Finger Detanglers--come here


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies.

It seems that finger detangling keeps popping up as a way to prevent excessive hair loss, split ends, etc. I typically finger detangle every other wash (I shampoo once a week and cowash or lo-poo mid-week), but have found recently with the addition of my BRB Chai Tea that I could probably easily get away with detangling all or most of the time (although, I did just order some seamless combs, so I'm going to play with them a bit).

For the consistent finger detanglers, do you do it all the time? What makes it easier for you? Do you do it on dry or wet hair? If you previously used combs and switched to finger detangling, did you notice a difference in thickness, number of split ends, etc?
I finger detangle before I rinse my hair daily or shampoo/protein/DC treatments weekly. I tend to get these 'fairy knots' I am very good at unravelling them which takes a bit of patience and persistence.

However, because my hair is curly and frizzy the curls wrap around themselves so I need a comb to ensure that the shed hair is removed properly but only when my hair is wet or damp and for detangling in the shower. I use a seamless comb. I still believe in combing because I find that the combing action allows my sebum to be better distributed to my strands and finger combing doesn't do this.

I think there is a fine balance between finger detangling and combing.

Almond Eyes
For the consistent finger detanglers, do you do it all the time? What makes it easier for you? Do you do it on dry or wet hair? If you previously used combs and switched to finger detangling, did you notice a difference in thickness, number of split ends, etc?

I finger comb/detangle on wash day (1x per wk) and when I am about to put my hair in a style. I will coat my hair in vatika or straight coconut oil after I have dampened my hair with water. When I work it in, mostly hair INSTANTLY gets softer but feels strong as well.
Most of the time I am in a protective style, and prefer not to mess with my hair too much b/c it doesn't like all the manipulation.

Damp hair. I will either spritz LIGHTLY with water or if myself hair is super stretched, I will use a small amount of water-based leave-in condish to moisten it up. Then I use the "thumb" or "harp" method to work gently through my hair.

Within the first month, I saw the retention. Very few broken strands. No thickness difference, my hair is not all that thick to begin with.
I finger comb my hair. I start by cowashing, letting the conditioner set for -3 minutes, then finger combing to remove the shed hair and throw it away.

Finger combing also helps to define my curls later on while adding leave in conditioner.
I finger detangling but I love to feel as though my hair is detangled from the roots so I tend to move on to a rat tooth comb after every detangling session. I ordered a Q-Redew so I'm hoping it will help with my detangling. I just hate to see a lot of hair in my comb but I do check to see if the hair is short which could mean breakage and long which could mean shedding.
I do it all the time, no other way works. My hair is fine and can break easily from a comb and brush, if I use one my hair has to already be detangled. Also combing and brushing separates my hair all the way so my curls/coils disappear and the fine strands wrap around each other and tangle again.

I like using my fingers because I can feel everything. I am reckless with a comb, I don't have any patience for going tip to root, I wish I could start at the root, comb down and be done. I do this on wet hair in the shower or right after I get out

I retain length by only using my fingers.
In the past, I was forcing myself into finger detangling while I was definitely not that patient to do so. Now it has become natural, I reach out to my wide tooth comb but end up never using it. I use conditioners with a lot of slip like TREsemmé naturals or DCs like Sitrinillah. Putting coconut oil on my dry strands has also helped me a lot. I have noticed a lot less shedding/breakage.
I find that using a brush to detangle leaves me with hidden knots and tangles when I'm done. I pretty much finger detangle only, except when my hair is straightened.if my hair isn't detangled at least every 3 days it is difficult.

I spent a week without finger combing and my hair matted up when I went to wash it. This is why I like to wash n go daily. When I do, the shed hair easily comes out. I leave my conditioner on for 5 minutes and then finger comb under the shower. Then when I apply my styler I finger comb/rake it in and get any shed hair I missed during the wash. I notice a lot less breakage and knots when I do this daily.
I use all fingers, all the time. When I was natural, I used my fingers less. Now that I'm relaxed, all I use is my fingers. I only use a comb to part.
My hair tangles even when I was bone straight relaxed. I have just started finger detangling with coconut oil on dry hair after I massage my scalp with JBCO. This begins my wash day routine once a week. This makes the shed hairs come out easily. I do it again after my DC with some Infusium 23 leave in. Then use a seamless comb.

