Fess Up!: Busting windows, "Going Bad", Putting on Blast, etc.

Have you ever "gone bad" at the end of a relationship?

  • Heck yeah! (keyed cars, flat tires, burned clothes, etc)

    Votes: 55 14.6%
  • Ive put a guy on blast via word of mouth or online

    Votes: 33 8.8%
  • I've done something low key to get back at a dude, nothing major though

    Votes: 42 11.1%
  • I've never "gone bad" but I sure have wanted to!!!

    Votes: 118 31.3%
  • I'm way too fly to be bothered!!!

    Votes: 129 34.2%

  • Total voters
Nah....I can't do drama. I certainly do not want you to think I care that much. I MAY cuss you out...but most times...I just keep it moving because you WILL regret it...and you WILL try to come back and you WILL get dissed. Now THAT is the best revenge. When you act a fool...you give the other person power over you..IMO. I have had SMALL things happen to me...but nothing big.
The ONLY time I did it was when I was 16. The guy was extremely abusive but I was too naive to see the signs.

One time he came out of his face to me at his friend's house in front of everyone on some disrespectful mess, I took a knife out of the kitchen and threw it at his head. It landed JUST above him, broke the picture frame that was hanging above him too and sent glass everywhere.

Everyone just kinda... :look:

Then, some months later, he was trying that mess again, so I told him I never really wanted him, cussed him out something lovely, and told him that his best friend and I, the one who he talked so much ish about, the one who was there for me throughout all of the trials and tribulations that that man had put me through, were seeing each other. He was livid and it felt SO good.

I wouldn't do it again though, this was some 7 years ago.
ok. i'll admit mine. pretty bad. my ex was just a pathalogical liar. i found out so much stuff that he did. he had so many other girls. so to get back at him i told him my "period was late" and i needed money to "take care of it". then w/ that money i went and bought a digital camera and got a tattoo. :blush:. *dips out of thread*
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I've never participated in the 'gutter theatrical'. I've always felt that when a man was not honest and good in the relationship, he was just not worthy. Move on and forward. The Universe deals out the best punishment for dishonorable conduct.

ITA! Nothing in this world goes unpunished. If someone mistreats you, it will definitely come back around to that person.
Okay are you still with this man? This crazy

I put my husband on blast online...He had a blackplanet page saying he was single and what not, the content of the emails he was recieving at blackplanet I didn't like.

So i politely created a page called crazyazzwife with his picture stating this man claimes to me single with no kids, I told them don't believe the hype because this is his crazyazzwife.

I had some women send me emails thanking me for letting them know.
I haven't had any bad breakups so I have never gone crazy on a dude.

I did have a close friend that was in a horrible relationship and her dude pissed me off so much that I wanted to call him and pretend to be from the health department. I was going to tell him that a number of women came in and were diagnosed with HIV and they all mentioned him as a former or current sex partner:perplexed

I know that is evil, but it couldn't have been that far from the truth. I didn't end up doing it because I wasn't sure what kind of legal trouble I could get into and my friend was a knucklehead and would probably get back with him and tell him what I did.

I ended up distancing myself from her because all the drama between them was emotionally draining for me:ohwell:
I've never had anyone treat me so terribly that I thought I had to do anything like that. I'm not the type to do that kind of revenge anyway.
I've wanted to let people know about their "abilities" or lack thereof since they had word going around that they were the best [false]

but never had the opportunity or vengance to go through with it.
I tend to have a bad temper when I get really upset but ive never really done anything to my own ex's but I have spray painted the car of and slashed the tires of a friends(with her) ex who was treating her badly I was only like 17 at the time...

and what was soooo crazy was that a couple weeks later my ex was like to me did you hear what happened to so and so's car im like no what happened ( knowing all along that me n my bestfriend had done it) so he tells me n im like oh my gosh and he goes oh please you and your friend probably did that sh*t im like We would never :lachen:
Nope...never have and never will. I've found that completely cutting off all contact permanently is torture enough; especially if he is trying to get in contact with me.
they will know and feel the way i feel...
if i feel pain equal to getting your car keyed... I'm keyin the car
lol jk
i did my dirt in college though, i had great plots n schemes... :grin:
I put my husband on blast online...He had a blackplanet page saying he was single and what not, the content of the emails he was recieving at blackplanet I didn't like.

So i politely created a page called crazyazzwife with his picture stating this man claimes to me single with no kids, I told them don't believe the hype because this is his crazyazzwife.

I had some women send me emails thanking me for letting them know.

This is still funny to me!!!!:lachen::lachen:
Why in the world would I want to do some shanky thing like that? I believe that every tree is know by the fruit it bears. So from what you are saying the evidence was there.:ohwell:
Ooooh I've been a bad girl. And he had it coming. :grin:

What I did was immoral, I don't feel bad about it. Me and JC will have a talk about this when I "cross over".

Till then, again I don't feel bad.

I have never ever been a tit-for-tat person; I have always been a "leave me alone, and it'll be alright, "F" with me and it's on personm all my life. AND I'm too little to "fight fair". < He knew this!
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I never did anything crazy sratching cars and all that takes too much energy and plus im sure he will get it ten times harder i dont play with Karma because its all over when it comes back to bite you in the a$$
It was a lesson learned.

Involved kicking him out of another country :look:

And broke a good stiletto over his behind. :nono: Literally.

The fool still tries to come back.. glutton. :lol:
i admit in a past life, i was a bit coo-coo.(but i can atleast use the excuse that i was young and stupid lololol) i've vowed to never let a man control my emotions to that point anymore. we lived together at the time, and i found out he was cheating with multiple women. i gathered all of his clothes, and poured clorox on them. it was a very volitile relationship, that was toxic to my not only my physical health, but mental health as well. i will never ever return to that dark place again.
I did...but I was a freshman in college. I broke my boyfriends car windows, slashed tires, threw eggs at his car.

We's married now! We got all our dirt out before we got married, and it hasn't happened since.
I am dealing with a recent break-up of seven years which produced one gorgeous little girl...I have my moments when I want to BREAK...I mean really do something crazy, but in that same moment I stop and immediately pray. I also take all that frustration and start writing. I have written at least eight poems since we broke up. Also, this break has motivated me to really become THAT GIRL, so I redirect the anger into improving me mentally and physically.
I did...but I was a freshman in college. I broke my boyfriends car windows, slashed tires, threw eggs at his car.

We's married now! We got all our dirt out before we got married, and it hasn't happened since.

I know a couple who went through drama like this while dating and are now married.
Ok, Im bored and feel like sharing...this one guy did me so dirty I didn't know what to do...I still feel bad about my actions to this day and this happend 20 years ago...I had crackula (a crack head) make a key to his house and car....I would go into his house and re-arrange his furniture...not take or destroy anything just re-arrange his furniture. Then I would take his car and park it a block or so down the street or in the college parking lot when he was home or at home when he was at school.... so that when he reported either incident to the police it would sound like he was crazy.

Him: Um, yes someone broke in...
Dispatcher: Did they take anything
Him: No, they just re-arranged my furniture....

Him: Um, someone stole my car!
Police: After investigation, uh , sir it is accross the street one block down...have you been drinking???
Him: No, I don't know, No...I think I am going crazy....
Police: This is the 3rd time you have called about a missing car that is not missing...are you ok?
Him: maybe I need to go to the hospital

After all of this....I felt so bad I have never thought about revenge again. He spent 3 days in a hospital I hear for observation...I didn't mean for it to go that far!!!!
Ok, Im bored and feel like sharing...this one guy did me so dirty I didn't know what to do...I still feel bad about my actions to this day and this happend 20 years ago...I had crackula (a crack head) make a key to his house and car....I would go into his house and re-arrange his furniture...not take or destroy anything just re-arrange his furniture. Then I would take his car and park it a block or so down the street or in the college parking lot when he was home or at home when he was at school.... so that when he reported either incident to the police it would sound like he was crazy.

Him: Um, yes someone broke in...
Dispatcher: Did they take anything
Him: No, they just re-arranged my furniture....

Him: Um, someone stole my car!
Police: After investigation, uh , sir it is accross the street one block down...have you been drinking???
Him: No, I don't know, No...I think I am going crazy....
Police: This is the 3rd time you have called about a missing car that is not missing...are you ok?
Him: maybe I need to go to the hospital

After all of this....I felt so bad I have never thought about revenge again. He spent 3 days in a hospital I hear for observation...I didn't mean for it to go that far!!!!
That is too funny.
Ok, Im bored and feel like sharing...this one guy did me so dirty I didn't know what to do...I still feel bad about my actions to this day and this happend 20 years ago...I had crackula (a crack head) make a key to his house and car....I would go into his house and re-arrange his furniture...not take or destroy anything just re-arrange his furniture. Then I would take his car and park it a block or so down the street or in the college parking lot when he was home or at home when he was at school.... so that when he reported either incident to the police it would sound like he was crazy.

Him: Um, yes someone broke in...
Dispatcher: Did they take anything
Him: No, they just re-arranged my furniture....

Him: Um, someone stole my car!
Police: After investigation, uh , sir it is accross the street one block down...have you been drinking???
Him: No, I don't know, No...I think I am going crazy....
Police: This is the 3rd time you have called about a missing car that is not missing...are you ok?
Him: maybe I need to go to the hospital

After all of this....I felt so bad I have never thought about revenge again. He spent 3 days in a hospital I hear for observation...I didn't mean for it to go that far!!!!

that made me come outta lurkdom...:lachen::lachen:

Well thumbs up for the ingenuity girl!!
Yes but if I tell you I have to kill ya'll. lolol. All I can say is sugar in the gas tank to NOT work but 2 snickers bars work wonderfuly
My ex brought the crazy out of me and I should've saw then that if I acted like that then we didn't need to be together. I put him on blast on Myspace, had my brother after him a few times, done some not so nice things to his car lol. He was an idiot and the girl he was trying to replace me with worked with us and the day after the car incident (it was in front of her house and we were riding around town looking for him) she quit cuz she was scared to work with me lol. He ended up getting fired but I swear that wasn't my fault lol, our management saw right through his BS and had been planning on firing him anyway.
Oh yeahhhhhhhh, i busted windows, slashed tires and poured stuff into gas tanks that did not belong there..

I hired people to take the tires off cars and leave them on bricks...broke the car down to the break pads---(remember in the movie "Thin Line Between Love and Hate with Martin Lawerence and Lynn Whitfield)?

I was young, and full of myself...^the last thing happened when i divorced my ex husband..:lachen: