Flat ironing 9 weeks post relaxer hair


New Member
Im 9 weeks post relaxer and i'm due to go to a wedding tomorrow. I have to wear my hair straight. Do you think it will be ok if i blow dry and flat iron my hair considering i just washed it yesterday?

I have also been having a little bit of breakage...its my first time stretching and i plan to touch-up in 2 days.

Why don't you rollerset, flat iron just the roots, and then wrap?

Or you could rollerset, then flatiron the roots and run the flat iron quickly through your relaxed hair.

I am so anti blow drying. Can't you tell?:lol:

If you do decide to blow dry, use a good heat protectant!
natalied said:
Why don't you rollerset, flat iron just the roots, and then wrap?

Or you could rollerset, then flatiron the roots and run the flat iron quickly through your relaxed hair.

I am so anti blow drying. Can't you tell?:lol:

If you do decide to blow dry, use a good heat protectant!

Thanks, I don't know how to rolleset, and i don't see myself learning anytime soon! Il flat iron my roots, wrap, then sleep and hopefully 2moro morning il have straight hair!