Femininity Coaches & Dating Advice

Do you follow femininity coaches?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 39.6%
  • No

    Votes: 30 56.6%
  • I am a feminine coach

    Votes: 2 3.8%

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Have you seen one of his live shows? He calls women out their name, he said Tory Lanez shot Megan because "he was trying to get away from her big ass". He is terrible.

I ve heard him him put loud talking domineering masculine women in their place, where they try to shut him down raising their voices, trying to tell him how she should run his show, he also just calls obese women fat or obese yes he makes jokes, but it’s a male dominated space mostly that’s how men talk to each other when they’re checking each other. And he does check the lazy LV men even harder than he checks the women. most of these women get roasted only after he’s tried several times to logically and reasonably tell them the blunt truth about their situation that they don’t want to hear. Women are used to being told What they want to hear so much now they can’t hear truth and digest it and to them it’s bashing.
So these women get loud, keep going around in circular illogical reasoning, he tells them: ma’am you’re obese or fat your BMI etc is too much for your height, you have OOW children hvm is not going to come and take care of someone else’s kids Etc... he’s telling them facts about their situation how men really think, and how hard life really is. If they want a hvm they have to be a hvw and men prize different things in a women than what we value in men. I don’t agree with everything he says but really most of it is on point.
I ve heard him him put loud talking domineering masculine women in their place, where they try to shut him down raising their voices, trying to tell him how she should run his show, he also just calls obese women fat or obese yes he makes jokes, but it’s a male dominated space mostly that’s how men talk to each other when they’re checking each other. And he does check the lazy LV men even harder than he checks the women. most of these women get roasted only after he’s tried several times to logically and reasonably tell them the blunt truth about their situation that they don’t want to hear. Women are used to being told What they want to hear so much now they can’t hear truth and digest it and to them it’s bashing.
So these women get loud, keep going around in circular illogical reasoning, he tells them: ma’am you’re obese or fat your BMI etc is too much for your height, you have OOW children hvm is not going to come and take care of someone else’s kids Etc... he’s telling them facts about their situation how men really think, and how hard life really is. If they want a hvm they have to be a hvw and men prize different things in a women than what we value in men. I don’t agree with everything he says but really most of it is on point.
I haven't listened to one of his videos in well over a month, so I don't know what he's been talking about recently, however from what I have heard, his good points are nothing more than what other people have been saying: Look your best! Get your weight under control! Don't have crazy high standards!

Other than that, he was rude and combative towards women and seems more into putting down women and telling them they have no options.

He's been around for a long time making videos geared towards men, fragrances, etc. Amazing how his channel didn't take off until he started bashing black women.

Chrissie made a great video going into detail about what's wrong with the thing he says and the tactics he uses. She doesn't explicitly say his name, but it's pretty clear. The comments under the video are on the money too:

It's obvious you like him, but he's definitely not someone I would recommend to a woman looking for real femininity and dating advice.
I don’t listen to men (especially popular BM) on dating advice. Most of what they say, other women have said before. Kevin Samuels is a twice divorcee. There is nothing he is saying that is new. His space is toxic and filled with those bitter black manosphere males who love to degrade and talk negatively about BW.

From what I’ve gathered, He changed the direction to his show to the current format (BW criticism and bashing) because it pulls in more money.
Most BM in YT do that. Fastest way to make money is bash BW.

As for some of the women mentioned, I like Sheraseven1. I think she’s good for helping women in the dating arena when it comes to understanding the average male mindset and setting standards for themselves. She doesn’t bill herself as the traditional femininity coach. She’s more straight forward about the exchange and value of what men want and are willing to do for it and how women can use that to their advantage depending on their goals (marriage, LT rlsp, sugar baby). One of her main talking points is younger women aiming for older men when it comes to settling down because she doesn’t believe most younger men can be full providers plus less power struggles.

You will end up being barb the builder (basically the starter wife) and most likely be left when you have helped him become more established.

As for HVM and class levels...... I think there are levels to everything. I mean if you are a working class woman and get married to a comfortable middle class man who can afford for you to stay home and raise kids, then that’s a level for for that woman.
There are lots of femininity, level up, live your best life, sugar baby Chanel’s on YT and SM.

First thing for any woman is to know what it is she really wants, then find the information that suits your purpose.

