Finger Detanglers please stand up


Active Member
Who detangles with their fingers after their weekly wash? Fingers only? I have been detangling THOROUGHLY with my fingers only after each wash since my relaxer. I find that it REALLY WORKS FOR ME :) I find that I loose less hair at wash time, and if I am patient with detangling, I am able to get rid of most sheds, and avoid hair matting. It takes patience, whereas with combing, you may be able to detangle your whole head in about 10 minutes, with finger combing it takes about 30. However, I find I love the results. Are there any finger detanglers here? If so, don't you love it???!! :)
I've done it. It takes me forever, though. I don't think I've ever done it thoroughly in less than 90 min. It does result in less breakage if I can be patient.
i only use my fingers to detangle. i find that i am able to gently work out the tangles, instead of ripping my hair apart with a comb. i love it and it doesnt take me that long either. i have also noticed more growth retention. :grin:
I love it and hate it.
I did this for the most part from April through to Oct when I finally got a touch up and I had not had a relaxer since last year December, so that was nearly 10 months.
I plan on continuing this, but combed yesterday after 5 weeks since my relaxer because I got impatient. I don't want to do that again. I lose less hair when I finger deangle and I remove the shed hairs without pulling out others unneccessarily. So I like finger detangling because of this, but hate it because it takes hours. HALF AN HOUR IS GOOD OP!
I'm late but I'm standing proud! October 1, 2010 marks exactly 1 year since I completely ditch the comb and/or brush and I haven't look back. No more breakage on my ends and my SSK's have greatly reduced. I am throughly convinced that combs and/or brushes are not meant for kinky-curly hair.
I haven't touched my Ouidad or Denman in about 8 months. I love finger combing/detangling! My hair has thickened and breaks less due to this practice.
well I havnt completely given up the brush/comb ... but I always finger detangle before I use my shower comb (every 2 weeks). I use my demnam 1 x per month
After trying all types of detangling styles, finger combing is the best for my hair.

My hair is very fragile, I've had to learn that the hard way. My normal detangling method - Wide Toothed Comb on damp hair full of conditioner - is still not gentle enough. I've actually experienced a good bit of thinning/breakage in the nape just from detangling, and I am gentle.

Now I use oil and finger detangle on dry hair. I like it on dry hair the best because when my hair is wet, it sticks together and clumps. On dry hair, especially with the aid of oil, the shed hair just slips right out without much of a problem.

I've given up the comb. I've always been afraid of my hair locking or something, but now I know... it can be done. :)

Check out these vids:

YouTube - Lisa Akbari 's How to Detangle Natural Hair

YouTube - 2010 HAIRstory - learning curve 2 : long & thick 4b no-comb detangling
Her hair hasn't locked up or anything and it's so thick and pretty.
I stopped combing a long time ago. I think I've probably only combed about once or twice this year. It may take a little longer, but it works just find and means I lose less hair.My hair doesn't lock up at all.

I'm going to straighten my hair in a couple of weeks so will probably use a comb then. I'm dreading it though!! I'll really take my time with that!

Neith, I actually committed to not combing after watching one of Cynthia's earlier videos. I love her hair!
I finger comb whenever I co-wash (twice a week) but I do fully detangle with a comb after I shampoo. Used to be twice a month but it's almost been a month since the last time I've shampooed and I don't plan to shampoo again until November.
standing but sitting all at the same time.....
I've done it and love it because there's absolutely zero breakage but I hate it because it takes way too long so I'm moving away from finger detangling only.
I always finger detangle on dry hair before I co-wash or use my powders. Once per week, while the conditioner is in, I use my wide tooth comb to detangle. every 2-3 weeks, I use my denman.

I am going to try going the entire month of October without using my comb/denman at all! I want no more reasons to put up with the unnecessary breakage that is possible due to combing.
i love finger detangling...less breakage, more retention, and better curl definition
Totally agree! Combs and brushes tear my definition apart. Running my fingers down every curl clump, from root to tip, and sliding out the sheds is the only way I roll. Actually, I've cut back on the amount of product I use since ditching the comb. When I was combing I had to load on KCCC, use ungodly amounts of conditioner or do back flips to help restore my curl definition after a combing session. Now, my curls coil however they want with little effort from me and I'm getting 4 months plus out of a jar of KCCC.
Who detangles with their fingers after their weekly wash? Fingers only? I have been detangling THOROUGHLY with my fingers only after each wash since my relaxer. I find that it REALLY WORKS FOR ME :) I find that I loose less hair at wash time, and if I am patient with detangling, I am able to get rid of most sheds, and avoid hair matting. It takes patience, whereas with combing, you may be able to detangle your whole head in about 10 minutes, with finger combing it takes about 30. However, I find I love the results. Are there any finger detanglers here? If so, don't you love it???!! :)

I detangle with fingers and it takes hours but it's worth it. I wash condition etc. with my hair braided or in twists otherwise i would have matting and wouldn't be able to detangle with my fingers.
I'm late but I'm standing proud! October 1, 2010 marks exactly 1 year since I completely ditch the comb and/or brush and I haven't look back. No more breakage on my ends and my SSK's have greatly reduced. I am throughly convinced that combs and/or brushes are not meant for kinky-curly hair.


Before you got rid of the comb/brush for detangling about how often were you dusting or trimming? Whats the amount of time you need before you have to dust or trim now after going w/o comb or brush this past year?
I got this advice from LaFemme in another post. I finger-detangle with EVOO on dry hair. Now I no longer use combs or heat as part of my regimen. Thanks LaFemme...!!!
I've been comb-free (Denman-free) for 1 month now :grin: and it is easier than I thought it would be. I only wash my hair once a week, so I don't have much shed hair to deal with. However, as we move into the Winter, I plan on styling my hair every 2 weeks. That is still up in the air because I work out at least 3-6 times per week, and I don't plan on rinsing my hair after working out. I'm still trying to figure it out.

I'm still getting the same amount of shed hair out, but less breakage.

Before you got rid of the comb/brush for detangling about how often were you dusting or trimming? Whats the amount of time you need before you have to dust or trim now after going w/o comb or brush this past year?

I was trimming every 4 months or so, before I ditched the comb (I had major SSKs). The last time I trimmed was a year ago (right when I decided to give up the comb/brush) and I rarely dust.
OMG! I only finger detangle because I have to. It just took me 4 hours the other day to detangle after relaxing. Began doing my hair at 7pm and didn't finish until 1:30am. :(
I've been finger detangling just about every week so far. It doesn't take too long for me to do it 1-1.5hr. When I use the comb/denman (w/ condish of course) on wet hair it takes about 20min.

I feel like I'm getting out as much shed hair as if I would had I used a comb, but I'm not seeing any real breakage either. I'm going to keep this routine up for the remainder of the year. Looking forward to my much needed 'trim' in a few weeks too!
I started doing finger detangling and I seem to loose less hair. But it only works in conjunction with blow drying if I have lots of new growth.
I am going to try this...I haven't been retaining that much lately :/ I think its because I detangle every week with my comb. Even though it is a bone comb, I think my hair is too fine and fragile to take combing. It breaks if I look at it wrong. (and then has the nerve to hate protein, lol)
I comb about 2-3x per month and I finger comb in between. I tried using my fingers only and got too many knots. Maybe I wasn't doing it right.
If you finger detangle how do you style/dry your hair? I detangle then put it in a t-shirt wrap to air do you get the hair to lay down smooth if you only finger detangle...does my question make sense?