Finger Detanglers please stand up

If you finger detangle how do you style/dry your hair? I detangle then put it in a t-shirt wrap to air do you get the hair to lay down smooth if you only finger detangle...does my question make sense?
No, it makes sense.
For me, I'm natural so I dont have to worry about flatness/straight styles. Since I twists/braid my hair, I don't really do parts anyway. And if I were to do parts, I'd still use the comb to make parts, just not to comb through.
I've been finger detangling for about 4-5 months, and I can definitely say it has helped me lose less hair. My curls are more defined because of this as well. I recently did a test to see if my comb and denman was ripping my hair out, and it was true. Moreso for the denman. I finger detangled like usual and picked random sections to use either my comb or denman on it. Both took hair out that wasn't even shed hair.

I love finger detangling, it cuts down on breakage as well. I usually do it while I prepoo the night before my wash day.

I had to stop finger detangling. I did it for two months successfully. I do want to say that I didn't have any breakage or a lot of hair shedding. I'm only stopping until Winter has passed. I flat ironed my hair a few days ago, but I am planning on going back into mini twists for a month at a time. When I take them down, I plan on combing the shed hair out with this


and washing monthly :look:

The Denman brush, I feel, takes out unnecessary amounts of hair, but this is one Denman tool that hardly removes any hair. Once Winter ends, I'll go back to finger detangling in the Spring because I'll be washing my hair once a week.

I honestly didn't see any difference in my ends. I still get the holey strands and splits. I do think having my hair in mini twists was what helped to prevent getting more of them though. I don't know...
I am going to try this...I haven't been retaining that much lately :/ I think its because I detangle every week with my comb. Even though it is a bone comb, I think my hair is too fine and fragile to take combing. It breaks if I look at it wrong. (and then has the nerve to hate protein, lol)

Hair twin (I can tell by your siggy pic)! My hair laughs at most retention methods. I only finger comb and that has helped some BUT it takes 3 hours after a two week style.
checking in! i gave up the c and b at the end of the summer and i haven't look back since....i feel like my hair and i have finally reached a truce...
Still going strong on not using a comb/brush. I used a comb one time around TGiving, to aid in a really good trimming.
I recently started finger detangling on dry hair before washing and I have less shed hair so I will definitely continue.
I've been finger detangling for years on my daughter's and my hair. :yep:

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4B(i think?) -er here, & i only use my fangaz to detangle. i used to use a denman, & that was great for defining my tiny coils, but for the most part, I just detangle by hand with my hair soaked in conditioner. i'm too lazy to do so any other way :)
I finger detangled on pre-poo'd hair. Relativlely no breakage found unlike when I try to do the same on dry hair. I dont think dry finger detangling is for my coils.
Ok, so what do you ladies think about the TT (Tangle Teezer) I admit, I'm tempted but my hair has been doing very well these past 3 months w/o a comb or denman. Don't wanna ruin a good thing.

So, have any loyal finger detanglers taken the plunge..will you?
Ok, so what do you ladies think about the TT (Tangle Teezer) I admit, I'm tempted but my hair has been doing very well these past 3 months w/o a comb or denman. Don't wanna ruin a good thing.

So, have any loyal finger detanglers taken the plunge..will you?

I've been a loyal finger detangler for a long time on my 4b hair. I really felt like I didn't have a choice. As my hair gets longer, it takes me longer and longer to finger detangle-- 4-6hours. It was beginning to be a nightmare. Plus combs and my denman just rip my hair out. So...I went searching for a solution.

I tried the TT last month and have used it since then. It is awesome on my hair and detangles faster and more gentle than anything I ever tried. Bonus-- it adds shine and softness to my hair and lays the cuticle down. I no longer finger detangle...and I really don't detangle at all anymore-- at least I don't feel like I can call it that since the TT has basically eliminated tangles from happening from using it over time.

It just glides thru my hair. & nasdaq I hv become an avid aloe/jojoba pre poo user (thx) and completey resoved my detangling issues w/the TT and oil rinses (which also took care of dryness issues)
Thanks for bumping this.

I finger detangle, have done since last March and find it very easy with the right conditioner. Takes 5 minutes - longer if I want to play (I love smoothing condish in my hair).

Only time I pick up a brush is on my dry dirty hair, 4-6 days out from wash. By that time, there is no curl, no clump. So I can water spritz very lightly, put some oil and a few drops of serum on it, brush out in 5-6 sections and bantu knot.
Ok, so what do you ladies think about the TT (Tangle Teezer) I admit, I'm tempted but my hair has been doing very well these past 3 months w/o a comb or denman. Don't wanna ruin a good thing.

