eat the foods instead.


umm, So it would be better to take the flax seeds and oils than to take the pills? IMO, think that it would be better to take the oil because you get more out of the supplement. but now i'm EXTRA angry because I purchased a HUGE bottle of Liquid triple omega from vitamin world that has omega 3,6,9 fatty acids and it doesnt contain lignans!!!

If anyone knows of the OIL that contains the added lignans, let a sista know. If not I guess I'll have to switch to pre-ground flax seeds...:ohwell:
tuffCOOKiE said:
umm, So it would be better to take the flax seeds and oils than to take the pills? IMO, think that it would be better to take the oil because you get more out of the supplement. but now i'm EXTRA angry because I purchased a HUGE bottle of Liquid triple omega from vitamin world that has omega 3,6,9 fatty acids and it doesnt contain lignans!!!

If anyone knows of the OIL that contains the added lignans, let a sista know. If not I guess I'll have to switch to pre-ground flax seeds...:ohwell:

I have the supplement and oil , in order to get as much as i get out of the oil i would have to take 60 pills to get what i get out of taking 2 tbs of the oil . I got mine from a health food store , make sure that when you buy it its in a cooler or some kind of refrigerator because when on a shelf it spoils and its not as potent.
etapassilem said:
I have the supplement and oil , in order to get as much as i get out of the oil i would have to take 60 pills to get what i get out of taking 2 tbs of the oil . I got mine from a health food store , make sure that when you buy it its in a cooler or some kind of refrigerator because when on a shelf it spoils and its not as potent.

... you're kidding. In GNC, they have it on the shelf and the EXP date is Mar/07 in Vitamin World, they have it on the shelf in a dark bottle and that expires 9/08.. I'm starting to question the quality of the oil that I have (Vitamin world 3-6-9 liquid triple omega)... aww man, this is such a hassle.:ohwell:
MissVee said:
I am having a hard time getting the flax oil down. Any ideas on how to keep it down?
I swallow the flaxseed and immediately chase it with O.J. that way I dont have that fishy aftertaste.
tuffCOOKiE said:
... you're kidding. In GNC, they have it on the shelf and the EXP date is Mar/07 in Vitamin World, they have it on the shelf in a dark bottle and that expires 9/08.. I'm starting to question the quality of the oil that I have (Vitamin world 3-6-9 liquid triple omega)... aww man, this is such a hassle.:ohwell:

the kind i get expires 5 months after it was made on the bottle they tell you when it was bottled and like five months after that it expires http://www.barleans.com this is the brand i get. i read a article that says not to buy it off the shelf to make sure its in a cooler.