Five Hot Husbands Share What Women Need to Know About Men

How HOT is ...MY....Hubby?

  • My hubby is so HOT,he melts butter before the biscuit...on a scale..1-10..DH..breaks it :)

    Votes: 15 45.5%
  • Ummm..I'd actually rather SWAP my hubby for ANY of the five in the article :(

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • DH is Not off the Richter scale...but I wouldnt trade him,in the middle & that works fine ;)

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • I don't have a hubby yet...but I like the examples..that's HOT enuf for me :-)

    Votes: 7 21.2%
  • I don't have a hubby yet..but my HOT ideal tops the examples :~]

    Votes: 6 18.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Think America's Hottest Husband is smokin'?
Meet our five hot, hot, hot runners-up, and hear what they have to reveal on what women really need to know about the man in their lives …


Adam Budny, 31
Hometown: Duncansville, PA
Occupation: Foot and ankle surgeon
Family: Married 2 years to Karissa, 30

What makes him so hot: "He's a giver, a lover, and I'm so thankful to be so blessed to be married to him," Karissa says. "Not only is he so caring to me, but when we lived in Cleveland, he volunteered his doctor services in the inner city so the homeless could have care too. Plus, he's an excellent cook: He makes me breakfast in bed on the weekends and brings me soup if I'm feeling sick."

His most romantic gesture: "For my 30th birthday, Adam planned a surprise trip for us to Chicago, complete with tickets to see the musical Dirty Dancing," Karissa says. "But then our plane had mechanical problems, so we couldn't take off in the end. Adam was really deflated after all the planning he'd done, but just the fact that he'd made the effort to go above and beyond was special enough for me. So we went to Red Lobster and then went home! It was still an amazing birthday."

What he wants women to know about men: "We're not really that complicated, so you don't need to overanalyze us," Adam says. "There aren't usually five meanings behind everything we say. We're pretty straight-forward."
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William Bowen, 36
Hometown: Conyers, GA
Occupation: IT manager
Family: Married 12 years to Tasheika, 36; father to Imani and Jahné, both 9

What makes him so hot: "He's so considerate, and he brings out the best in me," Tasheika says. "William encouraged me to go back to school so I could fulfill my dreams of becoming a teacher. When I was in school, he was the sole provider for the family, and he never complained about the heavy load. He is hot inside and out. I say H.O.T. — as in, He's an Obvious Treasure!"

Why their marriage works: "We have a great 50-50 partnership," William says. "We're on the same page when it comes to raising our girls, finances, and other big household decisions, so it all runs smoothly."

What he wants women to know about men: "We're different than you!" William says. "Also, I think it's important to realize that marriage won't change a person. You're marrying the man in front of you, so make sure you can accept him as he is."
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#3 Picture..

Doug Robbins, 46
Hometown: Jacksonville, FL
Occupation: Pilot for FedEx
Family: Married 20 years to Ivonne, 46; father to Phillip, 19, Jordan Marie, 17, Caroline, 14, and Parker, 7

What makes him so hot: "He keeps us laughing, and he's always wearing a giant smile," Ivonne says. Doug is also super-thoughtful: His profession takes him away from home a couple of weeks per month, but when he has a weekend layover out of town, he likes to surprise Ivonne with a plane ticket to come join him. "Those getaways are for sleeping in, sightseeing, wining and dining, and just taking the time to reconnect with each other," Doug says. "And when we're home, I like to cook family dinners. Ivonne appreciates the break, and I know the kids get a kick out of my speciality: bacon, toast, and scrambled eggs with cheese."

How he felt about being a finalist: "I was shocked when Ivonne told me about it at our 20th-anniversary dinner," Doug says. "I was a chubby kid, so I never imagined I'd make it this far in a Hot Husbands contest — and I have to say, I secretly loved it! It meant so much to read what she'd said about me."

What he wants women to know about men: "I can't speak for all men, but for me, the small gestures, like a 'thanks' or a hug, are significant," Doug says. "They're simple reminders that I'm appreciated and loved."
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Trent Everett, 32
Hometown: Marshfield, MA
Occupation: Government employee
Family: Married 6 years to Caroline, 32; father to Maya, 4, and Faith, 2

What makes him so hot: "Trent is such a good person that I feel better about myself that I'm with him," Caroline says. "Plus you can't beat his great smile, dimples, and huge brown eyes. He makes great eye contact, and when he's looking at me he makes me feel like I'm the only person in the room he wants to talk to."

What makes him a great dad: "Trent always brings home flowers and gives our two daughters smaller bouquets with notes that say, 'Be good for mom,'" Caroline says. "He'll even paint their toenails and play dress-up with them. He's not afraid of doing girly things. It's sweet!"

What he wants women to know about men: "We can't read minds," Trent says. "We're simple creatures, and we need to be told what to do. If there's something that needs to be done, just tell us!"
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Kevin Kusleika, 40
Hometown: Bennington, NE
Senior VP and chief technology officer at a brokerage company
Married 2 years to Kristy, 38; father to Kylie, 17, Lindsay, 13, and Evelyn, 11 months; stepfather to Beth, 16, Nathan, 14, and Christian, 4

What makes him so hot: "Kevin has the most beautiful eyes," Kristy says. "You can see right into his heart. And he's the epitome of a true, honest man." Kristy and Kevin both have children from previous marriages, and she's amazed at what a giving father Kevin is. "He's willing to do anything with the kids — mine, his, it doesn't matter," she says. "I swore I'd never marry again, but when I saw how Kevin treated the kids with such kindness, I knew he was the The One."

