Magical Mythical Princess
hey ladies....i finally updated my fotki with some growth updates. (my hair is not super long or super impressive...but it's mine
feel free to comment. i also updated my current regi in the journal section.
things i have learned in my hair journey:
i am a slow grower, technically speaking. i grow my sides first half of the year. then i grow in the back the last half of the year. so i save length trims for april or may, so i don't miss the hair for too long. i usually can grow 3 inches of length from june to december.
my hair likes low manipulation. as low as possible. so i hide my hair ALOT.
my hair likes long stretches. i stretch texlax touch ups to once or twice a year.
my hair doesn't like shea butter, loves olive oil. doesn't like moisture, loves protein.
my hair doesn't like change. when i find something that works, i have to stick with it.
my hair doesn't like pregnancy or breastfeeding. this is always a blessing to the family, but disasterous for my hair.
any other slow growers out there? feel free to share what you have learned over your journey. i love to learn!

feel free to comment. i also updated my current regi in the journal section.
things i have learned in my hair journey:
i am a slow grower, technically speaking. i grow my sides first half of the year. then i grow in the back the last half of the year. so i save length trims for april or may, so i don't miss the hair for too long. i usually can grow 3 inches of length from june to december.
my hair likes low manipulation. as low as possible. so i hide my hair ALOT.
my hair likes long stretches. i stretch texlax touch ups to once or twice a year.
my hair doesn't like shea butter, loves olive oil. doesn't like moisture, loves protein.
my hair doesn't like change. when i find something that works, i have to stick with it.

my hair doesn't like pregnancy or breastfeeding. this is always a blessing to the family, but disasterous for my hair.

any other slow growers out there? feel free to share what you have learned over your journey. i love to learn!

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