I plan to add a slippy conditioner like Tresemme or SM Manuka honey and Mufura rinse out on top of the coconut oil to see if that works even better.

I may need to see if I can go the whole week without the comb since Im not wearing straight hair.

I LOVE this HHJ!!
Im natural. I use my fingers most of the time, and a comb every 2 weeks or so if needed. I dont usually need a comb but still sometimes grab it out of habit. Finger detangling helps me soooo much. Sometimes I get impatient, but isee way less breakage when I use my fingers and take my time. I dont detangle on dry hair. I use conditioner or oil. Practice makes perfect!
Every time I use a comb to detangle i always find breakage and whatever knot I have gets even tighter from the comb binding the hairs tighter together. Then I have to use my fingers to get the knot out anyway. The comb can't feel tangles and shed hair like the digits. My hair is fine so combing stopped a long time ago.. Only for straight/blown out hair.

Depending on how you wear your hair will determine how tangled/matted you hair will get. If it stays pretty detangled there's not much you will have to do come wash day.

I always detangle when my hair is soaking wet with slippy conditioner, have the time and in a calm state of mind lol.
I haven't used a comb since I BC'd almost 2 years ago. I don't think I would have retained much if I didn't give up combs or brushes. I also can finger detangle a section faster than combing. I had success finger detangling in or out the shower. As long as I use a product with good slip on damp to wet hair, then I am okay. As of now, I finger detangle under running water as I rinse out my conditioner. I then finish up each section with the praying hands method to ensure that all of the shed hair is removed before twisting it up to keep it stretched.

Its also important to keep your fingernails filed and smooth or else you could unknowingly snag your hair
^^^true. I won't even touched my hair if I have a snag. I'm constantly clipping and filing my nails, but not all the way down because my fingers are long and they look kinda funny with really short nails
For the consistent finger detanglers, do you do it all the time? What makes it easier for you? Do you do it on dry or wet hair? If you previously used combs and switched to finger detangling, did you notice a difference in thickness, number of split ends, etc?[/QUOTE]

I am 4b natural waist length and have been strictly finger detangling for over 3.5years. It was definitely a learning curve but now it's second nature. I am at the point where I don't think a comb can do as good of a job as my fingers. I dry DC with Shea moisture purification mask and detangle after it has been on my hair for at least 30 mins.

I bun about 85% of the time and I don't use a brush or comb for that either and I know this has been vital to my retention as I have fine strands.
I finger detangle every other week when I refresh my protective style. Usually I do it after washing and M&S so my hair is damp.

I noticed that it was easier to do after my hair hit APL. I found that the number of shed hair and broken hairs was reduced. I think as a result I've had to dust less.
Thanks for the info, ladies. Keep it coming.

I've been natural for going on 14 years and have grown my hair to APL 3 times (2 times I cut it due to it being way to much hair for me to deal with at the time and the other time I locked it). This is the first time that I've decided to let my hair grow beyond that in it's loose state. I figure that I should probably pay more attention to how I treat it.

I think that I'm going to finger detangle at least 85% of the time from now on and see how it works.
How are you ladies making sure you are evenly distributing your DC? I'm a little OCD about this and my conditioner doesn't feel like it's all over my hair unless I comb it through.
How are you ladies making sure you are evenly distributing your DC? I'm a little OCD about this and my conditioner doesn't feel like it's all over my hair unless I comb it through.
I go through section by section and squeeze it through. I find that it works better if my hair is at least damp.
I finger detangle every wash day in 4 sections, under warm running water, after I've let conditioner sit on my hair for a little bit. I only use a comb if I've been in braids or twists for a long time or after a few washes. My hair is very curly, so shed hair gets stuck but the curliness also makes it hard to use a comb.
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How are you ladies making sure you are evenly distributing your DC? I'm a little OCD about this and my conditioner doesn't feel like it's all over my hair unless I comb it through.

I fd (finger detangle) first then apply my condish relaxer style. This way my hair is already detangled prior to the wash process and I can easily put in my dc