Feeling the Pressure


Well-Known Member
I want to know - who's feeling the pressure from family, friends, significant other(s), co-workers and the hostess at your favorite restaurant to get married??? And who's just not ready yet???

Me and my "ex-so" (no hard feelings) of 6 years recently split. And MAN was I starting to feel the pressure. His family "so when are ya'll getting married?? (huh?). We used to go to this seafood spot ALL the time - and the hostess "so yall getting married yet??? (huh?).

And it used to frustrate me to no end. Forget him, I AM JUST NOT READY RIGHT NOW. And when I would say this to people, folks just couldn't handle it. His mom even said to me "but all girls, deep down want to get married" - which is true to some extent. But that doesn't mean right now. Sure, when I'm 75, I want to be in my rocking chair, on the front stoop with some l'il grand chil'run running around, but that doesn't mean I'm ready to set that plan into motion RIGHT NOW.

Why is it ok for a man to "not be ready" but for us ladies - not being ready to get married is like being black with no rhythm - folks just DONT get it?
I want to know - who's feeling the pressure from family, friends, significant other(s), co-workers and the hostess at your favorite restaurant to get married??? And who's just not ready yet???

My mom seems to want to marry me off, now that my older sister is about to get married. My dad is more chill. I don't necessarily feel "pressure," I'm still in my 20's, but sometimes it annoys me. I'm not necessarily ready to be married, but I would like to be in a relationship. However, I know that there are some things I need to do. Within a year, I would like to be in a relationship with someone special, so I'm doing a lot of things to prepare myself. I'm together financially and physically, but I would like to have greater confidence in myself. I think I bring a lot to the table, and I want someone who can also do the same!
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I tend to feel more pressure when I'm involved with someone. The worst is when they try to put you on the spot in front of the whole family.

Someone tried that mess with me about 8 years ago and boy, did they get it. Hasn't happened since. If you ream someone out one good time, the word spreads and folks know to leave you alone. :lol: