Femininity Coaches & Dating Advice

Do you follow femininity coaches?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 39.6%
  • No

    Votes: 30 56.6%
  • I am a feminine coach

    Votes: 2 3.8%

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Why people gotta be so creepy? Is she a witch?

Oh I have no idea if she's a witch but I do see where she's coming from now that I'm a coach. Someone purchased a digital product from me (actually a member here :nono:) that was fairly inexpensive but requested a refund...I mean, she got the product and a free coaching session then requested a refund :confused: It wasn't worth the effort to try and "fight" for the money (and I no longer sell on that particular platform and have an iron-clad policy on my website now) but that you can't be on a personal development journey but not be willing to invest anything. It's simple math: nothing comes from nothing. No judgement but I'm just sharing my opinion :yep:
I think this is what Alison Armstrong talks about when she accuses some women of using femininity and masculine dynamics to « hurt » men.

SheRa breaks down the psychology and techniques to get what you want.. while acting feminine.

I love Alison because I've learned how to appreciate (the good) men on a deeper level for what they are trying to do in life and for women. And, I also love SheRa because she's right about men coming at you with the full court press for that 1 thing a woman has. So, it makes sense for women to have their own agenda too: to get him to invest in you while he's in your space and taking up your time trying to get that thang. :look:
Oh I have no idea if she's a witch but I do see where she's coming from now that I'm a coach. Someone purchased a digital product from me (actually a member here :nono:) that was fairly inexpensive but requested a refund...I mean, she got the product and a free coaching session then requested a refund :confused: It wasn't worth the effort to try and "fight" for the money (and I no longer sell on that particular platform and have an iron-clad policy on my website now) but that you can't be on a personal development journey but not be willing to invest anything. It's simple math: nothing comes from nothing. No judgement but I'm just sharing my opinion :yep:
Wow just wow. That’s horrible. I’m sorry sis
Oh I have no idea if she's a witch but I do see where she's coming from now that I'm a coach. Someone purchased a digital product from me (actually a member here :nono:) that was fairly inexpensive but requested a refund...I mean, she got the product and a free coaching session then requested a refund :confused: It wasn't worth the effort to try and "fight" for the money (and I no longer sell on that particular platform and have an iron-clad policy on my website now) but that you can't be on a personal development journey but not be willing to invest anything. It's simple math: nothing comes from nothing. No judgement but I'm just sharing my opinion :yep:

I literally had my mouth open for a few seconds reading this story. With my 2 year old asking me what's wrong...lol.
It's really too bad you had to experience this.
Adrienne Everheart
Helena Hart
Antonio Borello

Coming across their content has been a game changer for me. Especially Adrienne Everheart and her scripting. Her e-book 500 Ways To Talk To A Man was very helpful when I was dating.

If anyone is interested I can email my copy. Pm me.
Super late to the party but would you pretty please send me a copy also??
So Adrienne Everheart said in one of her videos if you desire to be married..every once in a while...wear a ring on your ring finger when you’re out and about running errands to help manifest it.


I would be afraid that someone who may be interested in me sees me with the ring from a far and thinks I’m married or worse someone I know is shocked to know that I’m married. It would be hard to explain. When I manifest at night I imagine a ring on my finger and I pretend I’m twirling it on my finger. I try to imagine how it feels on my hand.
I would be afraid that someone who may be interested in me sees me with the ring from a far and thinks I’m married or worse someone I know is shocked to know that I’m married. It would be hard to explain. When I manifest at night I imagine a ring on my finger and I pretend I’m twirling it on my finger. I try to imagine how it feels on my hand.
I might try wearing it around the house or wearing it at night. I’ll try reading my desired husband script then sleep with a ring on
I was looking into namaste and her SOFT courses but not only does he site look poorly maintained but sis wants $2,400??? She’s wild
Micheala Pink is about the sugar baby game. Not about true leveling up ie LTR marriage with a HVM. She’s so obviously ghetto (sorry, not sorry) and very masculine in demeanor, and tone, the lip smacking, the fake accent and demeanor that changes up within seconds and she goes back and forth from ghetto to trying to sound upper class (she only half sounds middle class when trying) against her fake green screen background. In one of her broadcasts she literally told a young 19yo to loose her virginity to get into the sugar baby game instead of getting into a stable relationship and getting married. I will try and find the link later and post it.
Micheala Pink also has scam complaints against her for fraudulent practices regarding her programs.

-From a friend who lives Houston where MP is located.


As far as I know it’s only Michaela Pink that was ripping off women with her sugaring boot camp and online academy. These are links from Ripoff Report site

Shera seven is just a step above ghetto she’s not refined she also smacks her lips, gives of that yeah girl ex hood rat vibe, she’s leveled up some but not 6 figure HVM level and she has witchcraft paraphernalia in the background just FYI.

Ladies please be discerning when watching these so called gurus. If they don’t look sound or act like they’ve actually leveled themselves up then I don’t buy it. Neither of these women carry themselves in a way that I would think they were actually leveled up beyond lower to middle class.

MP and Shera don’t look the part or even dress the part of a true sugar baby or professional girlfriend ie. high priced prostitute. And in Sheras case much less someone trying to get a HVM 6 figures to commit to a LTR or marriage.
SB game is a very young girls game 18-21 sometimes they can stretch it up to 24 but after that these rich men who are into that kind of arrangement aren’t checking for them. I think there a lot of gurus-come-lately to the Femininity platforms they’ve seen a niche that is lucrative and works so they’re trying to cash in and get their coin too. That doesn’t mean they’re legit.

On the femininity I would definitely seek a real woman who is actually feminine and is really giving true tips that work to positioning oneself for a HVM.
I would also go into men’s platforms (stealthily no commenting just getting info) and see what the men are talking about and what they really want. If your goal is to be LTR wife house in the suburbs 2.5 kids 2 dogs everything major bill paid for by HVH (high value husband) then it’s going to require listening to your end consumer... MEN! actually HVM. Just be prepared men are crude and hard when they’re in their only man spaces.

I think Micheala and Shera and many others are not the real deal and just caught onto some buzz words and are milking ot for all it’s worth. I don’t begrudge someone trying to make an honest living but if your not feminine you can’t teach femininity if you’re not leveled up IRL you can’t teach how to level up successfully. It’s just simple logic. They would have done better to stick to general dating advice.

eta: Let’s put it this way, if HRH Princess Megan Winsor Duchess of Sussex (née Markle) put out a leveling up course, I’d buy it in a nanosecond.

I recomend watching

Kevin Samuels- it will be harsh they’re secular
I don’t know if he’s legit yet but he’s making some good points and a lot of men agree with him. He does harp about obesity and women being overweight a lot personal therapy to unpack the baggage not sleeping around, no OOW children, and just taking to regular guys who don’t listen to him a lot of guys think the same.

Ana Bey- School of affluence
She’s actually leveled herself up so I tend to think she knows what she’s talking about.

Lisa Hart
Femininity tips and tricks mostly how to dress walk make up etc.... no advice on how to actually level up

Nicole Michelle inner beauty
Her talks are very long and she goes off topic. A lot but some good points

Mrs Midwest
christian version of Lisa Hart
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So Adrienne Everheart said in one of her videos if you desire to be married..every once in a while...wear a ring on your ring finger when you’re out and about running errands to help manifest it.

Sounds like new age, the secret, call on your genie universe, hippee voodoo. Sounds like hanging a mans jacket in your closet so you can “attract” a man. I don‘t think just wearing a ring will do anything but make people think you’re already engaged or married. Maybe spend that time becoming the female compliment counterpart to the HVM you want to attract would get better results.
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I recomend watching

Kevin Samuels- it will be harsh they’re secular
I don’t know if he’s legit yet but he’s making some good points and a lot of men agree with him. He does harp about obesity and women being overweight a lot personal therapy to unpack the baggage not sleeping around, no OOW children, and just taking to regular guys who don’t listen to him a lot of guys think the same.

Ana Bey- School of affluence
She’s actually leveled herself up so I tend to think she knows what she’s talking about.

Lisa Hart
Femininity tips and tricks mostly how to dress walk make up etc.... no advice on how to actually level up

Nicole Michelle inner beauty
Her talks are very long and she goes off topic. A lot but some good points

Mrs Midwest
christian version of Lisa Hart

@Lucia, I can't tell you much I appreciated your commentary on both Ms. Pink and Shera7, as if fully articulated my feelings on them, (heck, you even gave more intel than I expected, but thanks again). I listen to Nicole Michelle (infrequently now since she hasn't put up a vid in a while), and I find her assessments very insightful. Kevin Samuels however, doesn't seem legit. I've only watched a portion of some of his videos, but to me, he's in the scary/coaxing business, cajoling black women into buying his programs. He has the "if you don't buy my programs, white women will and they'll get your high value man", "at my last seminar there were nothing but non-black women learning my techniques, yall missing out" spiel going, which I found off-putting, so I stopped listening to him. I'm going to listen to the other three you recommended as their information may actually be beneficial.

eta: Let’s put it this way, if HRH Princess Megan Winsor Duchess of Sussex (née Markle) put out a leveling up course, I’d buy it in a nanosecond.

#FACTS :yep:
Oh I have no idea if she's a witch but I do see where she's coming from now that I'm a coach. Someone purchased a digital product from me (actually a member here :nono:) that was fairly inexpensive but requested a refund...I mean, she got the product and a free coaching session then requested a refund :confused: It wasn't worth the effort to try and "fight" for the money (and I no longer sell on that particular platform and have an iron-clad policy on my website now) but that you can't be on a personal development journey but not be willing to invest anything. It's simple math: nothing comes from nothing. No judgement but I'm just sharing my opinion :yep:
The only people I know of who put “blessings” on their work are witches and warlocks or voodooists.
Christians don’t do this or have a need to. You’ll always get a trouble maker or difficult client once in a while it happens. Some people try and take others down on purpose but I’ve seen her video she sounds very new age hippie magic to me.
Kevin is a toss up. He makes tons of great points and really opened my eyes that alot of women only focus on what they want from a man and completely ignore what men themselves are saying what they really want. He does tend to argue alot with only women and ignores when men call into his show. He only wants to argue. If a woman calls into his show to compliment him he’ll quickly get them off the line. But to argue he’ll take all the time he needs.
but i cant front i appreciate his cut and dry bluntness because people tend to tippy toe and “find the right words” when it comes to telling women the honest truth.
Sheraseven has her spells and rituals page so for those who were wondering yes she’s not just using LOA to quote manifest (new age Yoga and LOA is a doorway to witchcraft and the occult Btw)

If you look at the titles it’s obvious and she’s not hiding it.

@Belle Du Jour
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