How he felt about being a finalist: "Flattered, but embarrassed too!" Kevin says. "Everyone at work found out, and at the end of a meeting, the CFO said he had one more thing he needed everyone to vote on, and then he handed out my finalist page from the website!"

Guilty pleasure: Golf. "Aside from my family, I live and breathe golf," Kevin says.

The award he'd give Kristy: "Most dedicated wife and mother. And also hottest!"

What he wants women to know about men: "The stereotype that men only want one thing — and I think you know what that is! — isn't always true," Kevin says.
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It's refreshing to know that their wives see them as "Hot", but I was looking for some hunks and I didn't see any.
ha!..I should include a poll from the wives of Nick Cannon...Brad Pitt..Courtney Vance:yep::lachen:

lol...can you imagine..... if they dint see their hubbies as HOT?:blush:
beauty in the eye and all that...but I do think
is referred of acts or demonstrations of love ....

but in terms of hunkness.okay.
No.1 and No.2.... get my least in the neighborhood of "Hunkdom":grin:
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lol...can you imagine..... if they dint see their hubbies as HOT?:blush:
beauty in the eye and all that...

...No.1 and No.2.... I would say are at least in the neighborhood of "Hunkdom":grin:

I think it's really cute how the women speak of their husbands and I'm sure they see them as a hunk more because of how their husbands are as a man--they know how to treat their wives--and if our man treats us right, we can see "hunk" even if no one else does:yep:.
He's a nice-looking man, but not hot, imo

awwwww...that's just cas he's got that colorless boring button up Sears dept store shirt and above the belly-belted screaming nerd!-blase trousers :brainy: and wife draped around him

he's cuu-uu-te!

take same guy..dress him in....something contemporary and not out of the
50's. :dork:

.....or in brief black swim trunks.....
& show bare..broad chested....six packed abs
and rippling pecs .... muscular legs

and ...sizzle.....sizzle
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awwwww...that's just cas he's got that colorless boring button up Sears dept store shirt and above the belly-belted screaming nerd!-blase trousers :brainy: and wife draped around him

he's cuu-uu-te!

take same guy..dress him in....something contemporary and not out of the
50's. :dork:

.....or in brief black swim trunks.....
& show bare..broad chested....six packed abs
and rippling pecs .... muscular legs

and ...sizzle.....sizzle

:lachen::lachen::lachen:He's cute:yep:.
The Winner


MARRIED.... HOW MANY YEARS 3 years married

WHAT MAKES HIM SO HOT He is a great husband, he is hilarious, he is a great provider, he is a great father, he is sitting here taking care of our daughter as I type :)

HIS MOST ROMANTIC GESTURE When he proposed to me at Niagara Falls...he is always doing romantic stuff even though it is not really his thing :)

WHY MARRIAGE WORKS He is always trying to be a better man, he inspires me to be a better woman

WHAT HE WANTS WOMEN TO KNOW ABOUT MEN: "Every man is not the same" (I can't type what he originally said...too explicit for the board:lachen:)

I'll answers are above
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awwwww...that's just cas he's got that colorless boring button up Sears dept store shirt and above the belly-belted screaming nerd!-blase trousers :brainy: and wife draped around him

he's cuu-uu-te!

take same guy..dress him in....something contemporary and not out of the
50's. :dork:

.....or in brief black swim trunks.....
& show bare..broad chested....six packed abs
and rippling pecs .... muscular legs

and ...sizzle.....sizzle
I agree with you, I think he's very good looking!
WOW!!! Femme

Over the Moon-HAPPY!!!!

and now...... we know why
Your DH's a BURN...

now spill...:yep: all you other wives
help the wives-to-be acquire hhh...wisdom
{hot healthy hubby..wisdom}




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HIS MOST ROMANTIC GESTURE When he proposed to me at Niagara Falls...he is always doing romantic stuff even though it is not really his thing
ahhhhhhhh..that's so sweet.....lovely to read
WHAT HE WANTS WOMEN TO KNOW ABOUT MEN: "Every man is not the same" (I can't type what he originally said...too explicit for the board)

oooh chile.....:grin:
On the Hotness of the guys. I think the fact that they love their families so much is super HOT!!! (maybe some of us are looking at/for the wrong package...his heart)
What he wants women to know about men: "We're different than you!" William says. "Also, I think it's important to realize that marriage won't change a person. You're marrying the man in front of you, so make sure you can accept him as he is."[/quote]

Isn't that the truth. I think this is a major problem with women now, and I am guilty as well. We find a man who is below our standards or is not what we are looking for, and instead of moving on, we except them and try to change/mold them into our dream man, and when the man doesn't want to change, we get upset. We know exactly what we are getting ourselves into when we commit to someone, and we can't be mad at no one but ourselves.
Now I'm not saying that I have to check every flaw and make sure that they are the perfect before I commit, because I will never find a DH that way, but there are obvious, red flags, that must not be ignored when seriously commiting to be with someone and progressing in relationships.
I think they were all "hot"... just not what y'all were expecting.

Those men are sweethearts and they gave great advice!! :yep: :up:

On the Hotness of the guys. I think the fact that they love their families so much is super HOT!!! (maybe some of us are looking at/for the wrong package...his heart)

and that they STAY married to another HOTNESS feature
I thought they were all nice-looking and they seem sweet!:grin: I like this thread.
almost a year and a half

he listens and does pretty much what I ask. He's a great husband and friend.

For my bday last month he made me breakfast in bed (after working all night long) and gave me flowers. We spent the whole day together doing whatever I wanted.

Our marriage works because we are honest. There is no sugarcoating. We talk, laugh, listen, and continue to date. We are also very supportive of each other.

Men like it when you keep it simple because they are simple creatures.