This Covid period I’ve more free time to update my self what’s going on these SM spaces. It’s been interesting, lol.
I don’t really listen to men for femininity « advice » , it always feels so out of place.

i always encourage people to find coaches that fit their lifestyles. There are Christian femininity coaches who don’t involve non-traditional practices.
Welli feel he doesnt give femininity advice. He simply tells women what high value men want. It’s understandable to go to women for feminine advice, but it makes sense that you ask men what they want in a woman. Its just that women dont like the answer. Its like when men ask men what women want and its way off like. “Oh she want a thug, they like bad boys, you gotta treat her badly, etc”. Thats how it is when women ask women what men want. You get way off answers.
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I don’t really listen to men for femininity « advice » , it always feels so out of place.

i always encourage people to find coaches that fit their lifestyles. There are Christian femininity coaches who don’t involve non-traditional practices.

I wouldn’t go to a man for femininity advice I’d look to the women in myfamily first then see what the truly feminine women have to say ITL and on SM Like I said I don’t agree with everything he says but those main points
Keep the weight down look your best be feminine and polite agreeable don’t have OOW babies and don’t run up your number all make sense.
I don’t believe that everyone is hopeless they may not bear to get. A 6 figure HVM but they can still do well and live comfortable life.
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Welli feel he doesnt give femininity advice. He simply tells women what high value men want. It’s understandable to go to women for feminine advice, but it makes sense that you ask men what they want in a woman. Its just that women dont like the answer. Its like when men ask men what women want and its way off like. “Oh she want a thig, they like bad boys, you gotta treat her badly, etc”. Thats how it is when women ask women what men want. You get way off answers.

Yes say it again.
I haven't listened to one of his videos in well over a month, so I don't know what he's been talking about recently, however from what I have heard, his good points are nothing more than what other people have been saying: Look your best! Get your weight under control! Don't have crazy high standards!

Other than that, he was rude and combative towards women and seems more into putting down women and telling them they have no options.

He's been around for a long time making videos geared towards men, fragrances, etc. Amazing how his channel didn't take off until he started bashing black women.

Chrissie made a great video going into detail about what's wrong with the thing he says and the tactics he uses. She doesn't explicitly say his name, but it's pretty clear. The comments under the video are on the money too:

It's obvious you like him, but he's definitely not someone I would recommend to a woman looking for real femininity and dating advice.

I watched him for a male POV not femininity like I said above.
What she states are pretty much what I disagree with him on but the basics those hold true across the board for most HVM.

But Chrissie does tend to sound masculine even though she’s smart and on point.
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Just wanted to make this point.

Disagree with the men can have OOW babies and it doesn’t affect them if they’re a widower or divorced that’s a different case they can still be considered high value but OOW babies all over the place lowers a mans value he can still be a high earner in some cases but it shows he’s careless and irresponsible with his seed and professionally non- committal.

The only reason he gets away with saying that it doesn’t affect men is because ghetto lower to middle class women even celebs like Ciara accept that mess we as woman need to raise our standards. The upper classes and conservative families like say the “Kennedy’s” would not accept that from a man at all much less a woman.

If more women didn’t accept men with OOW babies just like most men don’t want to accept and marry women who have OOW babies then he couldn’t say that.
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Just wanted to make this point.

Disagree with the men can have OOW babies and it doesn’t affect them if they’re a widower or divorced that’s a different case they can still be considered high value but OOW babies all over the place lowers a mans value he can still be a high earner in some cases but it shows he’s careless and irresponsible with his seed and professionally non- committal.

The only reason he gets away with saying that it doesn’t affect men is because ghetto lower to middle class women even celebs like Ciara accept that mess we as woman need to reside or standards. The upper classes and conservative families like say the “Kennedy’s” would not accept that from a man at all much less a woman.

If more women didn’t accept men with OOW babies just like most men don’t want to accept and marry women who have OOW babies then he couldn’t say that.

It's not so easy to reinforce this mindset. It has to be a woman's deep personal conviction. Even education doesn't come into play :nono:. Sometimes you may even have both diverging standpoints on this matter, within the same family unit.

Recently had the same conversation with my eldest sister. Many women - even Christian ones - are not too familiar with all of the spiritual, emotional & financial wellbeing that staying out of such a situation brings with it. Some start to believe the "your clock is ticking" lie and BAM! They decide to settle.
It's not so easy to reinforce this mindset. It has to be a woman's deep personal conviction. Even education doesn't come into play :nono:. Sometimes you may even have both diverging standpoints on this matter, within the same family unit.

Recently had the same conversation with my eldest sister. Many women - even Christian ones - are not too familiar with all of the spiritual, emotional & financial wellbeing that staying out of such a situation brings with it. Some start to believe the "your clock is ticking" lie and BAM! They decide to settle.
Oh yes women will tell other women to just have a baby on their own already and as you hear men don’t want to give a pass or understand. They’re categorically majority across all races and cultures on the same wavelength.
But at 1:30 time mark he basically is setting up this women to continue being a permanent side piece or professional girlfriend.
what he should tell her is yes being a BM does lower your value on the dating market but if you look decent you can find a middle class working class man who also has kids himself and have a go at it that’s the most likely scenario. The exception to the rule is that a HVM with no children at all will step up and take over the step dad role and it’s highly unlikely.

Here’s some food for though when the late great Whitney Houston was alive and Bobbi Brown didn’t have a job which was most of their marriage guess who had to pay child support for children that weren’t hers?
Whitney did. She literally had to come out of pocket for all of his baby mommas lifestyle and their children and he had multiple children with multiple women. So ladies don’t just settle and give men a pass, not for this there are better quality men in the world.
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Oh yes women will tell other women to just have a baby on their own already and as you hear men don’t want to give a pass or understand. They’re categorically majority across all races and cultures on the same wavelength.
But at 1:30 time mark he basically is setting up this women to continue being a permanent side piece or professional girlfriend.
what he should tell her is yes being a BM doesn’t lower your value on the dating market but if you look decent you can find a middle class working class man who also has kids himself and have a go at it that’s the most likely scenario. The exception to the rule is that a HVM with no children at all will step up and take over the step dad role and it’s highly unlikely.

Here’s some food for though when the late great Whitney Houston was alive and Bobbi Brown didn’t have a job which was most of their marriage guess who had to pay child support for children that weren’t hers?
Whitney did. She literally had to come out of pocket for all of his baby mommas children and he had multiple children with multiple women. So ladies don’t just settle and give men a pass, not for this there are better quality men in the world.

:( :( :(
Femininity coaching isn't something I'm about, but I just came across this lady, Dr. Michelle. I've only watched this video (and a couple of skincare ones, lol) so far:

She has videos on other subjects, like makeup, skincare and perfume. She also has a podcast called A Feminine Impression.
Femininity coaching isn't something I'm about, but I just came across this lady, Dr. Michelle. I've only watched this video (and a couple of skincare ones, lol) so far:

She has videos on other subjects, like makeup, skincare and perfume. She also has a podcast called A Feminine Impression.

So many of these women are frauds. Didn't her now-husband break up with her while dating and recently came back and asked to marry. There was also some other fishy stuff I saw on the other site
So many of these women are frauds. Didn't her now-husband break up with her while dating and recently came back and asked to marry. There was also some other fishy stuff I saw on the other site
I know nothing about this woman's life, couldn't even tell you her surname (without googling) if you asked, didn't know if she was married - zilch. I literally haven't watched any of her videos since the day I made that post (like I said, femininity coaching isn't my thing). I'm a 'chew the meat, spit the bone' type of person. If she's a fraud, that's a shame.
So many of these women are frauds. Didn't her now-husband break up with her while dating and recently came back and asked to marry. There was also some other fishy stuff I saw on the other site
You’re right. Absolutely on the internet anyone can pretend to be anything they want to. I don’t begrudge someone trying to carve out an honest living on YouTube but if you put yourself I mean your personal life out there be ready to get scrutinized. There are a lot of fake gurus, coaches, preachers and influencers out there. Sometimes we’ll find them out sometimes we don’t. Just be careful out there.
Micheala Pink is about the sugar baby game. Not about true leveling up ie LTR marriage with a HVM. She’s so obviously ghetto (sorry, not sorry) and very masculine in demeanor, and tone, the lip smacking, the fake accent and demeanor that changes up within seconds and she goes back and forth from ghetto to trying to sound upper class (she only half sounds middle class when trying) against her fake green screen background. In one of her broadcasts she literally told a young 19yo to loose her virginity to get into the sugar baby game instead of getting into a stable relationship and getting married. I will try and find the link later and post it.
Micheala Pink also has scam complaints against her for fraudulent practices regarding her programs.

-From a friend who lives Houston where MP is located.


As far as I know it’s only Michaela Pink that was ripping off women with her sugaring boot camp and online academy. These are links from Ripoff Report site

Shera seven is just a step above ghetto she’s not refined she also smacks her lips, gives of that yeah girl ex hood rat vibe, she’s leveled up some but not 6 figure HVM level and she has witchcraft paraphernalia in the background just FYI.

Ladies please be discerning when watching these so called gurus. If they don’t look sound or act like they’ve actually leveled themselves up then I don’t buy it. Neither of these women carry themselves in a way that I would think they were actually leveled up beyond lower to middle class.

