Finally Got Updates..Pics

I have officially become a traycee and sylver2 stalker! lol...Gorgeous hair...I hope to be that length when I grow up! lol
Just had to come in and give you your props. Your hair is FABULOUS! :yep: I also love your style. You are truly an inspiration and PROOF that mothers and wives don't have to look frumpy and make excuses for not taking care of themselves. I'm sure your husband loves it! :yep: Keep it up!

I thought the same thing when I saw this pic yesterday!
Dang girl!!!! Total package!!! So hott!!!! Your hair is soooooooooooo beautiful!!!!!

Congrats to you!!!!!!! Love the picture!!!!!!!
WOWZERS! Your hair is off the hook beautiful! How do you control the newgrowth for six months though? I am soooo inspired by your progress. Thanks for sharing, Tracee!
wow I thought your hair was long before but...Oh my Goodness. Your hair rocks...You go girl. Keep up the good work.

P.s. I am loving the pic in front of the clothing shop.
Absolutely gorgesous. Congrats on your progress. Looking forward to the next update. I have to start putting CO on my scalp too.
Beautiful progress,!

I can tell you're standing in front of the bebe right down the street from my house (if I'm not mistaken)...I bet you were turning heads that day! Love the jumpsuit.
Beautiful progress,!

I can tell you're standing in front of the bebe right down the street from my house (if I'm not mistaken)...I bet you were turning heads that day! Love the jumpsuit.

Bebe's in Westwood....Yep :lachen: That is my STORE !!!!
I can't wait for my hair to grow that long. How long did it take u to get your hair that long?

I started my hair journey Nov or Dec of 07.....It took me about 10 months to get to WL from APL ...I have only been on my journey a 1 1/2 year
Beautiful! Inspiring woman. I'm a huge fan of your KISS site and send folks there all the time. I've learned so much. Thanks for sharing your progress!
I relaxed today 1 1/2 weeks from making my 6 month mark

I'm so happy with my progress ...My V is leaving ...My sides are finally catching up with the rest of my hair...Most of all my growth was along the sides...My hair is so much thicker...

Thank you Ladies for all of your encouragement, Thank you Syler2 for inspiring me to stretch...

I believe the stretching and Castor Oil Challenge I was doing helped




You are truly my hair idol!!! I have a long way to go but you give me something to look forward to thx for the pix!!!!!!
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you just totally rejuvenated my zeal for this. i was getting so frustrated being at this for about 8 months texlaxing and i'm trimming inches every month to get rid of the relaxer. so it's not getting longer. but, just seeing this makes me want to keep going. thanks so much traycee.