Fess Up!: Busting windows, "Going Bad", Putting on Blast, etc.

Have you ever "gone bad" at the end of a relationship?

  • Heck yeah! (keyed cars, flat tires, burned clothes, etc)

    Votes: 55 14.6%
  • Ive put a guy on blast via word of mouth or online

    Votes: 33 8.8%
  • I've done something low key to get back at a dude, nothing major though

    Votes: 42 11.1%
  • I've never "gone bad" but I sure have wanted to!!!

    Votes: 118 31.3%
  • I'm way too fly to be bothered!!!

    Votes: 129 34.2%

  • Total voters
Wouldn't let me see his iphone unlocked...

So I took it. And sold it on ebay...And bought me a nice handbag...
I suppose I can be quite spiteful. I've done numerous things:

The first time was when I was a 18 and a senior in high school. I was seeing this guy from a school in a city 15 minutes away. I didn't know that he had a serious girlfriend. I found out when he left his phone in my car. He made plans with me to go to a movie the next weekend. I went, said I had to go to the bathroom. Got in my car. And LEFT his *** there. He texted me the next day crying asking me how I could do that to him. I told him I knew about his girl, and I also said something else really cruel which I will not disclose to you all.

The second guy was my first serious boyfriend. I was a freshman in collge and head over heels for him. I didn't know he was playing me the whole time. Sleeping with numerous other girls in his dorm building. Girls who would wave to me and smile in my face mind you. Still I was young and stupid and wanted him anyway. Finally he broke it off with me. And I couldn't take it. For one, I left a bunch of my books in his car and he SOLD them and refused to pay me back for them. That really set me off. I blew up his phone for a week. I am talking about calling 50+ times a day. From my number. My friend's number's, the phone from the pizza shop. ANYWHERE. After about ten days, I saw his car in the parking lot of my dorm building. HE CAME TO SEE ANOTHER GIRL IN MY BUILDING. That's when I was like "OH HELLLLL NAW!" I went into the fridge, poured milk, soy sauce, eggs, mayo, and anything else I could find, in a bucket. I went down there, scratched up his car, and then threw the bucket full of crap all over his wind shield. And then that night. I walked to where he parked his car, and stuck a bunch of our pictures together, which were ripped up, and put them all over his car behind the window wipers. I then went to his dorm building and dropped everything he ever bought me outside his room door while I pounded on it screaming, "I KNOW YO *** IS IN THERE NIQQA! I KNOW YO *** IS IN THERE! YOU DUN SET ME OFF! YOU DUN SET ME OFF! OH YOU GONNA COME BY MY DORM BUILDING AND DON'T SEE ME?! AND DON'T SEE ME?!" I did that for about, 20 minutes before I left.

Third guy - This guy stood me up about 1 and a half years ago. He gave me a wack excuse, and I pretended to forgive him. Told him to come over late, so he would catch the last subway train, so that the next one he caught wouldn't start running until morning time. He texted me he was downstairs and to buzz him up, and I promptly turned off my phone and went back to watching youtube videos, like nothing had happened.

Oh and, I don't regret any of this. Though I would never let a man drive me to the point where I start destroying property or anything of that nature again. But standing someone up who stood me up, yeah I'd do that again. :yep:
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See I like your 1st guy and 3rd guy revenge: safe, kinda sensible, no risk of you getting thrown in jail over some stupid ish..but gets your point across.
:lachen: these stories! I have a few...

Dude #1: got him fired from his job, which got him deported. I was there at the departures gate smirking :look:

Dude #2: I sabotaged his business (I won't say how). He's now unemployed and lives on a farm with his parents. I really feel bad about this one because we weren't even "official."

Karma is making me pay though....
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Well I guess I did one thing. DH and I got in an argument one day closing at our business and it has escalated by the time we made it to a gas station. Anyways he gets out to pump gas and right when he put the handle up I got in the driver's seat and drove off:lol:. He had to call his friend to come pick him up
Well I guess I did one thing. DH and I got in an argument one day closing at our business and it has escalated by the time we made it to a gas station. Anyways he gets out to pump gas and right when he put the handle up I got in the driver's seat and drove off:lol:. He had to call his friend to come pick him up

getoffmylawn what did he say to you when he got home? Was he mad?
welll i must admit i am guilty but not of anything extreme.

i'll confess one time me and my ex had gotten into a fight and he had gotten me sooooo mad. we were livin together at the time i waited about a week or two, ran outside and took a screw to the side of his precious vehicle while he was sleeping. i exacted my revenge late so he wouldnt know it was me.

imagine the shocked look on my face when he runs into tell me that some one had scratched up his car and he thinks it might of been his boy cuz he's a hater :lachen: this was many years ago, i was younger and dumber lol

:dead: LMAOOO that was too funny to me! But I haven't yet last night was a close call ( I tend to act Tami Roman-ish when I get liquor in my system:lol:) usually when men do me wrong I just cut them off and they usually come crying their sorry behinds back months later.
bosswitch said:
:lachen: these stories! I have a few...

Dude #1: got him fired from his job, which got him deported. I was there at the departures gate smirking :look:

Dude #2: I sabotaged his business (I won't say how). He's now unemployed and lives on a farm with his parents. I really feel bad about this one because we weren't even "official."

Karma is making me pay though....

Oh wow!!!! This is to the extreme! #2 peen must have been a magic stick dipped in gold to have you doing all that. I sho don't won't none of what is packing. Ever!!
I almost ran over my ex!! one time i was so pissed off because he gave me this stupid promise ring that he use to wear around his neck when we were long distance he told me when i move where he was it was like a sign of we together bull****. Well i seen another ring around his neck and im like hold up are u serious right now he kept denying it saying it was not what it seem. so as he was getting out of the car i moved so fast his leg kind drag a bit and he started screaming at me like what the **** are you doing are u trying to hurt me lol then i snap right out of it and stop and try to play it off like oh my bad i thought u were inside the car lol
Oh wow!!!! This is to the extreme! #2 peen must have been a magic stick dipped in gold to have you doing all that. I sho don't won't none of what is packing. Ever!!

It was that good...and if I told you more I bet you'd want some too :lachen: ...the oxytocin had me ***'d up
No revenge stories for me, I almost had a moment when I saw pictures of one of my friends giving my ex oral sex on his email, I wanted to post it on their social network pages but I just let it go. I don't ever regret not doing it, just so glad to be out of that relationship.
maldroit said:
No revenge stories for me, I almost had a moment when I saw pictures of one of my friends giving my ex oral sex on his email, I wanted to post it on their social network pages but I just let it go. I don't ever regret not doing it, just so glad to be out of that relationship.

Wow! I don't think I would have been that nice. :look: That's horrible!

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Lol @ this thread! Only have one covert revenge story. Broke into ex's email and had the password to his voicemail. Emailed every girl he was messing with, with a fake email and provided them all the detail info on ex & of each other including myself - names, dates, phone numbers, forwarded his email, etc. I continued with the remnants of a relationship while watching as he was scrambling to clean up the mess. We lived in different states & he would call me all upset pleading that I believed in him & not the crap I received. He was depressed because his crap was imploding. It was so funny to watch. Women were showing up at his job, breaking his windows, keying his car and cussing him out. He was receiving money from one woman which supported his dates with other women. Apparently, one woman was paying his damn rent! He did change his passwords but he is a simple creature. I simply set up his email to BCC my fake email on all his emails and when he changed his passwords, it came to me too. He never caught it but when he continued to get caught up, he cancel his email account & changed his number. By then, I was "tired" of all his drama & needed a break. He did try to see if I was the one responsible but I am a great actress! Plus i knew he confronted the chick that was paying his rent. She was the hottest head of the group. Lol! I did delete the fake email account & moved on. I was young & dumb. He is married now & in Atlanta. I often pray that i don't run into him but i may confess now. Punk a$$!
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Dang, I know you some of you guys are giving good advice but this thread is about going HAM. They are just stories. I really don't want to read through this thread and skip over posts and posts about, "I would never do that. It's not worth it." Not trying to be mean though. Thanks. :)
My first real "adult" relationship ended very badly and I learned that I have a horrible temper. The guy I was dating cheated on me with his ex girlfriend and then told me that he was still in love with her. I wouldn't have minded him breaking up with me for her, I actually respected him for that. But the cheating thing really set me off. I felt so disrespected. I threw his phone at the wall and the screen shattered, I threw his weed on the floor and stomped it in the carpet, I snapped all his Dexter dvds in half (except for season 3, I kept that for myself because it was the season I was missing from my collection), then I poured bleach on his living room, left his keys on the table and dipped out. I moved away for college and I cut off all communication with our mutual friends so I haven't seen nor spoken to him since that day but it was definitely a learning experience for me. I will never allow someone to get me to the point where I'm vandalizing their property and risking getting charges pressed against me.