MP and Shera don’t look the part or even dress the part of a true sugar baby or professional girlfriend ie. high priced prostitute. And in Sheras case much less someone trying to get a HVM 6 figures to commit to a LTR or marriage.
SB game is a very young girls game 18-21 sometimes they can stretch it up to 24 but after that these rich men who are into that kind of arrangement aren’t checking for them. I think there a lot of gurus-come-lately to the Femininity platforms they’ve seen a niche that is lucrative and works so they’re trying to cash in and get their coin too. That doesn’t mean they’re legit.

On the femininity I would definitely seek a real woman who is actually feminine and is really giving true tips that work to positioning oneself for a HVM.
I would also go into men’s platforms (stealthily no commenting just getting info) and see what the men are talking about and what they really want. If your goal is to be LTR wife house in the suburbs 2.5 kids 2 dogs everything major bill paid for by HVH (high value husband) then it’s going to require listening to your end consumer... MEN! actually HVM. Just be prepared men are crude and hard when they’re in their only man spaces.

I think Micheala and Shera and many others are not the real deal and just caught onto some buzz words and are milking ot for all it’s worth. I don’t begrudge someone trying to make an honest living but if your not feminine you can’t teach femininity if you’re not leveled up IRL you can’t teach how to level up successfully. It’s just simple logic. They would have done better to stick to general dating advice.

eta: Let’s put it this way, if HRH Princess Megan Winsor Duchess of Sussex (née Markle) put out a leveling up course, I’d buy it in a nanosecond.

I recomend watching

Kevin Samuels- it will be harsh they’re secular
I don’t know if he’s legit yet but he’s making some good points and a lot of men agree with him. He does harp about obesity and women being overweight a lot personal therapy to unpack the baggage not sleeping around, no OOW children, and just taking to regular guys who don’t listen to him a lot of guys think the same.

Ana Bey- School of affluence
She’s actually leveled herself up so I tend to think she knows what she’s talking about.

Lisa Hart
Femininity tips and tricks mostly how to dress walk make up etc.... no advice on how to actually level up

Nicole Michelle inner beauty
Her talks are very long and she goes off topic. A lot but some good points

Mrs Midwest
christian version of Lisa Hart

Michaela Pink: Youtube Star Who Teaches ‘Date Rich’ Arrested for Theft + Money Laundering​

Oliver moure
1 week ago
Less than a minute
Michaela Pink: Youtube Star Who Teaches ‘Date Rich’ Arrested for Theft + Money Laundering

Michaela Pink/Mikki Fox is one of the most popular Youtube relationship experts. She teaches women how to date, and eventually marry rich men – and her videos have millions of views.

Well, now Michaela is in a bit of trouble. MTO News learned that she has been arrested and charged with theft and money laundering.
Michaela is best known for her videos where she teaches women how to “level up”, increase their femininity, and secure the bag through dating and marriage.
On Feb. 10, MTO News learned that she was arrested for theft and money laundering. Here’s her mugshot.
This woman is 40 years old and she has 3 sons age 4, 9, and 17. It’s not clear how much time she’s facing, if convicted.
She recently divorced the father of her last two children to go “live her best life”. She’s made videos about dating life and claimed to simultaneously date over 10 men, who all give her thousands of dollars.
In a recent video, Michaela also hinted that she may got married to a multimillionaire.
Here’s a video of her, explaining to women how you should act around a rich

For some reason, this doesn't surprise me with her. Her hustling "spirit" didn't seem entrepreneurial. Hope she gets out of this scrape though.

(eta: It appears that her YouTube channel is down.)
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Ladies, please stop listening to Kevin Samuels. He is Red Pill/MGTOW. I've dated red pill men, you don't want to attract a man that listens to this ideology. All the men I know IRL that listen to him are dusty.

There another long thread about him on the other site. Men have been told all their lives about how they don't measure up. Kevin gives hope to the men in their 40s that have wasted their youths underperforming. He tells them they have hope to still date young, attractive women in their 50s and 60s although that's a bit delusional.

For some reason, his show seems to attract the type of men that he's talking to, but since they watch they feel like he's really not. Does that make sense?

Kevin's show gives underperforming men a sense of escapism.
Ladies, please stop listening to Kevin Samuels. He is Red Pill/MGTOW. I've dated red pill men, you don't want to attract a man that listens to this ideology. All the men I know IRL that listen to him are dusty.

There another long thread about him on the other site. Men have been told all their lives about how they don't measure up. Kevin gives hope to the men in their 40s that have wasted their youths underperforming. He tells them they have hope to still date young, attractive women in their 50s and 60s although that's a bit delusional.

For some reason, his show seems to attract the type of men that he's talking to, but since they watch they feel like he's really not. Does that make sense?

Kevin's show gives underperforming men a sense of escapism.
Agreed. He’s a clown.