So, have any loyal finger detanglers taken the plunge..will you?

I know a lot of naturals have raved about this, but I am scared of the TT.
Just the sound of it running through the hair freaks me out :perplexed. Finger detangling has worked for me and I think I'll stick to it, until my detangling sessions become unmanageable because of my length.
I know a lot of naturals have raved about this, but I am scared of the TT.
Just the sound of it running through the hair freaks me out :perplexed. Finger detangling has worked for me and I think I'll stick to it, until my detangling sessions become unmanageable because of my length.

Im scared of it too. I got a few inches cut off this past November. So far, my ends are still looking awesome I give thanks to finger detangling. I'd hate to start ruining my progress all to save time on detangling my hair.
Do any of you, opt for a comb maybe once every 3 months or twice a year. Just to get a thorough detangling session in?
I've decided I'm going to experiment with finger detangling for the next 6 mons. My hair really doesn't like the comb or brush and it's taken me this long to figure it out. The last time I used a comb was in dec and that was the tail of a ratail inorder to section my hair. I'm in natural braids but I have to take my hair down this weekend one by one finger detangle and put it right back up.
So far, nope. My super thorough finger detangling session lasts me 1.5-2hrs. It gets all the shed hair out too. :yep:

I used a comb a couple weeks ago on one section to prove to a naysayer that I indeed got all the tangles and sheds out using my fingers only. That naysayer had nothing more to say...
I've been a loyal finger detangler for a long time on my 4b hair. I really felt like I didn't have a choice. As my hair gets longer, it takes me longer and longer to finger detangle-- 4-6hours. It was beginning to be a nightmare. Plus combs and my denman just rip my hair out. So...I went searching for a solution.

I tried the TT last month and have used it since then. It is awesome on my hair and detangles faster and more gentle than anything I ever tried. Bonus-- it adds shine and softness to my hair and lays the cuticle down. I no longer finger detangle...and I really don't detangle at all anymore-- at least I don't feel like I can call it that since the TT has basically eliminated tangles from happening from using it over time.

It just glides thru my hair. & nasdaq I hv become an avid aloe/jojoba pre poo user (thx) and completey resoved my detangling issues w/the TT and oil rinses (which also took care of dryness issues)

and one more 4b is raving about this Tangle Teezer...I might seriously need to get my hands on one of these.

I tried finger detangling for about a month. I'm not sure if I am not being patient and slow enough but I still had a lot of shed hairs twisting themselves among my other hairs and causing knots. :/ I don't see a difference in the amount of hair I lose when I use my bone comb. I'm still hesitant about this Tangle teezer because I'm poor and everyone raved about the denman too before and that mess detangled well (by ripping hair out :lol:)
ladies, i had a finger detangling session that almost had me reaching for the comb.....or the siccors!


ok, i had kept my hair in 4 braids for about 10 days while doing my ayurveda pastes, cowashes and dc's.
i'm 9 weeks post.
then i did an oil rinse and kept it in a top bun for another 5 days, so bout 2 weeks had gone by since my last detangling session.

is this normal or am i missing some important step here?

thanks ladies!
I wanted to trust the tangle teezer (I tried it on a small section of hair), but dammit I am not trying to have another setback lol! My hair is so healthy and less tangly in general that I do not want to trust using another comb other than my seamless one occasionally.

My fingers are all I need :)

SN: I have been finger detangling since about March 2010.
ladies, i had a finger detangling session that almost had me reaching for the comb.....or the siccors!


ok, i had kept my hair in 4 braids for about 10 days while doing my ayurveda pastes, cowashes and dc's.
i'm 9 weeks post.
then i did an oil rinse and kept it in a top bun for another 5 days, so bout 2 weeks had gone by since my last detangling session.

is this normal or am i missing some important step here?

thanks ladies!
When you decided to finger detangle, was your hair dry, moist, wet? What products did you use? For only 9 weeks post, that sounds like a lot of darn work you had to endure :nono:

Oh yeah, did you detangle before or after? I detangle before my cleansing or co-wash session. HTH

I wanted to trust the tangle teezer (I tried it on a small section of hair), but dammit I am not trying to have another setback lol! My hair is so healthy and less tangly in general that I do not want to trust using another comb other than my seamless one occasionally.

My fingers are all I need :)

SN: I have been finger detangling since about March 2010.
You did go and try it?! :spinning: So you bought it? What did you use on ur hair to detangle? I think I watched on youtube vids that u shouldn't heavily soak the hair in condish before using the TT.
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